Still don't believe he's a muslim?

rioseco's Avatar
You dumb shit he didn't defend muslim atrocities Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Yes he did defend islamic terror in the self serving halfass manner in which he approaches everything !
boardman's Avatar
What Christians did over a thousand years ago doesn't justify what Muslims are doing now.
Depending on your point of view the Crusades were either an attempt to prevent Islam from moving West or a Papal sanctioned effort to spread Christianity to the East.

In either case, the Christians finally realized they were misinterpreting the Great Commission and basically asked themselves if killing in Christ's name to enforce that Commission was what he intended. Changes in the church resulted in a change in thought that remains for the most part today. Evangelize to all men and all nations but do it in peace. Islam has not had the same renaissance.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 08:33 AM
So much to comment on in one thread! Where to start?

All religion breeds violence. Christianity has become corporate. It's now more of a big business. It still has its violent extremists, but admittedly, Muslims are breeding the most violent extremists at the moment. I have to agree partially with Obama. We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with the lunatic fringe of Islam. I don't know why he shies away from the term "radical Islam". Mainstream Christians understand there is a lunatic fringe, like Westboro Baptist and the militant anti-abortion nuts. Those terms do not reflect the underlying religion. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thanks for some sanity in this conversation.

Unfortunately, not every post in here is sane. Let us look at IB's reply to my post which was actually AGREEING with him:
How does any of that excuse or justify 21st Century Muslims kidnapping women and children and selling them into slavery. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

It doesn't. Just as the atrocities committed by the Czar does not excuse Stalin. Nor the atrocities of plantation owners excuse or justify what some blacks do today.

But the fact that years or generations have passed does not excuse the atrocities that happened before.

They are all wrong. Originally Posted by Old-T
And you would be the ignorant fool for trying to impose your 21st century values on a 17th century society, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
IB, you wonder why I poke fun at you, insult you, and tell everyone that you are a pathetic demented fool? THIS is why. I AGREE with you that old atrocities do not justify new ones. Atrocities are just that--atrocities. But YOU, as soon as you see that I posted within 100 miles of your post, you attack with lies and stupidity.

I mentioned four wrongs. For situations of hate and evil. So now, once and forever, go on record and tell me which of these four wrongs you think is actually OK:
--Czarist Russian treatment of the vassals in Russia?
--Stalin's gulags?
--Slavery in the US?
--Black centric violence in the US today--be it black on black, black on white, etc?

Which of these four evil practices do YOU think is actually NOT evil? You very directly call me an ignorant fool for believing they are all wrong, so even a simpleton like you knows that means you think one of them is NOT an atrocity.

Come on, speak up asshole. We know from your numerous posts that it isn't Stalin--in your odd universe a communist can't even breath without being an affront to humanity. In the same vein we know it can't be Black centric violence--we KNOW where you stand on blacks who don't understand their place.

That only leaves two: either you think Czarist Russia was peachy keen, or you are still longing for the return of Dixie slavery. Which is it? (We all know you are an ardent defender of slavery from your past posts, but I want to hear it from you directly.)

Looks like you have backed yourself in a corner, haven't you?

--You either owe me a very sincere apology for attacking me, and now admit that all four things I named WERE atrocities (and we all know you would cut your own throat before apologizing to me)


--Tell us that I was wrong listing those four events as evil. WHICH OF THOSE MURDEROUS EVENT DO YOU SUPPORT?

I don't really expect you to actually answer the very simple question: Apologize or admit you are a pro-slavery bigot.

You truly are a pathetic human being. I do NOT accuse most the anti-Obama posters of being racist, but it is very hard not to see it in your posts, not when you distort, evade, and lie so often in your support of slavery and the confederacy. You make it exceedingly difficult--no, impossible--to see you any other way.

Apologize, admit your attack of me was an emotional over reaction, acknowledge that ALL FOUR of those evils were just that, evil, and you will have taken the first step in your personal redemption. But I doubt you can do it.

What Christians did over a thousand years ago doesn't justify what Muslims are doing now.
Depending on your point of view the Crusades were either an attempt to prevent Islam from moving West or a Papal sanctioned effort to spread Christianity to the East.

In either case, the Christians finally realized they were misinterpreting the Great Commission and basically asked themselves if killing in Christ's name to enforce that Commission was what he intended. Changes in the church resulted in a change in thought that remains for the most part today. Evangelize to all men and all nations but do it in peace. Islam has not had the same renaissance. Originally Posted by boardman
A pleasant change: sanity!

Yes he did defend islamic terror in the self serving halfass manner in which he approaches everything ! Originally Posted by rioseco
THIS is why so many of the threads on this board are nothing more than stupid rants. The fact that he didn't say what you would have said is a far cry from supporting anytrhing. Go back and do some basic reading in what so many on here consider a foundational document. Remember, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? By your logic, and that of many on this thread, Jesus was defending sin with that statement. Amazing how some of the most strenuous Thumpers don't really practice what they Thump (not saying you are a Thumper, I don't know).
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're the incredibly fucked-in-the-head moron, Old-THUMPER. You demean the religious as ignorant and intolerant, but then you are the very manifestation of ignorance and intolerance, Old-THUMPER. Kings and queens and slavery were the socially acceptable norm for thousands of years, Old-THUMPER. Your insistence that people who lived in a different era should have acted and believed as you do, Old-THUMPER, proves you are a incredibly ignorant fool and a pretentious jackass. BTW, you fucking screwball, the Nazis and Stalin are of our era and violated the societal norms of our era, so you fucking equivocate when you disingenuously use them as examples to support your POV, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 09:03 AM
So yes, you support slavery. You see nothing wrong with it. The evils and suffering that was endured by slaves is cool with you because people did it for thousands of years. That is what we all knew about you before, but hank you for publicly acknowledging it.

And I am far from anti-religeon. I am quite accepting of religion, I just have little tolerance for people who hide behind any book and use it to justify subjugating others either physically or mentally.

Tell me again:
--How do you justify your support of slavery with the new testament?
--How do you respond to my casting the first stone question above?

By the way, since I know you find it interesting, LESS THAN 10 POSTS TO GO!!!!! You can probably do that before lunch.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So yes, you support slavery. You see nothing wrong with it. The evils and suffering that was endured by slaves is cool with you because people did it for thousands of years. That is what we all knew about you before, but hank you for publicly acknowledging it.

And I am far from anti-religeon. I am quite accepting of religion, I just have little tolerance for people who hide behind any book and use it to justify subjugating others either physically or mentally.

Tell me again:
--How do you justify your support of slavery with the new testament?
--How do you respond to my casting the first stone question above?

By the way, since I know you find it interesting, LESS THAN 10 POSTS TO GO!!!!! You can probably do that before lunch.

Originally Posted by Old-T
Your posts are indistinguishable from the 19th century "Bible thumpers" you so detest, Old-THUMPER. Your lunatic ravings will never change how the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Persians, the Romans, the Chinese, the Russians, the English, the Portuguese, the Spanish, the French, the Moors, the Ottomans, the Americas, etc., accepted both monarchical rule and slavery, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 09:20 AM
I never thought I would change how they saw things. You do realize those folks are dead and unlikely to change their opinions on much of anything now. I just said their actions were wrong.

You clearly do not agree. You think slavery, lynching, using female slaves as forced sexual objects, etc., were all moral. I don't. By your logic, you also approve of human sacrifice.

How you toss in monarchy into this discussion I don't understand. Monarchy is itself neither evil nor good. What individual monarchs or monarchies do might be good or evil or somewhere in between.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I never thought I would change how they saw things. You do realize those folks are dead and unlikely to change their opinions on much of anything now. I just said their actions were wrong.

You clearly do not agree. You think slavery, lynching, using female slaves as forced sexual objects, etc., were all moral. I don't. By your logic, you also approve of human sacrifice.

How you toss in monarchy into this discussion I don't understand. Monarchy is itself neither evil nor good. What individual monarchs or monarchies do might be good or evil or somewhere in between.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You, Old-THUMPER, are the one who introduced monarchies with your reference to czars, you stupid jackass. And your the stupid fuck that defends Native American, e.g., Aztec human sacrifice and Native American ritual cannibalism, theology against Spanish Christianity, you stupid trolling jackass. Plus, your jackass attempts at projection reflect your stupidity, Old-THUMPER.
Sickpuppy's Avatar
The irony is Obama frequently uses the phrase “because it’s the right thing to do” to try to justify his agenda, such as open borders, free college, free health care, lower rates on student loans, etc, etc. But when it comes to stopping the current murders of innocent women, children and men, regardless of race, color, creed or religion, he forgets his own edict. I could have searched and watched the beheading videos on the net but chose not to. This time, I found and watched the incineration of a live human being and I admit, I cried for him and his family. If you haven’t seen it, your comments here lack support because you don’t know what they endured and what we’re up against. If you have seen it and can still defend Obama’s inaction, I feel sorry for you.

It is time to end the censorship of the ISIS murder videos on national TV. Americans can no longer choose to divert their eyes from the horror, hoping it will magically go away. Censorship promotes ignorance and ignorance allows the atrocities to continue and attain new heights of depravity. Most of us have seen the shocking photos and the films of the Holocaust. Some may dismiss them as surreal acts committed by monsters from the past. Yet, had we seen those images when the Nazis were torturing and murdering innocents, we might have acted sooner. Enough is enough. I believe we as a people are better than that. I believe God is watching and waiting, again.

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free.”
Clarence Darrow
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 09:41 AM
You, Old-THUMPER, are the one who introduced monarchies with your reference to czars, you stupid jackass. And your the stupid fuck that defends Native American, e.g., Aztec human sacrifice and Native American ritual cannibalism, theology against Spanish Christianity, you stupid trolling jackass. Plus, your jackass attempts at projection reflect your stupidity, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He's melting!!!!!!!
You know, your correct. Why don't you come over for dinner. We're having roast missionary on a spit with assorted root vegetables tonight.

By the way, thanks for recognizing I am a card-carrying member of the NMAI and believe the European killing of up to 95% of the native American population was wrong.

Three to go!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar

Five to go!!!!! Originally Posted by Old-T
And yet Old-THUMPER lyingly claims that he is not a stalking troll!

BTW, Cortez had Native American allies when he defeated the Aztecs. So you wholly misattribute how many Native Americans were intentionally killed by "Europeans", Old-THUMPER, and you just went on record that you are defending human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism, Old-THUMPER.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 09:44 AM
The irony is Obama frequently uses the phrase “because it’s the right thing to do” to try to justify his agenda, such as open borders, free college, free health care, lower rates on student loans, etc, etc. But when it comes to stopping the current murders of innocent women, children and men, regardless of race, color, creed or religion, he forgets his own edict. I could have searched and watched the beheading videos on the net but chose not to. This time, I found and watched the incineration of a live human being and I admit, I cried for him and his family. If you haven’t seen it, your comments here lack support because you don’t know what they endured and what we’re up against. If you have seen it and can still defend Obama’s inaction, I feel sorry for you.

It is time to end the censorship of the ISIS murder videos on national TV. Americans can no longer choose to divert their eyes from the horror, hoping it will magically go away. Censorship promotes ignorance and ignorance allows the atrocities to continue and attain new heights of depravity. Most of us have seen the shocking photos and the films of the Holocaust. Some may dismiss them as surreal acts committed by monsters from the past. Yet, had we seen those images when the Nazis were torturing and murdering innocents, we might have acted sooner. Enough is enough. I believe we as a people are better than that. I believe God is watching and waiting, again. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
Can't argue with any of that. Well said.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You dumb shit he didn't defend muslim atrocities Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Talk about dumb...

Obama created moral equivalency between Christianity of 900 years ago to Islam of today. That is a huge stretch for anyone to make much less a "constitutional scholar" like Barry the Mad Boy-King. Do you stand by his attempt to compare the two?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Talk about dumb...

Obama created moral equivalency between Christianity of 900 years ago to Islam of today. That is a huge stretch for anyone to make much less a "constitutional scholar" like Barry the Mad Boy-King. Do you stand by his attempt to compare the two? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Link, asshole.

You haven't denounced Pol Pot, JDIdiot.

Why do you continue to condone genocidal maniacs, JDIdiot.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 03:26 PM
Talk about dumb...

Obama created moral equivalency between Christianity of 900 years ago to Islam of today. That is a huge stretch for anyone to make much less a "constitutional scholar" like Barry the Mad Boy-King. Do you stand by his attempt to compare the two? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
1. No, that is not what he did.
2. If he had, it wouldn't have been a that far off.

Tell me how the inquisition was very different than what we despise going on today. Or ethnic cleansing by the Serbs. Or "bringing Christianity to the heathens" in the Americas. Ever talk to someone from Acoma and ask them how that church up on the mesa was built?

What Christianity did for hundreds of years was wrong and barbaric, but the message I heard in that speech (which I thought was a poor to mediocre speech in terms of construct and delivery) was "Lots of religions have done horrific things in the past when they were controlled by the extreme faction. But christians have passed beyond that because the fringe no longer is in control. Islam needs to do the same." That is a far cry from condoning Islamic atrocities--and in my mind the right point to make. It must be the moderate Muslims who reign in the radicals. Trying to obliterate them as some of you would do just makes martyrs. They must reign themselves in.