Guys-What's the first thing you notice when meeting a provider?

burkalini's Avatar
I would always look at cleanliness and demeanor. I usually had some kind of idea of what they looked like but how they acted was another thing. I liked providers that were able to carry on a conversation and not stuck up and too business like.
Actually, I pop her eyeball out and hold it up to a non-flourescent light! Come on.... Maybe I'm a body language geek, but still.... Pupil dilation is an OBVIOUS indication of sexual attraction. Humans cant fake this or control it. This is a discussion about what we "notice".... Assuming we are not feeling out way around in a dark room.... I Originally Posted by greenibanez
I'm a little confused by this, I did not know that the pupils did this when one is sexually attracted. Hmmm...something new every day!

I think the first thing the men notice when I gree them is my DFK skills!
Actually, I pop her eyeball out and hold it up to a non-flourescent light! Come on.... Maybe I'm a body language geek, but still.... Pupil dilation is an OBVIOUS indication of sexual attraction.... Originally Posted by greenibanez
I know what you mean Tiff....The big pupil thing is also an "obvious sign" of attraction to I hope he doesn't confuse this with sexual attraction...but sometimes it IS hard to tell.....
texas_tech's Avatar
Eyes, smile, boobs and how she's dressed (undressed) in that order. I don't notice the pupil thing until a little later after we've had a chance to visit. A shocked look is usually a bad sign, tho.
After the look of shock, the next worse thing for me is usually the stinging in my eyes....I just hate the smell of pepper-spray!!!
as i prefer slender or petite girls i tend to book these type girls [ there have been several spectacular exceptions and variatins to the norm] and as the door opens i see if im getting what i thought. thanks to these sites, reviews and showcases dissapointment or extreme surprises are few and far between but in the old days of alternative mag ads it was amazing how many 36-24-36 115 lb petite busty blonde 24 yr olds transformed into 46-36-46 170 lb bbw gray haired 52 yr olds.
totally agreed , the first moment comes up when all prearangements had been set up successfully .... than 1. look in the eyes , good ? ...than 2. hands /fingers ....still good ? 3. all " features " there where they belong ))) according to the wish list ... still no oooh Mama Mia ? ))) ... ok , lets get startet .... voice and eyes make my impression ( yes , and communikation skills - i.e how to construct a sentence )
Its always the eyes that tell the story for me and then the facial expression. If I get a "glad to see you smile" and "I want you" eyes, then I know I will have a nice time no matter how the lady looks.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
The eyes! If she doesnt make eye contact with me I am a bit leery of physical contact. Why? I get the impression she is there because she wants the $ and get it over with ASAP.

And there is always the possibility she views me as very unattractive and it's time to get it over with and get out.

No, I dont expect to be greeted / treated like a long lost lover but experienced hobbyists will understand what I mean here.
As soon as the door opens and the first few minutes what are you looking for/thinking?...Obviously you want to make sure it's the same girl in the pictures, but actual specifics?... Just curious.. Originally Posted by Valerie

Interesting to read thus far that so many of the replies have commented about the "eyes" being the first thing that is looked upon as being the clue as to how the "date" will proceed! For me I guess the eyes do play a portion of the first few minute assessment, but I'd have to say it is the lady's overall "attitude" that I pay particular attention to more than anything else! For me, her initial attitude (fake or genuine) reveals to me whether or not the following hour (or what's left of it) will be anywhere close to what I have imagined it would be! Attitude (to me) encompasses several avenues such as the way she is dressed, her smile, whether or not I'm greeted with a kiss &/or hug, willingness to make prolonged eye contact! Give me three to four minutes meeting with a provider for the first time and I'll already know whether or not I'll have a truly good time with her, or I'm about to TOFTT!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
I just don't get this "eyes" thing. I'd get it if this were a real date with a civie girl because here, reactions do matter. When I meet a provider, I really could care less what her eyes tell me about whether she is attracted to me or genuinely excited. We both know why we are there--sex. So I'm not really interested in some type of mutual self attraction or emotional connection. I rarely even notice a provider's eyes other in the context of looking at her.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Cpalmson, ^ But damn .. providers are still humans and some of us just happen to have beautiful eyes. I'm sure you've met some civie girls you just wanted to bang... right? LOL. My clients tell me I have beautiful eyes and lips all the time.. so I'm sure everyone doesn't feel that way.
My clients tell me I have beautiful eyes and lips all the time.. so I'm sure everyone doesn't feel that way. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
What do you expect them to say when they're in bed banging away??? "Hey, you're butt ugly, but you give a good screw." Of course not, even if it were true.

I'd just take what I hear in the middle of a session with a grain (or pound) of salt.

As a matter of fact, I'd be really skeptical about any comments where the basis of the relationship is an exchange of money.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Um .. I never said my clients said that when we're in bed. Major fail there charles. I also don't dirty talk in bed. I find it a bit embarassing .. at least to me.. I'm just not good at it lol. Just being honest.
i am all about the i am typically looking for that knockout stature that says bamm!!!!! hit this baby.... but usually that is when the door swings open the dress of seduction is screaming to be let down.

otherwise....i noticed the chest on up. i try and make contact to say im the neighbor next door that keeps peeping while cutting the grass or taking out the trash.