Did you think it would take long for this shit to come out?

  • DSK
  • 02-15-2017, 08:47 AM
Sessions won't go after a white person. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm sure he will find one or two to sacrifice for show, just to prove you wrong.

He hates you also.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm sure he will find one or two to sacrifice for show, just to prove you wrong.

He hates you also. Originally Posted by DSK
Then he'll leave him alone to wander aimlessly about the neighborhood.

So long as he stays in Austin.
  • DSK
  • 02-15-2017, 04:37 PM
Then he'll leave him alone to wander aimlessly about the neighborhood.

So long as he stays in Austin. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not sure he understands the boundaries.
  • DSK
  • 02-15-2017, 04:53 PM
We'll see soon enough.

Y'all done fucked up.

He's a liar. He's a cheater. He's an asshole.

And. He's. A. Russian. Asset. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
As smart as you claim to be, why can't you see that Donny and Vlad are engineering a crises so they can divide up the world?

Wouldn't you want Russia on your side if you had the control of the US government?

Who is going to stop Trump now?

Not me. I've decided that if I'm drafted I'll claim CO status.
Tick tock.

The clock is running out on Herr Twitler.



Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.

American law enforcement and intelligence agencies intercepted the communications around the same time that they were discovering evidence that Russia was trying to disrupt the presidential election by hacking into the Democratic National Committee, three of the officials said. The intelligence agencies then sought to learn whether the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians on the hacking or other efforts to influence the election.

The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.

But the intercepts alarmed American intelligence and law enforcement agencies, in part because of the amount of contact that was occurring while Mr. Trump was speaking glowingly about the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin. At one point last summer, Mr. Trump said at a campaign event that he hoped Russian intelligence services had stolen Hillary Clinton’s emails and would make them public.

The officials said the intercepted communications were not limited to Trump campaign officials, and included other associates of Mr. Trump. On the Russian side, the contacts also included members of the Russian government outside of the intelligence services, the officials said. All of the current and former officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the continuing investigation is classified. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
FALSE. NYT lied and now retracted.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We'll see soon enough.

Y'all done fucked up.

He's a liar. He's a cheater. He's an asshole.

And. He's. A. Russian. Asset. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

bahaa your hot shit article got called out for the retread/rehash no evidence bs that it is.

yell yer putz ass off, dickhead. u show me any proof .. then we'll see. until then all yer doing is whining like a bitch

lucy .. lucy .. u got some 'splainin' to do!!!

QUOTE=canuckeight;1059192281]FALSE. NYT lied and now retracted.

So it doesn't bother you to have shit on your face if everyone else does too?
You're the last kind of person we need right now. And you sure the fuck aren't a retired E-9.
E-9s never retire and there's no way you could pass a peer review.
And now I know why shit on your face doesn't bother you. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Luke the puke is use to having shit on his face. Most of his waking hours are spent with his head up his ass, lol.

Tick tock.

The clock is running out on Herr Twitler.

BIGLY. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Poor Snicker Poodles...


President Trump, Prime Minister Netanyahu, President al-Sisi and King Abdullah Can Form The Freedom Alliance…
Posted on February 15, 2017 by sundance

Nothing sends the international consortium of global leftists into fits of unbridled rage like the historic appearance of a U.S. President and Israeli Prime Minister in a synergy for peace and strength.

Unfortunately, those who make their living within the various promotions of hate and rage will offer only luke warm support for this never-before-seen alliance of possibility. More likely, the Levin’s and Shapiro’s of the world will seek to undermine any potential stabilizing efforts; anticipate multiple masks falling yet again.

First, it must be emphasized how uniquely historic this moment is in history:

"Snicker Poodle"
FALSE. NYT lied and now retracted.
http://dailycaller.com/2017/02/14/jo...#ixzz4YlKmw0vY Originally Posted by canuckeight
These silly Liberals say there is no fake news, lol.
