why are not providers screened?

Budman's Avatar
You have 8 reviews, dog; pretty sure you're not a newbie. Originally Posted by 78704

Good point.
Good Point Gneiss guy. Recently had our new girl Maddie COED tell me I wasn't plausible because I didn't have premium access and no reviews. Being 19 and new, she has no way of knowing who or what existed on the previous board, how many reviews we might have had, our reputation, etc. But to her, having premium access here meant someone was legit.
Funny having legitimacy questioned from someone who already changed her handle out of fear of being recognized.

[If somebody changes their name for privacy reasons, it's inappropriate to connect the names on the board. Be careful next time]
barrister's Avatar
I don't have to quit hobbying just because I don't want to do it your way!

I do it twice a week most weeks.

I don't need to take any risks either. You're bogus choices are do it our way and take the risks we want you to.....or quit!

No way. You're bogus.

Independents just won't cooperate so they lose my business. Not my fault.

In four years I've looked at nine service managers and found three that were transparant. No criminal background on three. The rest though.....forget about it.

Now the Wildflowers guy is P's at me. Not my fault guy. When you show up at a meeting on a motorcycle, with long hair in pony tail, dressed like that, and everything else. Not the most safe looking impression. You're lifestyle choice pal.

How do you think the big guys do it? Elliot Spitzer's service was stand-up. It was somebody else who blew him up. Do you think guys like him do it different than me? Think they do it the way you want them too?
sixxbach's Avatar
To Budman, I am one provider that will require name and employment IF you are a newbie and requesting an appointment. I am an established lady that will see newbies. I have my requirements. If you don't like them then you don't have to see me. I do not budge on my screening. Ladies know and speak to eachother so we pretty much know who screens well and who we will trust a reference from, so this benefits a newbie in big ways. Guess what I do with your most valuable info after we have met..... I hit the delete button. I only maintain the info needed for a reference. Period. Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
yeah forget that......... im no newbie........ but i ain't telling no one where i work. you don't shit where u eat......... my mama told me that!
sixxbach's Avatar

How do you think the big guys do it? Elliot Spitzer's service was stand-up. It was somebody else who blew him up. Do you think guys like him do it different than me? Think they do it the way you want them too? Originally Posted by barrister
oh come on man......... so you are as important as spitzer was? u dont think trump and others like that fuck around??? they have their chumps go through screening, get the hooker, and come to poppa.......
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
yeah forget that......... im no newbie........ but i ain't telling no one where i work. you don't shit where u eat......... my mama told me that! Originally Posted by sixxbach
sixxbach, please don't tell me you can't understand the basic concept of a conditional statement. If you're not a newbie, the statement doesn't apply to you. If you're a newbie, i.e. someone with NO verifiable references, this is what she requires. That applies to ALMOST NOBODY on this board so for most of you hard legs, it's irrelevant. Move on.

I would also require name and employment from someone with no references or P411 or Datecheck (which do the same thing but are more anonymous). If they don't want to provide it and are unwilling to use a screening service, I recommend Crystal Kitty or Vikki Lyn, who somehow are able to tell if a guy is a cop or a psycho by talking to him on the phone. I can't tell anything by talking to someone on the phone so that won't work for me. But they can, so they can feel the guy out and if he's safe, they can vouch him into the rest of the community.

But as has been said umpteen billions of times. 99% of hobbyists have seen at least one girl before and can use her as a reference so it's a moot point.

Don't know why you are even talking about it.

Frankly, if this "barrister" (what is he from England?) hobbies as much as he claims to, he should also be able to provide a reference and forgo giving ANYONE his name. Twice a week and he can't come up with a single girl to vouch for him? PahLEEZE.

Being asked for personal info is NOT AN ISSUE for anyone who is not an absolute NEWBIE.
You don't have to be Elliot Spitzer to be the target of an outing, or threat of such, and all that goes along with it. I've had friends that were caught with women and it ruined their lives and cost them dearly in the wallet in divorces. Just because it doesn't lead to a public scandal doesn't mean it doesn't cost.
Barrister, you wouldn't happen to own an agency would you?
  • Vyt
  • 05-29-2010, 02:08 AM
Barrister, you wouldn't happen to own an agency would you? Originally Posted by cpi3000
I certainly get that impression.

I also think that for all the dramatic proclaiming he's doing about "looking people in the eye", "knowing whom they are" and deriding one agency head for "pulling up in a motorcycle with long hair"... well, he certainly has interesting ways of screening. I have known a few people involved in organized crime in my misspent youth, and oddly enough, they looked precisely like, well, barristers. Er, lawyers. Funny, that. I've also known many cyclists who are stand-up honorable people.

But of course you wouldn't be putting your by your own account impeccable reputation and safety at risk merely by judging based on your own stereotypes instead of fairly basic online research which virtually every independent provider stands up to under scrutiny far easier than any agency (and with less chance of a parasitical pimp behind the scenes). That would be silly.

And I'm sure "your papa" taught you not to be silly.
Budman's Avatar
I get the feeling you are not what/who you claim to be. Originally Posted by Budman
What agency are you with? I want to be sure and avoid it since your screening method is a hand job with lots of eye contact.
pyramider's Avatar
Barrister, I did not tell you how to hobby. I inferred that the way you hobby may not be the most discrete for someone in your position. Go forth and hobby anyway you please. Us "bogus" peons will hobby as we please.
  • Booth
  • 05-29-2010, 09:40 AM
Sorry but doesn't cut it yet.

Verified Provider here means she/he has good services, not that a background check
has been done to see if that person is a crook, predator, scumbag or armed robber.

For example....

Started doing business with Wildflowers, which I found on this site. Turned out the owner, calls himself "Max," but doesn't want anyone to know who he really is.

edited out real world information on another eccie member ...... tc2
If someone like that can be a verified provider then what does that tell you? Originally Posted by barrister
It tells me you should probably be banned for being a security risk.

Barrister, you wouldn't happen to own an agency would you? Originally Posted by cpi3000
What agency are you with? I want to be sure and avoid it since your screening method is a hand job with lots of eye contact. Originally Posted by Budman
I'm glad I read the entire thread before posting. Seems obvious that this guy either owns an agency or is trying to ingratiate himself with an agency owner.

I've hobbied for 30+ years and never once had to look a guy in the eye or shake a guy's hand in order to proceed. If that's what you're into then to each his own but who the fuck do you think you are coming in here passing judgement on others?
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 05-29-2010, 11:30 AM
Frankly, if this "barrister" (what is he from England?) hobbies as much as he claims to, he should also be able to provide a reference and forgo giving ANYONE his name. Twice a week and he can't come up with a single girl to vouch for him? PahLEEZE. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
My dear, from his use of the English language and the syntax and grammar of his posts, it's clear that he's neither a citizen of the UK nor a distinguished member of the bar with a doctoral degree in jurisprudence. I suspect that it's a simple case of a misunderstanding possibly subsequent to a typographical error while choosing a board handle. Perhaps he meant to type barista instead of barrister and the malapropism wasn't caught by spellchecker since the inadvertent substitution is also spelled correctly.
How do you think the big guys do it? Elliot Spitzer's service was stand-up. It was somebody else who blew him up.

Elliot Spitzer!?!? Now that idiot gave all of us mongers a bad name if you ask me...He paid through the nose for a girl that in my opinion wasn't even that hot looking, and then got on TV with his pissed off wife standing next to him and cried big ole crocodile tears while he "apologized" to the world...What really galls me about him though is that he harrassed the shit out of the escort industry while he was AG of New York. What a hypocrite! The pussy got what he deserved.
And then there was Heidi Fleiss...Remember her? The Hollywood madam that outed Charlie Sheen and some other hi-profile folks years ago?...And then there was another madam/service in DC just a couple years ago who got popped by LE too...Forget her name now, but she was threatening to turn over her black book, or prosecuters were after it or something like that...There were a few people in DC who got real nervous about that too as I recall. I think she may have threatened to out some of her customers if the prosecuters didn't lighten up on her. Don't recall now how that all worked out though.

When the shit hits the fan, Barrister, it doesn't matter whether you're a state Governor or an average Joe, the consequences are just as disasterous. Wife leaves, (or makes you wish that she would), you loose 1/2 your shit in the divorce, your kids get embarassed, etc. ...Life is just easier in this hobby if nobody knows who you are or where to find you..
There are many different levels in this little game of ours. To use a baseball analogy we are 2A. What your wanting is 1A or the bigs. Most of us do not have the connection or the cash to play in the big leagues.