Looking to get Away! !

August Black's Avatar
Cautiously.....I'll say the banned. Motorman was able to create threads and posts essentially advertising for SAB, never mind the fact that "he" has zero reviews or contribution. Then suddenly he does a complete flip and claims he was robbed.....twice. Should have posted a alert after the first alleged incident. Then despite questioning from Warren and a message from a mod he decided to hijack a few of her threads and then have a shitty alert.

It would be beneficial to get a mature response from him but the ban hammer has been dropped however there is another side to the story.........
I would have loved to hear his side of the story as well... Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Or you wouldn't....

I would have loved to hear his side of the story as well...
PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Sounds like you wouldn't... but I've got WOTS on the brain....

Another perfect example of 'don't drink and interweb' I bet.

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Ahhhh... so you have some pre conceived notions.... that's fun
Im not even gonna give this shit a response ....its funny ive been gettong all these great reviews n nothing bad until now ....yeah um pretty sure people aren't that stupid ....august black sais it all....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
hi girl best answer you are amazing in may ways

hi girl best answer you are amazing in may ways

Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Thanks osd....
Justin Heranus's Avatar
Sab hope you enjoy your vacation there. It is a beautiful country. I spent a summer a few years back horse back riding across the country. I have family there. If you can swing to buy property there go for it. You will be thanking me down the road for that. Best advice is learn a little bit about their culture and customs before going there or you might run in to a brick wall every now and then while there.

On a side note Sab this is not meant as a shot at you. You must be the lady with the golden pussy. The guys get hooked quick and then they loose their mind when they get cut off. I have to admit I have seen it and it is a might fine pussy.
Sab hope you enjoy your vacation there. It is a beautiful country. I spent a summer a few years back horse back riding across the country. I have family there. If you can swing to buy property there go for it. You will be thanking me down the road for that. Best advice is learn a little bit about their culture and customs before going there or you might run in to a brick wall every now and then while there.

On a side note Sab this is not meant as a shot at you. You must be the lady with the golden pussy. The guys get hooked quick and then they loose their mind when they get cut off. I have to admit I have seen it and it is a might fine pussy. Originally Posted by Justin Heranus
Thanks i needed that laugh
Justin Herpantz's Avatar
Why go Irish? I'd rather ya go fer the Greek aisles, maybe some Russian, always liked Asian, and what about Italian.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Why go Irish? I'd rather ya go fer the Greek aisles, maybe some Russian, always liked Asian, and what about Italian. Originally Posted by Justin Herpantz
girl need Irish Whisky ta see ya nude maybe
don't know, just thinking
and I don't want ta know