cough biden cough cough muddles through speech

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's up to you to get a good job, it's not up to the professors. Their only responsibility is teaching you their subject matter of expertise for you to get a good job... stop being a victim and look in the mirror. You don't blame others for your shortcomings. You own them and fix them to better yourself. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
What are you talking about? I am explaining why I don't think it's necessary for a professor to have a PhD. Not all professors have one. There are a few with only a master's degree.

Anyway, like I said, I would prefer to learn from someone with 4 years of industry experience over someone with 4 years of academic PhD research experience.

I'm not sure whether you have a college degree, but the schools I went to, they wrote the books themselves but also many were on the Board of Directors of Fortune 500 companies so they had plenty of industry experience. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I'm not sure what you are referring to. Most textbooks are pretty standard. For example, if you're taking calculus, chances are the professor is basing his or her lecture on a textbook issued by some company like Pearson or some other bullshit. I don't remember which company, and it depends on the curriculum, but for the most part, the textbooks you receive are pretty universal. Even people in other countries are reading something similar. That changes a little bit in graduate school when you begin to specialize. However, in my experience, most professors sucked at teaching and I learned way more from just reading the text book.

I also went to a state college and studied the physical sciences. So, your mileage may vary, as they say.
winn dixie's Avatar
Generally those that Can't. Teach!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
What are you talking about? I am explaining why I don't think it's necessary for a professor to have a PhD. Not all professors have one. There are a few with only a master's degree.

Anyway, like I said, I would prefer to learn from someone with 4 years of industry experience over someone with 4 years of academic PhD research experience.

I'm not sure what you are referring to. Most textbooks are pretty standard. For example, if you're taking calculus, chances are the professor is basing his or her lecture on a textbook issued by some company like Pearson or some other bullshit. I don't remember which company, and it depends on the curriculum, but for the most part, the textbooks you receive are pretty universal. Even people in other countries are reading something similar. That changes a little bit in graduate school when you begin to specialize. However, in my experience, most professors sucked at teaching and I learned way more from just reading the text book. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Geez, what a waste of time trying to use logic with you because you don't understand much.

Hell, you can have my job. I'm trying my best to get fired but they won't because they don't want to pay me for a year per the contractual agreement... it pays really well but the job sucks. I feel like a fucking babysitter with my team. I'm ready to ride solo.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s a bad act.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Geez, what a waste of time trying to use logic with you because you don't understand much. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
How were you using logic? We clearly have two very different experiences when it comes to our education.

I learned way more outside of the classroom than I did sleeping inside of a classroom. Yea, I slept a little bit, and I often did not bother attending class, because again, I could learn way more from reading.

Hell, you can have my job. I'm trying my best to get fired but they won't because they don't want to pay me for a year per the contractual agreement... it pays really well but the job sucks. I feel like a fucking babysitter with my team. I'm ready to ride solo. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Check your PMs.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Check your PMs. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
For what Strokey McBrokey? Because I hate my job and they won't fire me, genius? Yeah, that makes total fucking sense. LOL
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
For what Strokey McBrokey? Because I hate my job and they won't fire me, genius? Yeah, that makes total fucking sense. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I am PMing you.

Please check.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You PM'd me and called me the N-word for whatever odd reason. Is something wrong with you? I'm not even sure why you would call me that because it makes no sense. Is it because I've said I have good friends who are black broke racist? Only a complete racist would be comfortable with that ugly word.

Some clown is definitely caught up in his feelings. But I hope it made you feel better Strokey McBrokey. Don't PM me again. It's not like I want to hear from you unless it is out in the open for all to see. Don't be a coward. If you want to use racial slurs that don't make any sense, don't PM that person, put it out here for all to see... sure I could RTM it and probably get you banned but what the fuck do I care if you call me the N-word? And I don't RTM shit anyway so people can call me whatever. If you want to get banned or get points, it won't be coming from me hitting the RTM button.
winn dixie's Avatar
You PM'd me and called me the N-word for whatever odd reason. I'm not even sure why you would call me that because it makes no sense. LOL

Some clown is definitely caught up in his feelings. But I hope it made you feel better Strokey McBrokey. Don't PM me again. It's not like I want to hear from you unless it is out in the open for all to see. Don't be a coward. If you want to use racial slurs that don't make any sense, don't PM that person, put it out here for all to see. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
We dont believe you luka. Post his pm!
adav8s28's Avatar
Only a medical Doctor should be able to use the Dr. title.
They should rename all the others to something else! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Why, because you said so?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Stolen title.

WD just blurts out whatever he hears on OANN or InfoWars.
adav8s28's Avatar
I'm not sure whether you have a college degree, but the schools I went to, they wrote the books themselves but also many were on the Board of Directors of Fortune 500 companies so they had plenty of industry experience.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
For freshman Chemistry, that is how it was for me. A professor who was tenured wrote the text book and his text book was used by the other professors who taught the same subject.

You and SMD have some good points. Some professors are not good lectures, you could learn just as much from the book. I didn't rely on just the book, you could have something on a test that was not in the book.

I agree with SMD that grad students are paid cheaply for being a teaching assistant or running a lab. Plus they have to do their research to complete their thesis to get the PHD.

I agree with you it's not up to the professor to get you a job. That is what and is for once you have your degree. Some schools the fortune 500 companies would come recruit at the school. I remember having an interview with Xerox right on campus. My first job after I got my degree was with another company.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Some professors are not good lectures, you could learn just as much from the book. I didn't rely on just the book, you could have something on a test that was not in the book. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I won't lie. I barely even went to school when I got my graduate degrees. I would just find some nerd in my classes and befriend them so I would know about the quizzes and when to study and show up for them. I knew when the tests were because they were on the syllabus. But those quizzes were a bit tricky. That shit was not on the syllabus.

I did watch a lot of NYPD Blue and Law and Order reruns when I should have been in class though, so that was enough education for me to further my career even though my career has jack shit to do with law enforcement.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
LOL why are you freaking out over it?
adav8s28's Avatar
I won't lie. I barely even went to school when I got my graduate degrees. I would just find some nerd in my classes and befriend them so I would know about the quizzes and when to study and show up for them. I knew when the tests were because they were on the syllabus. But those quizzes were a bit tricky. That shit was not on the syllabus.

I did watch a lot of NYPD Blue and Law and Order reruns when I should have been in class though, so that was enough education for me to further my career even though my career has jack shit to do with law enforcement. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
If you could pass your graduate school classes without going to class, that's pretty good. I can see that at undergrad level but not for graduate school. For the record, I do believe you and lustylad went to one of the Ivy league schools, just like Trump and Bush43. There is no reason to lie about that on an escort board.