
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'll bet brasil is making that statement because he understands the science, not because Tucker or some other clown told him what to thinck. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
"he understands the science" lie he is being feed
and I don't watch Tucker..
Let’s see……we got bridges falling all over the country, Russians invading a country, China owning a huge portion of our country while we continue buying their products, Idiotic Koreans launching missles,, not to mention all the loonies in the Middle East…….oh, and, all the other domestic issues that need addressing……

And this is what we as a people find important to obsess over?


You all talk about “sheep”…..look at what you are obsessing over……whether to wear a mask or not. Whether to take a vaccine that MAY mitigate a pandemic.

Making sure that you all spout “talking points” and other bullshit fed to you by both sides. By the “Media” that is owned by the very corporations that are controlling the social media discord that they create, fuel and inflame.

Wake up people…….this is NOT what America is supposed to be.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
valkyra's Avatar
Let’s see……we got bridges falling all over the country, Russians invading a country, China owning a huge portion of our country while we continue buying their products, Idiotic Koreans launching missles,, not to mention all the loonies in the Middle East…….oh, and, all the other domestic issues that need addressing……

And this is what we as a people find important to obsess over?


You all talk about “sheep”…..look at what you are obsessing over……whether to wear a mask or not. Whether to take a vaccine that MAY mitigate a pandemic.

Making sure that you all spout “talking points” and other bullshit fed to you by both sides. By the “Media” that is owned by the very corporations that are controlling the social media discord that they create, fuel and inflame.

Wake up people…….this is NOT what America is supposed to be.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
something we can all agree on finally. thank you
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'll bet brasil is making that statement because he understands the science, not because Tucker or some other clown told him what to thinck. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
This is hilarious as there appears to be no consensus on the "science" and that the "experts" have spent the last two years contradicting themselves and the other "experts" with relentless abandon.
Presj22's Avatar
Unvaxxed and never infected:
Can catch covid.
Can pass to others.

Unvaxxed and infected at some point:
Can catch covid.
Can pass to others.

Can catch covid.
Can pass to others.

Vaxed and infected at some point:
Can catch covid.
Can pass to others.

Vaxxed to the max:
Can catch covid.
Can pass to others.

Any other questions? Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Vaxxed to the max. I caught covid within the last month. Wasn't bad. I have no underlying conditions. I'm good now. However, someone I believe I caught the Rona from wasn't vaxxed at all - early 20s feller with no underlying conditions. He was out of work for nearly a month. Some'll say it hits everyone different, and Some'll say that the vax works - to a degree.
This is hilarious as there appears to be no consensus on the "science" and that the "experts" have spent the last two years contradicting themselves and the other "experts" with relentless abandon. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Too much shit in the sandbox since I last looked.

I've got a pretty good idea about how much science NBT, OCD, etc. really know.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Too much shit in the sandbox since I last looked.

I've got a pretty good idea about how much science NBT, OCD, etc. really know. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
Bullshit you do.
Bullshit you do. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

Oh, I think so. Don't need to say bullshit either.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Oh, I think so. Don't need to say bullshit either. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Too much shit in the sandbox since I last looked.

I've got a pretty good idea about how much science NBT, OCD, etc. really know. Originally Posted by jimxbeam
you believe the CDC and Dr I am the Science

ahem may I repeat, the guy that invented the 2 jab says DO NOT TAKE IT...
Even Pfizer says its shots do not work on current variants. Why they testing a new jab Sir
If you want to be part of the test, I think Rochester General, mmmm could be Strong . ask em both. As I bet still looking for ... ta test on.
Yeah let’s follow Israel’s lead. 4 shots and mandates and near the top in the world in infection rate
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Yeah let’s follow Israel’s lead. 4 shots and mandates and near the top in the world in infection rate Originally Posted by KingInTheNorth

shhhhhhh they don't want us to know that
but ya 99% jabbed and booster-ed
not the only country that way. Some thinking now the jab was/is a mistake. Bur most in this thread will not look at news in other countries as I think they should. US news sure taint reporting that.

If you say that in other media other than icky. FB, twitter etc it gets deleted as fake news
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Russia and China will make a move as the rest of the world is in a civil war over masks n jabs. N Korea will bomb another country also
Willie Wanker's Avatar
i agree, people that think they can beat the disease but then cannot, in fact, beat the disease, are weak in more ways than one and Darwin will weed them out shortly. People who do go through extra measures to ensure their safety and well-being should not get shorted because someone else's immune system didn't do the thing they said it was going to do.

This has nothing to do with freedom. If you think you don't need the vaccine, that you are healthy enough to take care of it with your own immune system, then you are choosing to give your possible hospital bed to someone who does actually live high-risk. Originally Posted by valkyra
Medical professionals aren't allowed to put those conditions on medical care. It's also considered unethical.
But if that's what you really want, then let's also include anyone that is injured while commuting a crime, obese people, smokers, diabetic's who don't follow their dietary plan, drug users etc. You can make an argument for almost anyone.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
All of this is true, but completely misses the point.

Yes, both vaxed and unvaxed can both catch Covid, but the unvaxed are much, much more likely to be hospitalized and die from it.

Yes, both the vaxed and unvaxed can both pass Covid to others, but the unvaxed are more likely to do so, because their viral load is larger. Originally Posted by brasil
Not if they have natural immunity. But "science" must have forgot about that.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Let’s see……we got bridges falling all over the country, Russians invading a country, China owning a huge portion of our country while we continue buying their products, Idiotic Koreans launching missles,, not to mention all the loonies in the Middle East…….oh, and, all the other domestic issues that need addressing……

And this is what we as a people find important to obsess over?


You all talk about “sheep”…..look at what you are obsessing over……whether to wear a mask or not. Whether to take a vaccine that MAY mitigate a pandemic.

Making sure that you all spout “talking points” and other bullshit fed to you by both sides. By the “Media” that is owned by the very corporations that are controlling the social media discord that they create, fuel and inflame.

Wake up people…….this is NOT what America is supposed to be.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
All important topics, but this is where we have the biggest divide.