Sounds like A- copt out on your behalf-where is your valor? You should be ashamed for denouncing a fellow servicemen- you are no longer my brother Originally Posted by Luke_WyattI didn't know I ever was, WeeEndowed.
I am sure you have some kind of bizarre point, but for the life of me I do not know what it is.
Bush's fault again!
He didn't order them to move the public transportation to high ground. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I will make this observation: The U.S. taxpayers have funded a lot of deep pockets in Louisiana and got little to show for it BEFORE Katrina ..... Early on when the finger-pointing was cranking up it was around $500 Million TO STUDY the Mississippi delta region to determine what you be done to create a natural barrier to protect Orleans Parish (and surrounding counties) from a direct hit with no explanation (not even a meaningful report) of what happened to the money .... plus the funding to the Corps of Army Engineers to fix up the levees and locks to protect the low-lying areas .... with NOTHING DONE, but the money was gone!!! The Democrats got all that money!!!!.Yeah, we all know how Nagan turned out after his reelection. That's why I don't have high expectations for politicians.
The folks down there voted this POS into office ... a Clinton "Man"!!!
Good Caption: "WHO ME?"
"YEA, YOU!!!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, we all know how Nagan turned out after his reelection. That's why I don't have high expectations for politicians.And HillaryNoMore as Obaminable's SOS appointed him to head up the "task force" to help the Haitians from their disaster ....
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It's a little too late for that - the media has already jumped on and realize that Trump is trying to save face. Keep in mind he just had a staff shake up and everyone knows he's only doing it for photo OP's. I heard Next week trump will be visiting mosques and visiting with Mexican immigrants. Everyone sees thru his bull shit. By the way have you or will you accept my offer? I have my DD-214 ready for you. Originally Posted by Luke_WyattYou know, any savvy analyst would understand that what the media thinks is nothing. It is what the people think, believe, and feel. They see Trump on the ground and they don't see Obama or Hillary. The media is working hard to not the golf or the fund raising but the question has been asked; where's Hillary or Obama?