Reasons to vote for Joe Biden!

SR - a vote for Biden is a vote for the radical VP candidate for POTUS.

If the House and Senate go to the LibDems - it is the end of representative Democracy in America - and the beginning of Amerika as Venezuela type socialist country.

Civil War is coming - perhaps no mater who wins Nov 2020.
Apologists as 9500 and the foolish, meaningless memes and adherence to the Lies of Chomsky - are deluded inidividuals who are just pawns for the radical marxists . Originally Posted by oeb11
We are headed into that terrible abyss at this moment - fucking DPST's are ruining America.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR - a vote for Biden is a vote for the radical VP candidate for POTUS.

If the House and Senate go to the LibDems - it is the end of representative Democracy in America - and the beginning of Amerika as Venezuela type socialist country.

Civil War is coming - perhaps no mater who wins Nov 2020.
Apologists as 9500 and the foolish, meaningless memes and adherence to the Lies of Chomsky - are deluded inidividuals who are just pawns for the radical marxists . Originally Posted by oeb11
I'll ask you again since you have yet to respond to the question.

Obama was in office for 8 years, the first 2 years with a Democratic Congress. What socialistic policies did he push on the American people?

Might we move towards Medicare For All? Possibly. That is a long way from the socialism in places like Venezuala and Cuba.

If Democrats win control of the White House and Senate, and retain control of the House, one person is to blame -- Donald Trump.
bambino's Avatar
I'll ask you again since you have yet to respond to the question.

Obama was in office for 8 years, the first 2 years with a Democratic Congress. What socialistic policies did he push on the American people?

Might we move towards Medicare For All? Possibly. That is a long way from the socialism in places like Venezuala and Cuba.

If Democrats win control of the White House and Senate, and retain control of the House, one person is to blame -- Donald Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well, Speedy, Obama didn’t have the squad to deal with. Biden has AOC and Bernie in his campaign. The left wing extremists are gaining power in the Democratic Party. They don’t think Obama went far enough. That’s the big difference between then and now.
If Democrats win control of the White House and Senate, and retain control of the House, one person is to blame -- Donald Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He will bear some of the responsibility for it but the Pandemic that came from Wuhan, China is what derailed the train.

Hopefully, he will get it back on the rails before the election, but the leftists will do everything they can to sabotage him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, Speedy, Obama didn’t have the squad to deal with. Biden has AOC and Bernie in his campaign. The left wing extremists are gaining power in the Democratic Party. They don’t think Obama went far enough. That’s the big difference between then and now. Originally Posted by bambino
Assuming Biden wins, which you obviously don't think has an ice cube's chance in hell of happening, we will see. Yes, there is noise being made by certain individuals on the far left. How much of an impact they would have is unknown.

The main point to be taken from my post is this country will never come close to being a Venezuela or Cuba, even if Bernie Sanders had become POTUS.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Obama was in office for 8 years, the first 2 years with a Democratic Congress. What socialistic policies did he push on the American people? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
bambino's Avatar
Assuming Biden wins, which you obviously don't think has an ice cube's chance in hell of happening, we will see. Yes, there is noise being made by certain individuals on the far left. How much of an impact they would have is unknown.

The main point to be taken from my post is this country will never come close to being a Venezuela or Cuba, even if Bernie Sanders had become POTUS. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Iden was on Pa yesterday. He has said that he would eliminate fracking. That’s directly from Bernie and AOC. If he wants to win Pa, he better walk that back.
adav8s28's Avatar
I'll ask you again since you have yet to respond to the question.

Obama was in office for 8 years, the first 2 years with a Democratic Congress. What socialistic policies did he push on the American people?
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
None, he didn't push any socialistic policies on the American People. Wall street and 1000 troubled assets got 650 billion in TARP loans got bailed out.

The republicans do not consider that to be socialism when you assist businesses, it's only socialism when the government helps individual people.


Got the USA out of the steepest recession since the depression of 1929.

The DJIA went from 7,000 to 19,000 points. A gain of 12,000 points. Everyone's 401k and Roth IRA went up, up and up. Including Waco Kid, although he would never admit that.

Unemployment Rate went from 10% to 4.7%

25 million citizens got jobs.

20 million citizens got health insurance coverage from the ACA

Did 2.9 GDP growth the same high number that Trump hit after the after Trump cut the corporate tax rate.

Ended the war in Iraq, started by Bush43 who spent 4 trillion and lost 4 thousand military people. Did not find any WMD's either.

Noting socialist of the above. Just examples of making America great again.
  • oeb11
  • 07-10-2020, 08:30 AM
I think SR adn 'a' are underestimating the Socialist ramrods of teh DPST party - and ignoring biden's senility - out of Trump hatred.

Biden is endorsing the Green new Deal and all the crackpot Socialist fantasies of the Radicals .

He is a front for a radical VP who will become POTUS if Biden is elected.

America is voting on teh future - a CCP type dominated country - or Freedom.

I have written on the DPST plans - they will destroy the Constitution as Rule of law.
Armed conflict is coming - when the DPST eliminate police forces for their 'secret Police" ideology forces - armed conflict will result.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Obamacare. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Obamacare is NOT socialism. Under socialism a person must adhere to the policy. No one in this country has to enroll in Obamacare. I have never been covered by Obamacare.

Socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. ObamaCare is a law that regulates key parts of the same quasi-private and regulated healthcare system we had before the law was passed.

Under ObamaCare we have a regulated private health care industry with a mix of public and private funding. This is best described as a “quasi-private” healthcare system.

A pure “socialist” healthcare system would have total public funding and care (or would at least regulate every aspect of funding and care).
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Iden was on Pa yesterday. He has said that he would eliminate fracking. That’s directly from Bernie and AOC. If he wants to win Pa, he better walk that back. Originally Posted by bambino
The elimination of fracking may be be supported by Bernie and AOC but it has been a point of contention long before AOC was elected. It is what I've said about Trump all along -- he will support business over every other issue, in this case the environment.

Here is Biden's stance on fracking:

Fact Check: Joe Biden wants to eliminate new fracking permits, not all fracking

During an interview in April, Biden told KDKA television in Pittsburgh that he would not shut down the fracking industry. He said that he would not allow new leases on federal land, adding that 90% of the leases are on private land.

Fracking Once Lifted Pennsylvania. Now It Could Be a Drag.

Fracking in Pennsylvania: Not Worth It
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I think SR adn 'a' are underestimating the Socialist ramrods of teh DPST party - and ignoring biden's senility - out of Trump hatred.

Biden is endorsing the Green new Deal and all the crackpot Socialist fantasies of the Radicals .

He is a front for a radical VP who will become POTUS if Biden is elected.

America is voting on teh future - a CCP type dominated country - or Freedom.

I have written on the DPST plans - they will destroy the Constitution as Rule of law.
Armed conflict is coming - when the DPST eliminate police forces for their 'secret Police" ideology forces - armed conflict will result. Originally Posted by oeb11
I won't wasre my time addressing your ridiculous comments.
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2020, 06:52 AM
None so blind as those who will not see
Biden is on record as supporting all the AOC/Bernie socialist totalitarian Schemes to change america into socialist Venezuela.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
None so blind as those who will not see
Biden is on record as supporting all the AOC/Bernie socialist totalitarian Schemes to change america into socialist Venezuela. Originally Posted by oeb11
That is so ridiculous.


a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

This will not happen in my lifetime or your lifetime in this country. You will gain more credibility if you get off this tact you are on that everyone who is close to being left of center wants this country to move towards the definition of socialism as stated above.

Biden does NOT support ALL of either AOC's or Bernie's policies. Not even close.
  • oeb11
  • 07-11-2020, 07:10 AM
Biden is a weak figurehead who dos not know where he is most of the time
The radicals AOC and Bernie - are the party - and will impose their will.

Biden just agreed to the New Green Deal for 2030.

A complete 1984 makeover of America.

Read your own party platforms and initiatives, SR!

Civil War is coming.