Air Conditioning

I've had the opposite happen, when they tell me it's too cold.

It's like, I'm over here, giving a massage, standing for the whole hour, while you get to lay there and relax, damn straight I am hot and sweaty! And the minute I get too hot is the minute I am no longer able to enjoy the session as well, and I start to get irritated, which is sooo not good for ambiance.

So I use to tell them, look, if you want a good massage, we just have to keep it cold!
sabre692's Avatar
Turn the a/c to it's coldest so as to have a reason to cuddle...also I'm a big guy so I tend to sweat a lot when nervous.
rwksl's Avatar
  • rwksl
  • 08-12-2010, 10:22 PM
Just so it's cold enough to make your nipples hard. That way at least I thinck you are excited to see me. Originally Posted by boardman
Brooke keeps the temp cold enough to get MY nipples hard.
LeftySmith's Avatar
Either very cold, or really hot. I usually like it really cold where there is absolutely no sweat, no tackiness, no friction between bodies, where hands glide gently across breasts or ass or anywhere else without that sticky, jerk jerk jerk as you massage your partner. On the other hand, my most memorable sex was in the attic apartment of an old girlfriend where the temperature was always about 110 degrees and it was like a sauna in there. We were drenched in sweat before we could even get our clothes off and our bodies slipped and slid around on each other as if we were coated with wesson oil. That was literally my hottest sex ever. So if the a/c is on the blink, just crank up the heat instead.
notanewbie's Avatar
Postal worker? Originally Posted by Meoauniaea
Gawd, I hope not. He is close enough to the edge as it is. Originally Posted by boardman
that is funny right there.