They lie about their weight for the same reason I lie about having a big dick.
Originally Posted by boardman
So people won't be intimidated?
Lying about the objectively obvious and the obviously objective is just plain fucking stupid. If a girl weighs 200 lbs. and she swears she weighs a scant 150 lbs. as soon as one lays eyes on her one knows she is - literally - a big fat liar. Lying about one's age is particularly foolish, even if the lie is "sold". When a 40 year old holds herself out to be 31, you either (a) realize that she's a liar (an old liar!) or (b) you believe her and think to yourself, "Damn! She's been rode hard and put up wet. Think how bad she'll look when she's 40." Understating your age is just a bad practice. I myself have started over-stating my age by 13 years. Yes, its a lie . . . but it's a really good one. Usually I get, "You're kidding! You look great!" It is, however, really diappointing when a girl just nods her head in acknowledgement.
People who lie about their stats are just needlessly insecure. If this board is proof of anything, its that there's someone out there for everyone. How many times have you read a review that praises the physical beauty of a girl, only to find upon conducting your own fact-finding mission that she's hideously butt-ugly? Now maybe the author is a chicken-shit WK-wannabe, or maybe crossed-eyes, asymmetrical facial features, bald spots, goiters, and/or missing teeth are truly his thing. Who can say.