How did this one get verified?

I look just like an anime character.
fun2come's Avatar
I have many people laughing ... but never an anime character ... should that be on my ToDo list? I am Thinking ....

Dang it, what was the topic: Ah Verification question....

So texasswildcat, you know how to get yourself and your SO verified? This will be good.
... he he he , and the SLAMDANGOŽ is optional (sorry SL, still not a good wing man, am I?)
I have stated many times that if we enforced every guideline every time, then their would be hardly anyone left. A good example would be this thread. It has been off topic for quite a few posts starting with Boobs post. If we went in and warned/pointed everyone for their indiscretions, then we would need about 15 Mods. FYI, no one was pointed or warned in this thread!!

I think Boobs's point is that he feels that we treat folks different. He is entitled to feel that way. In the case of this thread, is Boobs getting special treatment?? No, not at all. I think that from the Mods POV, we see it as some are able to color right up to the line (many feel that they go over but in reality they don't) and then there are the rest of us, who let our personal feelings and emotions get the better of us and once that happens, we cross the line because we are mad, hurt, etc. There is a big difference. Frequently some cross the line, but we let it slide (as in the case here) because in the big scheme of things it isn't really that big of a deal. As Mods, we are allowed to use our "judgement" on a lot of the things that don't quite meet the letter of the guideline(s).

BTW, I have both pointed and Banned Whispers!! LOL!!!!!!!!

Back on Topic please, or I will be forced to "enforce" the guidelines!!!!

Still Looking's Avatar
Love her P411.... has just about as much information.

Still Looking's Avatar
Nikki, is that how you did it?
I thought you Kegel squeezed your verification out of an ex-Mod and then even shot ping pong balls at him...

Hmmm, what to believe, what to believe Originally Posted by fun2come
Bahahahahaha just saw this im dying.

And I was verified before I turned my kitty into a ping pong ak lol.
fun2come's Avatar
Nikki, OK, OK, I am going with your verification story, BUT shooting ping pong balls at a MOD is just not how we do things here.

We, well a few of us, tar and feather them and then run them out of town, preferably to NY.
If we really like them, we might even give them a PINK Cadillac to drive to the Texas border.