Actually, I misspoke here. To be arrested requires probable cause. Higher standard than reasonable suspicion. To be stopped and questioned they need a reasonable suspicion, so that law wouldn't even apply until you're arrested.
But again, like at least one other poster has mentioned, just because you know your rights and enforce them doesn't mean you won't get arrested by a dick cop anyway.
Originally Posted by iamkevinthedude
You are misleading people. Period.
So you are going to argue with the cop that the cop lacked probable cause to arrest you and based on YOUR evaluation of PC you are refusing to identify yourself to him? And you are giving that kind of advice to an anonymous person on a blog board?
Since you are a lawyer, you will be FREE to assist them with the legal problems they have gotten themselves into by following your BLOG ADVICE!!! All they need to do is PM for your bar license number so they can get your RW contact information for when they are in jail after following your advice.
Before you dig too deep a hole you should probably review the LEGAL DEFINITION OF "ARREST" and "PROBABLE CAUSE"!
So here is the customary scenario in a spa: naked with condoms and money changing hands. Good luck with winning your "PC" DEBATE!!!!