And, and, and, and. For fucks' sake the word is AND. For crying out loud, I know not every one of us is a perfect speller, I am surely not, but can we at least fucking try????? My God, I want to shoot my damned screen after reading that shit. Have a little fucking self respect and pride. I wouldn't see her even if she wasn't a whack-a-doo, because her grammar and spelling tells me she isn't even trying. It's not the content of the ad that makes me nuts because there are people out there that are into that type of thing. But I shouldn't have to read a single sentence more than once in order to understand what the OP is trying to convey. Thanks for the rant. I'm done.
Originally Posted by nickjaguar
Now tell me how you really feel....
In all honesty, I had the same reaction trying to read that.