Pretty face vs nice body

Prefer both pretty face and a hot body. But if I had to choose, it would most differently be a hot body, I could probably over look the face. To me big tits are a plus, and Man Mades are a winner, and if you don't have either small and perky will do. Don't really care for saggy ass tits with all the life sucked out of them. Originally Posted by Worldtravler

That last line.... Lmao!
I think it depends on how ugly she is and how bad her body is. If she has a beautiful face but her body doesn't get me up then I rather have the body. But if she has the kind of face that she has to turn the light off to brush her own teeth, then I am still turned off. I think I would rather go for an ok body and average face. Either one below that level can cause very little responds from me.
Making a choice between a beautiful face or a beautiful body could be a difficult choice. I have visited ladies with any combination of the options mentioned in this thread, beautiful faces and butter bodies, beautiful bodies and butter faces, beautiful faces and beautiful bodies, and butter faces and butter bodies. The one thing all these ladies had in common, that is absolutely the most important trait to me, is a great attitude. I know a good attitude wasn't a choice but a lady with a bad attitude will never be bothered by me. There are some physically beautiful ladies that are VERY "butter" in every way because of their "butter" attitude. Just my .02 worth.
SerenityXX's Avatar
I'm not really picky on the need to have a man with a great body or good looking face.. I really agree with Wat ^^ Tht guy above me said about attitude. I'm big on him needing to have a damn great attitude and personality. With those two things right there a persons looks and body type aren't relevant. An ugly person with a great attitude and fun to be around is gonna go a lot further then great looks and body IMO. Beauty is only skin deep. Its about wtf kind of person u are.
I'm not really picky on the need to have a man with a great body or good looking face.. I really agree with Wat ^^ Tht guy above me said about attitude. I'm big on him needing to have a damn great attitude and personality. With those two things right there a persons looks and body type aren't relevant. An ugly person with a great attitude and fun to be around is gonna go a lot further then great looks and body IMO. Beauty is only skin deep. Its about wtf kind of person u are. Originally Posted by SerenityXX
Most ladies I've been attracted to meeting here have been based on attitude. Especially this one. HAWT
SerenityXX's Avatar
Most ladies I've been attracted to meeting here have been based on attitude. Especially this one. HAWT Originally Posted by RJinLR
Well thank u babe ur just so sweet The attitude and personality definitely are the 2 most important things about a person in my opinion.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Beauty is skin deep but ugly is ugly to the bone.

That doesn't anything, if we like each other we like each other.
Butter face, butter face, butter face. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
brown bag, brown bag, brown bag lol
While I prefer beauty and am willing to pay for it, I agree personality and attitude are more important. One of the benefits of Eccie is getting to know the providers' personalities a little before deciding who to see. Witty repartee, ability to carry on a conversation and standing up for yourself is a huge turn on for me. Inability to communicate well, whining or treating your potential customers with disdain are huge turn offs.
Zenovia's Avatar
Having a beautiful face, or sexy body is truly what most look for, but it is definitely your personality that takes the can't put makeup on it or dress that up!
WhoDatD's Avatar
Pretty face, It just gets sexier with cum all over it.
You can have the most sexiest woman, but if she has a bad attitude, she instantly becomes ugly.
I'm just curious to see what men find more important.
You can have the most sexiest woman, but if she has a bad attitude, she instantly becomes ugly.
I'm just curious to see what men find more important. Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh
+1 - there is a difference between confident and attitudes please
Danielle Reid's Avatar
^I wish more people would understand that
You can have the most sexiest woman, but if she has a bad attitude, she instantly becomes ugly.
I'm just curious to see what men find more important. Originally Posted by Lolahhhhh
I'll take a hot ass chic with a rock solid body with a bad attitude all day long, verse a so so chic with a good attitude. I'm only paying for a hour of their time anyway and we aren't going to do much talking so I'll deal with the attitude.