Offensive or Funny?

I've only been screened once in my lifetime by a beautiful, young, AA lady with an exquisite body Originally Posted by thorough9

Well, thanks for informing all of us that out of the 6 reviews you've done, none of them screened you. Interesting information for us ladies who actually do screen, not to use the ladies you've reviewed and hopefully the guys will read this to and be more careful about contacting them.

So much for being safe huh?

Sorry to get off topic folks.
London Rayne's Avatar
Amen to that!! WTF was the point of his whole tirade on Blockbuster again? LMAO!
Well, thanks for informing all of us that out of the 6 reviews you've done, none of them screened you. Interesting information for us ladies who actually do screen, not to use the ladies you've reviewed and hopefully the guys will read this to and be more careful about contacting them.

So much for being safe huh?

Sorry to get off topic folks. Originally Posted by MsElena
Do you think that i give a ______ about who uses what i say, be it for or against me? You come a dime-a-dozen, no scarcity of you around. What you won't do another will - sorry to deflate your grandiose feelings of self-importance. I and fellow hobbyists hold the means. you are just an end, not a very good one, and one end among many others. don't forget that. i can be seen until i can't see and never have to leave the city, whereas you have to travel to make your ends meet. I review who i choose to and keep to myself the same, but i owe you no explanations. i prefer to remain anonymous. Don't remember calling you either. if i were a hobbyist i'd worry about how it is that you keep track of the many people that you see in order to supply a "reference". you get busted and there goes the farm. you think that anyone cares about your weak call to arms? try a different strategy. Add my handle to your blacklist, and i'll still post two reviews a week, up until, and after they put you in the bargain bin.

As for the others, when i was in the army, we would run in lined formations. if someone fell out or couldn't keep up, we'd run in a circle until they caught up. so, we're all getting dizzy here........waiting for you to get a satirical tutor and catch up. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
DRorchia's Avatar
Do you think that i give a ______ about who uses what i say, be it for or against me? You come a dime-a-dozen, no scarcity of you around. What you won't do another will - sorry to deflate your grandiose feelings of self-importance. I and fellow hobbyists hold the means. you are just an end, not a very good one, and one end among many others. don't forget that. i can be seen until i can't see and never have to leave the city, whereas you have to travel to make your ends meet. I review who i choose to and keep to myself the same, but i owe you no explanations. i prefer to remain anonymous. Don't remember calling you either. if i were a hobbyist i'd worry about how it is that you keep track of the many people that you see in order to supply a "reference". you get busted and there goes the farm. you think that anyone cares about your weak call to arms? try a different strategy. Add my handle to your blacklist, and i'll still post two reviews a week, up until, and after they put you in the bargain bin.

As for the others, when i was in the army, we would run in lined formations. if someone fell out or couldn't keep up, we'd run in a circle until they caught up. so, we're all getting dizzy here........waiting for you to get a satirical tutor and catch up. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Originally Posted by thorough9
I was just going to read this thread for the entertainment it provides but I find myself having to chime in. You sir are a hypocrite. First you denounce an entire city board (Kansas City) for what you feel is an inappropriate post about MLK. When other posters on the national forum tend to disagree with your view, you then attack them, repeatedly. You try to hold yourself out to be the guardian of all things offensive to African-Americans. You try to prove this point by pointing out how you, the great equal opportunist, visits an AA provider repeatedly. ****News flash**** That does NOT make you an expert on what's offensive and what is not to AA's. Just sayin'! Secondly, the way you tore into providers, demeaning them, calling into question their worth because of their profession, a profession YOU take full advantage of I may ad, yet somehow you think your behavior should be an example of what is "class" and what isn't? The only thing you've proven to me is that you are the one without an ounce of class. The minute someone disagrees with you, you feel it's your right to launch into personal attacks. I understood your "B" movie rant very clearly and what you were trying to imply toward a certain provider. Sorry, you're not someone concerned with wanting to point out something offensive toward AA's. You've simply proven yourself to be an over inflated ego maniac who lashes out at anyone who dares to disagree with your points of view. Maybe you thought you'd get brownie points by coming across as non-racist but your follow on posts simply showed that you have many other short comings. Clean up your own house before you criticize others, especially on the national level.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I was just going to read this thread for the entertainment it provides but I find myself having to chime in. You sir are a hypocrite. First you denounce an entire city board (Kansas City) for what you feel is an inappropriate post about MLK. When other posters on the national forum tend to disagree with your view, you then attack them, repeatedly. You try to hold yourself out to be the guardian of all things offensive to African-Americans. You try to prove this point by pointing out how you, the great equal opportunist, visits an AA provider repeatedly. ****News flash**** That does NOT make you an expert on what's offensive and what is not to AA's. Just sayin'! Secondly, the way you tore into providers, demeaning them, calling into question their worth because of their profession, a profession YOU take full advantage of I may ad, yet somehow you think your behavior should be an example of what is "class" and what isn't? The only thing you've proven to me is that you are the one without an ounce of class. The minute someone disagrees with you, you feel it's your right to launch into personal attacks. I understood your "B" movie rant very clearly and what you were trying to imply toward a certain provider. Sorry, you're not someone concerned with wanting to point out something offensive toward AA's. You've simply proven yourself to be an over inflated ego maniac who lashes out at anyone who dares to disagree with your points of view. Maybe you thought you'd get brownie points by coming across as non-racist but your follow on posts simply showed that you have many other short comings. Clean up your own house before you criticize others, especially on the national level. Originally Posted by DTorchia
+1 well said
London Rayne's Avatar
So there!

Where is DH or CT's wisdom for this nut lol. I'm too tired to get creative tonight.
Naomi4u's Avatar
o m g
Do you think that i give a ______ about who uses what i say, be it for or against me? You come a dime-a-dozen, no scarcity of you around. What you won't do another will - sorry to deflate your grandiose feelings of self-importance. I and fellow hobbyists hold the means. you are just an end, not a very good one, and one end among many others. don't forget that. i can be seen until i can't see and never have to leave the city, whereas you have to travel to make your ends meet. I review who i choose to and keep to myself the same, but i owe you no explanations. i prefer to remain anonymous. Don't remember calling you either. if i were a hobbyist i'd worry about how it is that you keep track of the many people that you see in order to supply a "reference". you get busted and there goes the farm. you think that anyone cares about your weak call to arms? try a different strategy. Add my handle to your blacklist, and i'll still post two reviews a week, up until, and after they put you in the bargain bin.

As for the others, when i was in the army, we would run in lined formations. if someone fell out or couldn't keep up, we'd run in a circle until they caught up. so, we're all getting dizzy here........waiting for you to get a satirical tutor and catch up. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Originally Posted by thorough9

Again, you insult people when they disagree or point out a flaw in your argument. Just how old are you?

Insult me with your "bargain bin or bad provider" comments, but the beauty part of your words, they don't mean a thing to me. Although they did make me giggle for a minute or two. Thanks for that.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yah and the funniest part is it came from a guy whose average pay for a provider is a hundred bucks lmao! Soooo who exactly is bargain shopping around here again? Nuff said.

Smart and business minded providers tend to leave the business before they become a bargain for the masses sonny boy...guess you missed that.
Sarge's Avatar
  • Sarge
  • 01-20-2011, 10:54 PM
As for the others, when i was in the army, we would run in lined formations. if someone fell out or couldn't keep up, we'd run in a circle until they caught up. so, we're all getting dizzy here... Originally Posted by thorough9
You must have been in a support unit. We just laughed at the fallouts puking on the side of the road and left 'em to be policed up by the broke-dick platoon.
London Rayne's Avatar
You must have been in a support unit. We just laughed at the fallouts puking on the side of the road and left 'em to be policed up by the broke-dick platoon. Originally Posted by Sarge
gulflover's Avatar
Posted on the MLK holiday.

The classy folks in the Kansas City area, really got a kick out of this one. Originally Posted by thorough9
Not racist, not outrageously funny. Doesn't make or imply any statements about black people, their culture, their identity, their intelligence, or anything of that nature other than maybe they love video games and I fail to see how that's derogatory.
gulflover's Avatar
I'd like to thank thorough9 Johnson for that little speech. Not only was it authentic frontier asshole, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.
You must have been in a support unit. We just laughed at the fallouts puking on the side of the road and left 'em to be policed up by the broke-dick platoon. Originally Posted by Sarge
Try 3rd Group, Ft. Benning GA. Yeah, and you must have been in during the POW/MIA phase, how many did you abandon to be picked up by the BDP, VC, INF, IRG, etc. We did our own policing - Never left any man behind, NEVER. Leaving Green behind, that's 11up and 3 down - straight soup salad - now, there's NO humor in that - at all.