"A classy gentlemen is not looking for a hooker on the Internet"

TravelingGentleman's Avatar

The classiest thing about me is how respectful I am to most people. Originally Posted by kirbykirby
The only step from there to "TG's Definition" of classy is that you are also polite and well-mannered. That link takes you to the wiki explanation of the word "etiquette."

Again - there is no requirement for anyone to be classy, or a gentlemen, or anything else. You're not lesser for not being classy....

UNLESS you are one of the people who mis-identify yourself as such in the hobby, thus causing time to be wasted investigating potential business matches here that turn out to not be what they are advertised to be.

You can be respectful to a woman, and at the same time be a day laborer who doesn't shower regularly, has bad teeth, no ingrained education on hygiene norms (or any of a myriad of other things) - which part of being "classy."

THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT - as long as you (and others) don't misidentify yourself. As I keep saying - I'm not here to look down on anyone, or to encourage anyone else to do so - I keep posting in here to remind people that words have meaning, and should be used appropriately. That's it.
normalguy21's Avatar


Arthur is a word and a name .

Clinical treatment centers base there treatment programs for people with disorders around a belief that words have no meaning and call them labels .

Once again proving that anything can be spun into something that works for someone in a givin situation .Its all in your perception until say in a court of law were words could be slander . Are collateral damage .

I will politely remove myself from the conversation

I.E your both right and iam just a guy from a island with bad teeth and a union jack.
Just as an aside. I certainly didn't think you looked down on people. I'm well aware of the misuse of the english lexicon in people's day to day activities too. I was just throwing my 2 cent in.

I have no desire to exude "classiness" as in. Why bother? Why strive for it? Why promote it? If being classy is a state of being one is consciously attempting to be,I personally find it pointless. I'd rather be classy by your's & the OP's standards by happenstance. Not conscious effort.
From TravelingGentleman's "Where are the Classy Girls?" thread:

This gave me pause. It speaks to how much influence our puritanical society still has over our views of the hobby and the people in it.

What say you, ladies and gents? Do you agree with this statement? Are "class" and "whore/john" mutually exclusive?

Thank you, SknyDiva, for the inspiration. Originally Posted by Vivienne Rey
Who cares.Call it whatever.Escorts do services for money thats why illlegal business.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Just as an aside. I certainly didn't think you looked down on people. I'm well aware of the misuse of the english lexicon in people's day to day activities too. I was just throwing my 2 cent in.

I have no desire to exude "classiness" as in. Why bother? Why strive for it? Why promote it? If being classy is a state of being one is consciously attempting to be,I personally find it pointless. I'd rather be classy by your's & the OP's standards by happenstance. Not conscious effort. Originally Posted by kirbykirby
Fair question - why does it matter? Some men are turned on by booty. Others by boobs. Or a flat belly. Those are all nice, but personally - they are secondary to more intellectual and emotional pursuits. The other day, a provider wrote me a note (PG rated) that made my face flush and clouded my thinking, having never seen a picture of her.

I *want* to spend time and money on people who have elegant (classy) tastes, who appreciate a thing for the simple pleasure of it; who can taste a chocolate torte and revel in its sensuality, who have witty thought, who genuinely listen and engage in a dialogue serving more purpose than expediently booking a sex session.

This is a somewhat unique opinion, but I believe that the best things in life (and often the most expensive) absolutely must be shared; for what value is the memory of doing it alone? Last week I drank a $400 bottle of wine by myself; and while I would have preferred to share it with someone, I wouldn't share it with someone who wouldn't at least try appreciating what made it unique.

I search through profiles looking for courtesans - classy hookers - who's services are companionship - of which a small part may be physical intimacy. All that "classiness" that we bandy about is the makeup of a courtesan; a woman who can entertain, stimulate, and satiate intellectual, emotional, and physical needs.

I get annoyed at all the "classy" women with poor professional presentations, profiles belonging to trailer trash hookers....or worst, the ones with enough glamour to get a money/time/hope investment before revealing the uncouth strumpet hidden within.

I'm getting settled though; I have an encounter worth reviewing, the likes of which ECCIE has never seen, and am pursuing the provider who amazed me with a chaste message.
Classy, though defined, is much like the word pretty. It is individual. What one person perceives as classy another would find appalling.

For instance, A classy woman would be expected to be educated and know her venue. Dress with a style and fashion that fit that venue without ever dropping into crude. Wearing a long black gown on a camping trip is not classy. Wearing a pair of cut off shorts to a five star restaurant is not classy.

Any person can be classy. Male or female. Any woman can be a lady. Ones occupation does not define them, they define it. Social stigma has it's own part to play, of course.

If we were to define a "classy lady" by financial standings, we would fall into the biggest pit fall there is. In fact, the wealthy class has been known to sell sex in the most devious of ways since the beginning of time. By this I mean marriage.

Now, is it possible for someone to be of little means and still hold the description classy? Yes but it would certainly be a feat in itself. After all, style, education, poise and elegance does not come cheap. Sadly.

In every vocation you will find an infinite bucket full of descriptions that can pertain to each individual. This vocation simply is the most honest of them all. It bares the souls of those that indulge. It strips away all the pretty veils (If we let it) and stands bold. We are creatures of our primal instincts. We need to survive. We want pleasure, to reproduce, to eat, to live, to find comfort and companionship. I mean this on both sides of the coin. The gentleman and the Lady. Unlike the world outside, this worlds steals the veil of pretense. She needs financial support. He needs company. They both want to feel attractive, they both lack something in their day to day life. Just like the outside world. Here they simply stop pretending. I digress.

Yes a "hooker" can be classy. I have personally met a plethora of Gentlemen that were/are "Johns" I have also known money hungry hookers. Bitch Prostitutes, Crude men, Asshole Johns, Funny clients, Thoughtful companions, Kind friends, Manipulative men and women. A description in it's own right has no limitation but the limitation you choose to put on it. If you do not desire to achieve classy that is your right. Your choice. I respect your choice because the whole world does not need only classy women. If you choose to be a Gentleman, it still stands. I respect this choice. Be who you are. Do not limit yourself or others by placing boundaries on something so silly as a description! Enjoy the different descriptions, enjoy your uniqueness whether you are classy, fun, country, street wise, domineering, controlling, funny, breathtaking, Thoughtful..... So on so forth.

On a side note: Traveling Gentleman you beat me to defining classy! I am not sure if I am upset about losing or thrilled at the concept of a challenge.
Fair question - why does it matter? Some men are turned on by booty. Others by boobs. Or a flat belly. Those are all nice, but personally - they are secondary to more intellectual and emotional pursuits. The other day, a provider wrote me a note (PG rated) that made my face flush and clouded my thinking, having never seen a picture of her.

I *want* to spend time and money on people who have elegant (classy) tastes, who appreciate a thing for the simple pleasure of it; who can taste a chocolate torte and revel in its sensuality, who have witty thought, who genuinely listen and engage in a dialogue serving more purpose than expediently booking a sex session.

This is a somewhat unique opinion, but I believe that the best things in life (and often the most expensive) absolutely must be shared; for what value is the memory of doing it alone? Last week I drank a $400 bottle of wine by myself; and while I would have preferred to share it with someone, I wouldn't share it with someone who wouldn't at least try appreciating what made it unique.

I search through profiles looking for courtesans - classy hookers - who's services are companionship - of which a small part may be physical intimacy. All that "classiness" that we bandy about is the makeup of a courtesan; a woman who can entertain, stimulate, and satiate intellectual, emotional, and physical needs.

I get annoyed at all the "classy" women with poor professional presentations, profiles belonging to trailer trash hookers....or worst, the ones with enough glamour to get a money/time/hope investment before revealing the uncouth strumpet hidden within.

I'm getting settled though; I have an encounter worth reviewing, the likes of which ECCIE has never seen, and am pursuing the provider who amazed me with a chaste message. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I can definitely relate to that sentiment. The ambiguity of your previous post (as to your intent of pursuing class) come in clearly now.

Your specific pursuits are certainly niche to a degree.

You strike a chord with me on the part about championship.

Some of my best memories are with girls I've known from my past (even the early days with my long time gf ) & our times in hotel rooms late at night. When I drink alone sitting in my chair, lights off, in my livingroom I reminisce about our meetings, our conversations, how we could just talk, laugh, lay together. I'm long past that point with my Girl since we've been settled for years. I tried a girl on the side & that blew up in my face. So now I'm trying this.

I can't speak for eccie girls (I'm new & have yet to set something up with one) but I can speak for BP. It seems as if alot of those girls don't know anything other than sucking dick & getting paid. They falsely advertise sensuality when in reality they know nothing of it. The geisha comes to mind when I think of the service I'd like,what I get is money hungry ghetto attitude. I will not waste a dime on trash again.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I tried a girl on the side & that blew up in my face. So now I'm trying this.

I can't speak for eccie girls (I'm new & have yet to set something up with one) but I can speak for BP. Originally Posted by kirbykirby
BP really is the ghetto. Folks in the Houston boards keep telling me to use match.com because neither ECCIE nor hookers provide what I seek - I never would because I'm 1. Married., and 2. Require understanding discretion from a professional.

So I consider it a challenge!

I've thought long and hard about what I want; originally I tried explaining it as a mistress...but given how fond I am of using words correctly, I looked it up after someone objected to its similarity with being a sugar baby, and it does suggest exclusivity. So now I'm trying the phrase "Friends with compensated benefits."

I chose this for two reasons.

Friend has two primary definitions:
-a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
-a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

That's the dictionary - my two cents would be "someone with similar interests or mutual respect," or "someone with whom I want to spend time"

Compensated benefits are self explanatory; so together - I want the person to whom I am a patron to be someone whom I hold in personal regard and mutual respect, and who I want to spend time with.
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  • 11-15-2015, 09:09 AM
I'm 1. Married., and 2. Require understanding discretion from a professional.

So now I'm trying the phrase "Friends with compensated benefits."

. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
So you are married and are now seeking something that does not exist.

There is no such thing as paid friends. Until you and others come to grip with reality...may i suggest you stick to debating class.

MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Perfect response especially those very last 2 sentences!

It honestly depends on the individual.

My personal definition of upper class is a person whose main income isn't from working. Work is done to maintain the fortune and you don't touch the sizable principal.

A man in the upper echelon generally have someone to arrange the minutiae of their day protected by iron clad non-disclosure agreements.

Some of them do not trust even their closest employees (which tells me they don't have a good enough lawyer or hiring manager) and end up searching for companionship themselves. They aren't used to making "small" decisions on their own so sometimes get the short end of the stick.

Many people posture about belonging to a certain class. If you have ever asked or gossiped about what your friend spent on something or other you don't belong. If the family doesn't own multiple vacation properties you don't belong. If you think trying to set clearly defined lines between the classes and is important you don't belong. You are born into this class. Who you associate with and what your current bank account looks like doesn't change that.

As for women in this business and being "classy" or not....the circumstances can vary.

A lady may have been born with a silver spoon but broke with the family over love and just now is realizing that to maintain the lifestyle she is accustomed to she has to provide. Or maybe she just likes the "thrill". Or perhaps the family has fallen on hard times after some bad investments. Who knows?

Personally, I'd rather be well bred than classy. The word "classy" seems to be used most often by those who don't deserve it or utter snobs. Originally Posted by SA Angel
BP really is the ghetto. Folks in the Houston boards keep telling me to use match.com because neither ECCIE nor hookers provide what I seek - I never would because I'm 1. Married., and 2. Require understanding discretion from a professional.

So I consider it a challenge!

I've thought long and hard about what I want; originally I tried explaining it as a mistress...but given how fond I am of using words correctly, I looked it up after someone objected to its similarity with being a sugar baby, and it does suggest exclusivity. So now I'm trying the phrase "Friends with compensated benefits."

I chose this for two reasons.

Friend has two primary definitions:
-a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard
-a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

That's the dictionary - my two cents would be "someone with similar interests or mutual respect," or "someone with whom I want to spend time"

Compensated benefits are self explanatory; so together - I want the person to whom I am a patron to be someone whom I hold in personal regard and mutual respect, and who I want to spend time with. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Yeah, I wouldn't go the route of match. com. Women do not like being the side chick or fuck buddy, I learned that the hard way. No matter how much they were with it in the beginning, no matter how you treat them, they'll eventually begin to resent the time spent with you.

It's a fault of us men trying to have our cake & eat it too. Women, rather they sell it to you or willingly give it in a relationship ; will understand this, & react. That interplay between the sexes we all know. Women know bachelors have little to loose, so they have little to bargin with. A married man or a man with kids, a family (me) is like having a woman looking at your deck. She knows how to play it & she won't hesitate to wipe you out if need be.

So, yeah I don't touch side relationships with women while with my girl & 2 kids. I love them. But I also love the feeling of a night or 2 a year just being with another woman who (for whatever reason) is there of her own volition & wants to spend the time with me.

BP has yet to deliver hopefully eccie will but I'm not holding my breath. Honestly I can keep browsing indefinitely, till I find what I'm looking for. I'm a bit of a recluse & restrict my contact with people greatly (even my family, I have no clue why my girl stays with me I barely touch her,she's been on my case about it for years). Spending a few minutes a year searching for a meet up is no problem. I'm not looking for much, I don't want much, from anyone.

I wish you luck though.
ad hominem - 1. appealing to one's prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one's intellect or reason. 2. attacking an opponent's character rather than answering his argument.

I typed the definition first TG to be able to reference it while going over our posts.

...I'll just summarize as this: Like attracts like; it's the law of attraction. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Not always true. With magnets, opposite poles attract. Originally Posted by papadee
Just a tongue-in-cheek response, not to be taken literally, but instead figuratively. "Sometimes opposites attract" would have been clearer.

And we're talking about human nature, emotions and ego, none of which are variables in mechanical engineering. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Your reply addresses the literal magnets

Human nature: A submissive person wants a dominant mate. Originally Posted by papadee
So I gave a human nature exception to your "law".

I am at least acquaintances with several millionaires, and two billionaires - I had lunch with Bob McNair last week Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Status & name dropping isn't classy either Originally Posted by papadee
I've never claimed to be well-bred, nor classy. Nor aligned myself with a social class or economic indicator, nor dropped my name.
I have claimed to be a gentleman, which I am - and educated, which I am. These long posts are attempts to educate others - and where examples help, I provide them. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
You dropped Bob McNair's name and the status of acquaintances who are millionaires & billionaires. Originally Posted by papadee
I never questioned you as a person, your breeding, class, wealth, etc. I did point out that you name dropped and status dropped in your reply to SA Angel. I don't have an etiquette book with me, but from my upbringing, I was taught that it wasn't classy.

Yes I did. Since you're determined to avoid discussion on literacy and comprehension and divert the conversation into ad hominem territory, let me b explicit: I don't care what you or anyone else here think of me. Im here to find women I want to have a memorable time with, not to score fake Internet points with fake friends.

I engage in these discussions because I would like to peacefully read and browse without being assaulted by corruption of language and the mediocre understanding of the semi-literate.

It's been extremely difficult to find refined women of elegance and class when every two dollar hooker on this site labels themselves such without knowing what the words mean. The same go for gentlemen.

Call me what you will. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Where was there an attack on your character or person in my responses? (See definition at top). I posed logical and thought out opinions to some of your statements. That's debating. Most gentlemen can engage in a cordial debate. I know I tried to.
atlcomedy's Avatar
This sounds like a statement one might have made, with much better conversation to be had, twenty years ago.

The internet today is ubiquitous. Classy people (& not so classy people) are looking for literally everything on the internet. The question isn't are classy people looking for hookers on the internet; but where on the internet are classy people looking for hookers.
kusmaldo's Avatar
In my eccie post Dinner with a Dimepiece,I was looking for this.But ran only into a wall.
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  • 11-16-2015, 11:37 AM
. As I keep saying - I'm not here to look down on anyone, or to encourage anyone else to do so - . Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Just because you proclaim not to do something does not mean you are not doing it...it could mean you are ignorant of the fact that you are doing so.