A tough call for the left; radical Islam versus gay rights

LexusLover's Avatar
For the "natural born", .... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It doesn't make me any difference .... as I indicated. You must be hearing an echo!
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB, of course you can't figure out which one of "my" positions that is, can you.

Sorry--you saying that I support some position doesn't work--FIND THAT CITATION!

Pathetic little loser--you can't win any argument without grand pompous lies, can you?
Originally Posted by Old-T
Your dumb ass votes for politicians who do advocate letting illegals remain in this country, Old-THUMPER; so, your lib-retard actions speak loader than your prissy little and fallacious denials.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2016, 03:39 PM
Your dumb ass votes for politicians who do advocate letting illegals remain in this country, Old-THUMPER; so, your lib-retard actions speak loader than your prissy little and fallacious denials. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I B Hankering's Avatar

Originally Posted by Old-T
Everyone does laugh at your lying, lib-retard ass, Old-THUMPER.
LexusLover's Avatar
It doesn't make me any difference .... as I indicated. You must be hearing an echo! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Whether this guy was "natural born" or not doesn't even address the issue. Here is THE ISSUE, and if this guy IS NATURAL BORN, it even underscores THE ISSUE ...

.. it is OBVIOUS this morning that the Federal Government (overloaded with "resources") CANNOT keep track of those persons in this country who are plotting to slaughter persons in this country in a "mass attack," ... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Do you read what you want to read, Munchkin?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2016, 03:50 PM
Everyone does laugh at your lying, lib-retard ass, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I B Hankering's Avatar

Originally Posted by Old-T
That's right, Old-THUMPER. Your votes show you never were intelligent to begin with, Old-THUMPER.
  • DSK
  • 06-12-2016, 04:12 PM
Why look at this! IB jumps in and makes a typical IBStupid post that doesn't address anything of consequence.

As you are so want to say: Citations, please!
--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?

You can't--but then again you really don't care if you lie a few more times. It has never stopped you in the past. So what if you tell three more lies now--it is what we all expect of you anyway.
Originally Posted by Old-T
What if we made every applicant for US citizenship for over 20,000 for a thorough background check, then 250,000 more if they passed the test?

We could handle immigration and make a profit.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2016, 04:48 PM
That's right, Old-THUMPER. Your votes show you never were intelligent to begin with, Old-THUMPER. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Poor idiot IB. Just admit you can't provide any citations because you lied about what you claim I said.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor idiot IB. Just admit you can't provide any citations because you lied about what you claim I said.

Originally Posted by Old-T
The only one lying is you, Old-THUMPER. Everyone here knows you've defended the right of illegals to work and take the jobs of American citizens, Old-THUMPER, and many know you very recently admitted that you were too stupid to realize that illegals drive down American wages, Old-THUMPER. You started a thread on that subject, Old-THUMPER. Pus, Old-THUMPER, you vote for politicians who openly advocate what you claim to deny. You're actions are the only words necessary, Old-THUMPER.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2016, 05:05 PM
Poor, pitiful IB.


--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?

You are drifting far afield you lying pathetic little man. That is why I keep reposting the three citations you need to find--or admit you are a loser, a liar, and a babbling hate monger.

I will check in later. Right now I need to actually interface with LIVE people. I have a life beyond the computer. Unlike you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Poor, pitiful IB.


--Where have I ever said, insinuated, or fantasized that Islamic nuts would not kill gays?
--Where have I supported open immigration, other than for some of the Native American tribes that are split by the US/Mexico border such as the Tohono O'odham (who have produced no terrorists that I know of)?
--What is you link between low wages and this shooting?

You are drifting far afield you lying pathetic little man. That is why I keep reposting the three citations you need to find--or admit you are a loser, a liar, and a babbling hate monger.

I will check in later. Right now I need to actually interface with LIVE people. I have a life beyond the computer. Unlike you.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You voted for Odumbo, Old-THUMPER, and you lie when you claim you never defended illegals working in this country.
0zombie killed a bunch of people, same as it ever was...

  • DSK
  • 06-12-2016, 05:19 PM
Did you notice a few days ago Assup posted a video of a Klansmen catching himself on fire, and Assup posted a caption saying "Burn Baby Burn"?

I suppose it would be hateful to post a similar sentiment about a gay person dying?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't have the time or desire to read all the responses, especially the rather stupid ones. COG, I am surprised by you though and it is that that I want to address. I take exception when I see a headline today that says "gay" club, or "gay" people, or "gay" anything. These were Americans. They probably won't vote for Trump or a conservative either. My claim is that liberalism traditionally has the problem of running into itself. In this case support of Muslims versus the support of gay rights. Liberals have to chose and that is something that they don't like to do. When pushed they go into group think. "what should I support?", "who do I believe?" They go into social media to find the answer.

I am sure that some of the shallow thinkers here don't understand that there are degrees of conservatives just as there are degrees of liberals. The problem is that liberals have gone out of their way to purge themselves of anyone who doesn't promote the line.
Here are a few recent examples that you can try to argue;
The bathroom problem: Liberalism says that everyone should have the same right and the right to do what they want even if it to use a bathroom of the opposite sex. At the same time they must support the rights of the majority who don't want to share their bathroom with the opposite sex. Who gets precedence? The traditionalists who out number the rest or the transgender people who are a very, very small minority. In a case like this, as in so many cases, they chose to inconvenience the vast majority over the "rights" of a very few. The tyranny of the minority.
Another example is in word: For years we have been told repeatedly that a person of color cannot get justice in a white courtroom with a white judge and white jury. Liberals believe that wholeheartedly. Let some white guy say that he can't get a fair shake from a Hispanic judge who belongs to radical organizations and the shit hits the fan. That white guy is called racist and a hater for just expressing the same opinion as so many young black men.
Want another? A left winger says that no one should own guns and they mean to take away your rights to make it happen. However, there are those who think that bearing arms (and self defense) is a right. Their rights get plowed under to the other person's "right". Those on the right say that we all have a right to own guns but we're not going to force anyone.

The right is more truly liberal (in the classical sense) than the progressives who run the democratic party.

Back to Orlando. This act of terrorism (in case someone from Obama is reading this) should be treated as such. If a bunch of Muslims terrorists are going to slaughter Klansmen, gay people, or even liberals then we should slaughter the terrorists. It's that simple. We on the right can make a decision of who we are going to put ahead of someone else.