Girl 25 & Under

I don't think every girl under 25 fits this profile.Most of the ladies I have seen have been under 25 and the vast majority of them were really into what we were doing.I just had my best experience last week with 2 young ladies under 25 and it was completely mind blowing(see my last review)!Sometimes it is just luck of the draw and other times it could be that these ladies actually care to deliver the best experience they can to both establish their reputation and build a solid repeat customer base.Good luck and happy hunting!!
Zoey, I'm sure you're right. In your case, for example, I'd confidently bet the rent money that you're an absolute marvel of proficiency, diligence, consideration ... and maturity. But I'm 60 years old, and the reason I draw my absolute no-younger-than line at 40, and my line of preference at 50 and up, is that I would feel like a real first-class creep if I set out to be intimate with women young enough to be my daughter -- or worse!

I realize (with my head -- the big one, that is) that a woman of 18 or better has reached her majority, and there's no moral issue with her having sex with anyone else, age 18 through 118. Maybe it's really a cultural thing ... but, whatever the cause, I'm just not comfortable with intergenerational sex. Actually, now that I think about it, I conclude that with me, it's aesthetics, and a sense of the ridiculous. In any case, it's definitely not that I think you young ladies don't provide excellent value for your clients. Originally Posted by James1588

Couldn't agree with you more. My P411 advanced searches are set for 40+ and 50+
Unfortunately not many local in that bracket so I have to keep an eye out for the travelers. Unfortunately if you find one of those you like, their gone and may not return unless it was a profitable trip for them.
Like you feel much more comfortable with a woman closer to my age
James1588's Avatar
Well said and respected .....
Kudos Originally Posted by Monica187
Thank you, ma'am. I'm glad you understand.
James1588's Avatar

Couldn't agree with you more. My P411 advanced searches are set for 40+ and 50+
Unfortunately not many local in that bracket so I have to keep an eye out for the travelers. Unfortunately if you find one of those you like, their gone and may not return unless it was a profitable trip for them.
Like you feel much more comfortable with a woman closer to my age Originally Posted by littlerichard
Thanks for that, sir. It's good to know that I'm not completely alone on this ... even though we are definitely in the minority.
olderguy1948's Avatar
As my name implies, I am an older guy. I have found that in many areas of life, experience is a most important atribute. I have found a few young ladies that have made up partially for the lack of experience with enthusiam, but for the most part the younger girls are not up to the quality of the older ladies. I believe that this is 80% attitude, 10% experience 10% personality. The cocky, bull shit attitude girls don't last long unless they modify their attitude. On the other hand, I do still enjoy a nice 20 YO spinner with lots of enthusiam once in a while.
I agree 100% !! I get slammed some for just seeing the more mature ladies. I have several ATF's all in their 40's. It's truly amazing to me the difference in how I'm treated as opposed to when I see a young one.
My rule of thumb now is no one under early 30's. Originally Posted by chairspud
with age comes maturity in needs and wants, it's the experience with men, so I give what I would want.