Just in Time, Monica Lewinsky Speaks Up

lustylad's Avatar
issue? really ?

The facts are straightforward: Bill Clinton received the highest job approval ratings of his administration during the Lewinsky/impeachment controversy. As the Lewinsky situation unfolded, Clinton's job approval went up, not down... Thus, the onset of the publicity surrounding the Lewinsky revelations was correlated with a significant jump in Clinton's job approval rating... Originally Posted by CJ7

Ok then, you just confirmed that Monica Lewinsky is a proven winner who is directly correlated with high Clinton approval ratings! So let's get her out on the campaign trail! Nob polishers and polishees alike will love her! Bumper sticker - "Honk if You Love Blowjobs! Vote for Hillary in 2016!"

That's where you were going with this, right CBJerkme?
LexusLover's Avatar
issue? really ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Having a Federal Judge call you a liar, and then report it to the state bar, which disbars him ... is the "issue" .... and that was "real"!

Your "stats' are what Hillary will try to tout ...

.... that worked out well for her in 2008 didn't it.

What a lot of people found out was the truth about the

...."blow job" ....

... the economy ...

... terrorism ....

.... military preparedness ....

which is why Gore won by a landslide in 2000. Right?

Some people on here, including you apparently, believe his shit don't stink.

And "you all" will vote for Hillary, because you think you'll get Bill.

I would rather see the Democrats run someone with some experience and someone who will earn some respect around the world, if they don't already have it. Quit supporting and voting for "emotional favorites" ...

About this time next year ... the "you hate women" cards will start flying.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-07-2014, 06:07 PM
Having a Federal Judge call you a liar, and then report it to the state bar, which disbars him ... is the "issue" .... and that was "real"!

Your "stats' are what Hillary will try to tout ...

.... that worked out well for her in 2008 didn't it.

What a lot of people found out was the truth about the

...."blow job" ....

... the economy ...

... terrorism ....

.... military preparedness ....

which is why Gore won by a landslide in 2000. Right?

Some people on here, including you apparently, believe his shit don't stink.

And "you all" will vote for Hillary, because you think you'll get Bill.

I would rather see the Democrats run someone with some experience and someone who will earn some respect around the world, if they don't already have it. Quit supporting and voting for "emotional favorites" ...

About this time next year ... the "you hate women" cards will start flying. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Some people on here, including you apparently, believe his shit don't stink.

not what I believe at all... keep yapping about Clinton

And "you all" will vote for Hillary, because you think you'll get Bill.

the only way I'll vote for Hildabeast is if the Republicans pose a serious threat to her ... Obama/Romney scenario

and as it looks right now the republiturds don't have a chance in hell of that scenario EVER taking place

Munchmasterman's Avatar
I guess VPOTUS Joe Biden finally got her to come out.


Do you think that Chelsea, now that she is an adult and is about to be a mother, has ever had a grasp on what type of degenerate her father is. And how her mother enabled him to carve a path of carnage through countless women's lives.

If Biden is ever to be President, he will have to be willing to tell the truth about the Clinton's.

Go get em, Joe. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's a good one. A guy with reviews on a hooker board calls a guy who got outcalls a degenerate.
What will Chelsea think?
She won't think it, she'll know it.
Great men are human too.
Cocksuckers like you will of course focus on what you know best.
The blow job.
Like it's any of your business with who or where someone else's blow jobs are.
If the withered old bitch had not tried her hand at the game of thrones and betrayed the confidentiality of a "friend", Monica would have had fond memories instead of notoriety.
That's a good one. A guy with reviews on a hooker board calls a guy who got outcalls a degenerate.
What will Chelsea think?
She won't think it, she'll know it.
Great men are human too.
Cocksuckers like you will of course focus on what you know best.
The blow job.
Like it's any of your business with who or where someone else's blow jobs are.
If the withered old bitch had not tried her hand at the game of thrones and betrayed the confidentiality of a "friend", Monica would have had fond memories instead of notoriety. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You have it all wrong. I detest Hillary Clinton because she is a lying sack of shit whose only claim to fame is being married to Bill Clinton.
The thing that amazes me is seemingly intelligent people, many of them on this Board, can't see through her charade.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
HIT THE NAIL ON THE FUCKING HEAD! Exactly! The only G-d damn reason any of this was an issue was due to the Xtian right-wing mentalists focus on the sexual act. Any politician at that time in this country would have bloody lied IF their counsel thought they had a good way out. That fucking twat Kenneth Star produced a witch hunt over BJ's because a popular Prez got a hummer in his own office and lied about it. Far worse has been lied about...Reagan & Ollie North.

That's a good one. A guy with reviews on a hooker board calls a guy who got outcalls a degenerate.
What will Chelsea think?
She won't think it, she'll know it.
Great men are human too.
Cocksuckers like you will of course focus on what you know best.
The blow job.
Like it's any of your business with who or where someone else's blow jobs are.
If the withered old bitch had not tried her hand at the game of thrones and betrayed the confidentiality of a "friend", Monica would have had fond memories instead of notoriety. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Who gives a flying fuck where he was when his nob got sucked off? Your issue is the location? Errr, that's fucking illogical. If he was doing a good job, what does it matter? The issue at hand is he was a Democrat that got sucked off in his office. I wish Blair would have gotten sucked off. Could you see Thatcher going to Greece lol? Sorry, I honestly don't get it... Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I don't know how things are done on the other side of the pond mate (actually I do) but if you got caught banging an intern at the office here in the USA you'd be summarily fired.
I detest Hillary Clinton because she is a lying sack of shit whose only claim to fame is being married to Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I suppose the fact that Hillary was elected to the United States Senate twice, came in a close 2nd for the Democratic nomination for POTUS in 2008 and then spent four years as our Secretary of State fails to enhance her personal "claim to fame" resume. At least in the fictional book you are trying to write.

You might want to double-check the dosage on your meds. You appear to be taking a double dose!
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
But...he didn't shag that fat cow did he? He got a bj if ya wanna be technical. *In Britain this wouldn't be an issue. Oh sure the Sun & Mirror would have a go at the PM but that would be about it. Now we should go after Blair for all his fucking lies about WMP's! And, your reference to sexual behaviour in the USA only holds water for the normal citizenry. The President & PM are hardly bound by the same rules.

I don't know how things are done on the other side of the pond mate (actually I do) but if you got caught banging an intern at the office here in the USA you'd be summarily fired. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I suppose the fact that Hillary was elected to the United States Senate twice, came in a close 2nd for the Democratic nomination for POTUS in 2008 and then spent four years as our Secretary of State fails to enhance her personal "claim to fame" resume. At least in the fictional book you are trying to write.

You might want to double-check the dosage on your meds. You appear to be taking a double dose! Originally Posted by bigtex
And the ONLY reason she got any of that was because of one thing, and one thing only. She is Mrs Bill Clinton.
And the ONLY reason she got any of that was because of one thing, and one thing only. She is Mrs Bill Clinton. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You're making an unfounded ASSumption.

And we all know what that will do!
I B Hankering's Avatar
HIT THE NAIL ON THE FUCKING HEAD! Exactly! The only G-d damn reason any of this was an issue was due to the Xtian right-wing mentalists focus on the sexual act. Any politician at that time in this country would have bloody lied IF their counsel thought they had a good way out. That fucking twat Kenneth Star produced a witch hunt over BJ's because a popular Prez got a hummer in his own office and lied about it. Far worse has been lied about...Reagan & Ollie North. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
It's called "perjury", Daffy, and it's against the law ... as is witness tampering.

I don't know how things are done on the other side of the pond mate (actually I do) but if you got caught banging an intern at the office here in the USA you'd be summarily fired. Originally Posted by gnadfly
LexusLover's Avatar
I suppose the fact that Hillary was elected to the United States Senate twice, came in a close 2nd for the Democratic nomination for POTUS in 2008 and then spent four years as our Secretary of State fails to enhance her personal "claim to fame" resume. At least in the fictional book you are trying to write. Originally Posted by bigtex
Well, guess what! We are about to find out how that bumper sticker plays.

She had to leave Arkansas and move to NY to get elected.

McCain was "close" in 2000 primaries.

Secretary of State for four years ........... including Benghazi ... et al.

Her numbers now are lower than they were in 2007 just around the corner.

Now she's taking on the NRA.....and will testify AGAIN on Benghazi.

Let's see if she takes all the blame AGAIN.

And when I write "she" ... I am talking about Ms. Bill Clinton ...

who was dodging sniper fire on the tarmac in Europe with her daughter ...
didn't know her husband was getting an outcall in the other end of the house, and lost subpoenaed documents in her clothes closet for years.

Are you going to "hedge" your support FOR HILLARIOUS..

........... or just come on out and do it NOW?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Monica was a pretty and VERY slightly plump and exactly what a lot of men completely like, and actually crave. People have really been too harsh with her but it's always the other woman that people blame.

I've always felt sorry for her. From a female's perspective, she was batting eyelashes at the leader of the free world. And Clinton, regardless of what others think of him on this board and otherwise, has a ton of sex appeal.

Heck, I used to think that he was cute myself back in the day.

So was young and got caught up in a mess that has affected her life. Whereas the Clinton's have gone forward.

Monica was bullied. Was WAY over her head (pun intended) with dealing with what she dealt with. Was threatened. And was probably scared to death while all of this was going on.

What a frigging nightmare for her.

She's unmarried. Probably not that successful. And has this "thing" hanging over her head.

If she can make a little money writing an article, or even publishing a book, good for her.

I actually have a subscription to Vanity Fair. I don't recall seeing that article, though. Maybe it's the new one coming out.

LexusLover's Avatar
And Clinton, regardless of what others think of him on this board and otherwise, has a ton of sex appeal.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Most "successful" sexual predators do have sex appeal. It entices prey.