I'm gonna rub some asses raw with this one

  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2020, 08:01 AM
Good ost - TWK - DPST 9500- ignored - or more likely is unaware - thtTrump's immigration ban is 60 days - and re-evaluated after that.

And pointing that out to 9500- gets a typica DPST resposne - "Triggered" - Quote

amazng how DPST's rationalize away reality - and prefer their Lies to Facts. None so blind as will not SEE!!!

9500- you want Open Borders - and have every indigent and sick Mexican, Central and south American and gang members flooding across our borders for free medical care - to further screw up the economy, flood the hospitals, and empty the treasuries with welfare demands???

If it contributes to Trump losing in Nov 2020 - of course you do!!!
go polish your YSL cuff-links - elitist!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't know why anyone respond to sissy chump Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Awe...I hate you feel that way sweetie
Awe...I hate you feel that way sweetie Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I have to admit, I like the Trump photo with the ghetto grille.

Some of the urban contributions to the culture are without question appreciated - such as this video:

The lyrics are rather amusing, though childlike.
Twit head will keep telling his ignorant racist redneck believers how smart he is. And guess what...
And guess what... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Trump continues to be at least two steps ahead of his haters.
Twit head will keep telling his ignorant racist redneck believers how smart he is. And guess what... Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Hey TS mokies - my friend Yssup Rider wants to know when you had your sex change?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how exactly has Trump destroyed the economy or democracy? you keep jabbering about that yet you've never posted one thing to support it. unless you mean all those opinion pieces you post ..

BAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

how trump is destroying the economy? > you'll get roars and howls and lies....

how trump is destroying democracy? > crickets.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Awe...I hate you feel that way sweetie Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
and another one joins Asswipe of the Banned
  • oeb11
  • 04-26-2020, 09:18 AM
Poor SC - must be very lonely - and no One wants to play with it.