I Take No Delight In This But Devin Nunes Is In Serious Trouble

Hahahaha..no disrespect but you guys arent very bright.

Of course she has the proof but to impeach this cock sucking sociopath you have to build your case. Slow roll out all the Presidents men so that the American people know the process wasnt rushed but was thorough. Building a case with credible qualified republican witness after witness is devastating and reaching the people it needs to reach which are the independents and the key Republicans that still believe in the rule of law...you my friend arent one of those Republicans that believe in the rule of law.

This is chess not checkers. You guys are clueless. Just not very bright at all. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Ok, tell me when they get out of the tiddly wink phase of things and actually start building a case that isn't totally manufactured.

You do realize that since this started support by those independents and key republicans for impeaching or removing Trump is going steadily down as the clown show continues.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Ok, tell me when they get out of the tiddly wink phase of things and actually start building a case that isn't totally manufactured.

You do realize that since this started support by those independents and key republicans for impeaching or removing Trump is going steadily down as the clown show continues. Originally Posted by eccielover
I know this must be a difficult time for you.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Democrats would like you to believe that the 55 days Trump held up 400 million dollars in aid put Ukrainian national security and our national security at risk. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ukraine already had Javelin tank killers so Putin wasn't about to move on Ukraine. They didn't run out of anything during those 55 days. They still had money and weapons from the last shipment. It wasn't like they were more vulnerable to attack during those 55 days because they were not. The other argument from Democrats is that this may have "signaled" to Putin that our support for Ukraine was "questionable". Did he launch an invasion? Nope. So I guess we have the answer to that question.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
you are correct on the first point.. it takes about a year for new funds to get into the system, so yeah, that point was rank hyperbole.. BUT.. point two is lazy analysis. of course Putin didn't attack right away, but that means nothing. just as funds take a while to get into the system, so does the idea of "shaky support" from the US.. Putin will remember this childish money hold up, AND the reason it ended, which is Trump scuttled his plan when he heard the ambulance, A.k.a., he knew the investigation has begun.
I know this must be a difficult time for you. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
No, I'm not having any difficulty is enjoying the show. The House is eventually going to vote and it's probable they impeach.

Then the fun begins in the Senate and at the end Trump will still be in the Oval Office. I have no worries, but it's fun watching each daily gotcha, like the topic of this thread you so seem to relish, explode in your faces.

That reality(and the fact it's happened almost daily for 3 years) just drives some of you crazy doesn't it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You do realize that since this started support by those independents and key republicans for impeaching or removing Trump is going steadily down as the clown show continues. Originally Posted by eccielover
huh? what Independents? what "key" Republicans?

there was never even slight support for impeachment, and there has always been ZERO for removal.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Then the fun begins in the Senate and at the end Trump will still be in the Oval Office. I have no worries, but it's fun watching each daily gotcha, like the topic of this thread you so seem to relish, explode in your faces.
Originally Posted by eccielover
they are not exploding, but in the end Trump will stay in office. that has been known to everyone from the beginning. don't act as if you are "winning", the outcome was predetermined.
huh? what Independents? what "key" Republicans?

there was never even slight support for impeachment, and there has always been ZERO for removal. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
All of the polls that the left were hanging their hats on a month ago that reflected positive numbers for Trump impeachment and removal. Since the hearings have started and become public, those polls have largely flipped.

The people are seeing the shit show that is and are seeing through the false claims. That will begin to resonate with the House and Senate members as well.

The question will be whether the House chooses to finally pull the trigger on an Impeachment vote or not.

And back to the bullshit premise of the original OP, I don't find Nunes to be in much trouble at this point nor am I finding anything to fully back up any wrongdoing.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
you are correct on the first point.. it takes about a year for new funds to get into the system, so yeah, that point was rank hyperbole.. BUT.. point two is lazy analysis. of course Putin didn't attack right away, but that means nothing. jus as funds take a while to get into the system, so does the idea of "shaky support" from the US.. Putin will remember this childish money hold up, AND the reason it ended, which is Trump scuttled his plan when he heard the ambulance, A.k.a., he knew the investigation has begun. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
All that matters is Quid Pro Quo. Once he set that in motion he was fucked. Nothing else matters.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I must say and I dont usually like to do this but I'm on fire in my own dam thread. Call me Man on Fire.
Chung Tran's Avatar
All that matters is attempted Quid Pro Quo. Once he set that in motion he was fucked. Nothing else matters. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

And back to the bullshit premise of the original OP, I don't find Nunes to be in much trouble at this point nor am I finding anything to fully back up any wrongdoing. Originally Posted by eccielover
the information just came out, naturally he is not yet in serious trouble. but it's not a stretch to conjecture.

thing is, the Republicans back their own stronger than Police Unions back their members. just as with Trump, whatever the evidence shows, Republicans will deem it a nothing burger.
All that matters is Quid Pro Quo. Once he set that in motion he was fucked. Nothing else matters. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Give it up. Quid Pro Quo is old news. The Dems focus groups ruled that out.

It's Bribery now and proving that is turning out harder than expected.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Nunes already escaped another ethics investigation.. on that one, and this, Nunes is doing Trump's bidding. it's amazing how pussified the Republicans in Congress have become since Trump took office. hardly anyone remembers Cruz, Rand Paul, and Rubio's staunch opposition from just 3 years ago. even Romney can't decide if he wants to condemn Trump, or stand in line to give him the next blowjob.
Oh poor Yessup. Now you are jealous that when you put on your make up it looks like a drag queen on steroids and not beautiful like mine. Tsk tsk - keep whining Yessup - it's entertaining but nothing more.

Apologies to Sissy something for derailing his thread.

Keep it up yer COB! You make yourself look sillier and sillier with every false accusation you make! Of course you do a much better job of making yourself silly with that raccoon makeup you paint on your drooping jowls every day.

We’ve got a terms for COBs like yous in Canada... Originally Posted by HoeHummer

. The public should have been allowed to vote Trump and his whole band of goons out long ago. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Except that we voted him in genius!!
I knew a dude we used to call Fuck Face and he would always appear to be sad when he was really happy. My point is I am sad and not happy about this even though it would seem the opposite. ;-) Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Ironically, I knew a punk named Sissy Cunt who got beat up often because he was a total dickhead as well as a {xxxxxx}.

Kharma I suppose.