Venomous Emails

Actually, i heard horror stories from fellow providers i am friends with on how clients they had for a long time could turn all evil and out them to parents and stuff just because the escorts would not do what they wanted? So even if you have a long time client, never give out your private details so easily, or at least change your "real name" to a stage name so at least your family is protected.
As others have said if your around long enough you will have at least one hater after you.

And it is rather sad however I agree with what others have said here which is ignore them and do not give any haters a platform to stand on. Making posts about them in public (save it for escort only sites if you must) will only feed the troll or trolls in my case. I found out my trolls were other ASP's who lied to a board owner as a group and had me banned before he could learn the real truth. For nearly two years I was lied about on that web site about everything possible. And amazing I never had one review to back up any of those lies. Actually in hind sight it brought a lot of business for me from people who had to find out for themselves the truth. When it did stop I did notice a cut in business. By then I already had regulars who might have been theirs if they hadn't made themselves so hatefully ego driven out of jealousy.

Now the software the owner used was not able to really determine where it was from, so anyone standing up for me or sort of sounded like me was attacked on line by these gals. Since I was banned on lies I never went back to try and post and Karma got to take of it for me. The board owner lost a lot of traffic to his site and the gals well went after someone else when they could not get a rise from me or those who saw me. And as my name does occasionally come up now and then I find it amazing they one have to lie in the past and two have nothing better to do with their own lives or biz.

Now since then I have come to forgive the board owner as he was lied to by some very shifty gals who don't even post on his board anymore or advertise there. If I had been him and heard four people say this and that I might have believe it too sad to say. I sometimes will read a post from there and see the venom is still alive from this owner but fact is he believed the wrong person. Had he really knew the truth things I am sure would have been a lot different. So as I got further away from the drama I could understand more and more.

Drama Queens (trolls by any gender) is sadly part of the biz. So by either Escort or Domination to body rubs there will always be a hater out there. Be sure your screening is tight so fake appointments are kept to a low volume. Make sure safety factors are in place in case it perhaps escalates to another level. Take a self defense class if you feel you could not handle a situation if it should come up. (something every gal in this biz should know in my humble opinion) And if it gets scary let another person know what is happening just in case. Stalkers generally are full of it like others have said but we all have read about how one might flip out and it could be someone who is dangerous. Those are the ones blacklist sites were made for and should be read by all for safety's sake.

In closing know we all will get a troll one time or another. It is hard to deal with if you let it get in your head and hurt your heart. That is the goal of the troll so don't feed it. I wish you the best and understand where your coming from as I am sure many who read this will too so hang in there. If they have nothing better to do for nearly a decade you must understand you must be a pretty special person for them to dedicate such time just for you!

Best of luck, Originally Posted by DominatrixRose

Gosh you make such sense and gosh I'm so not complimented by the very particular attention! I did wonder to myself 'Where the hell did this come from???'.

He told me himself he just felt like picking on me that day.
Some people can be hateful when they know the do not qualify for an appointment. Originally Posted by mikkifine
Interesting point. Seriously.
Thank you guys for the sense in these responses - big time. From the technological to the psychological.

"Players only love you when they're playing..."

Sometimes it's easy to forget that. And that's why this is such a complicated undervalued world...