Planned Parenthood's Racist Roots

Sa_artman's Avatar


... Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Af-Freakin's Avatar
We've been discussing Planned Parenthood in several threads. Thought you might like to know a little history.

"Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in America. 78% of their clinics are in minority communities. Blacks make up 12% of the population, but 35% of the abortions in America. Are we being targeted? Isn't that genocide? We are the only minority in America that is on the decline in population. If the current trend continues, by 2038 the black vote will be insignificant. Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?"

More here: Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Rogue_Gent's Avatar
The problem is very simple: There are too many people for the earth to sustain. The limits are going to become very evident in just a few years, notably, in China and the Western United States, because of water scarcity. It has been evident in sub- Sarahan Africa for a least a generation.

Modern medicine and the public health infrastructure have dramatically lowered the death rate in the developed countries and are being rapidly improved in the developing world.

Modern agricultural practices (the Green Revolution) has quadrupled food production in many countries.

Pretty soon the earth is going to look like a human feed lot.

But there limiting factors. 1) germs seem to be evolving, becoming more resistant to our attempts at prevention and cure; 2) environmental degredation will cause food production to drop dramatically, and, finally, 3) genocide.

One limiting factor might have been widely available, cheap, safe birth control, but that just appears to be out of the question politically. So back to 3) genocide. It is going to become respectable, even fashionable. The genocide that gets all the attention is, of course, the "Final Solution" of Nazi Germany; but it was just the largest. I would point to the Irish Potato Famine (1840's), the Armenian Genocide of the Ottoman Empire (1915), the ethnic cleansing of the Circassians (1880?), the expulsion of the ethnic Chinese from Viet Nam (1980), Bosnia (1995) and for sheer enthusiasm lets not forget Rawanda. I think that overpopulation pressure was definitely a cause in several of these events.

It's probably too late to stop the 7 billion strong horde from running off the cliff so we better focus on our moral character because there is going to be quite a jam at the Pearly gates.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I'm not reading this whole thread but I will say this:

I know the origins of PP, I approve - but I don't care either. Sanger is dead, the organisation has changed. The service they provide is great. Free pap smears, breast cancer screening, and low cost birth control. Can't ask for much more.

Guess I should boycott GE for a 50 year old ad eh?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
+1 for Missy

Just shows to go ya how things (organizations populated by people) change as time marches on. Well, the obvious often gets overlooked.

Presently, the location of PP facilities is also a non-starter. I'm sure that Highland Park would greet a PP clinic with open arms...LOL! Like any other bidness or service, they go where the customers are. I suppose all of those unsuspecting "nigra wimmen" show up there because some racist do-gooder has a gun to their head, eh?
I B Hankering's Avatar

Dumbest Originally Posted by Sa_artman
You are 180 degrees out of kilter. Blame it on your education.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The problem is very simple: There are too many people for the earth to sustain. The limits are going to become very evident in just a few years, notably, in China and the Western United States, because of water scarcity. It has been evident in sub- Sarahan Africa for a least a generation.

Modern medicine and the public health infrastructure have dramatically lowered the death rate in the developed countries and are being rapidly improved in the developing world.

Modern agricultural practices (the Green Revolution) has quadrupled food production in many countries.

Pretty soon the earth is going to look like a human feed lot.

But there limiting factors. 1) germs seem to be evolving, becoming more resistant to our attempts at prevention and cure; 2) environmental degredation will cause food production to drop dramatically, and, finally, 3) genocide.

One limiting factor might have been widely available, cheap, safe birth control, but that just appears to be out of the question politically. So back to 3) genocide. It is going to become respectable, even fashionable. The genocide that gets all the attention is, of course, the "Final Solution" of Nazi Germany; but it was just the largest. I would point to the Irish Potato Famine (1840's), the Armenian Genocide of the Ottoman Empire (1915), the ethnic cleansing of the Circassians (1880?), the expulsion of the ethnic Chinese from Viet Nam (1980), Bosnia (1995) and for sheer enthusiasm lets not forget Rawanda. I think that overpopulation pressure was definitely a cause in several of these events.

It's probably too late to stop the 7 billion strong horde from running off the cliff so we better focus on our moral character because there is going to be quite a jam at the Pearly gates. Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent
Hey, thank you for posting, Mr. Gent. Now no one can say that I am the craziest poster on here. With one brilliant post, you have exceeded the mass stupidity of three weeks of postings on this board. Brilliant!

BTW, there is enough room and food for everyone. The only resource that is truly scarce is Liberty. You'd be amazed at what free people can accomplish, why, the US used to be free, and it served us well.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I would only object to the "crazy" label. Please don't think that I am endorsing genocide, I'm just saying that what has been happening the last one hundred fifty-sixty years, the unprecedented level of state sponsored murder, is probably going to increase as countries face the impossible task of feeding an increasing population with a drastically shrinking food and water supply.

Your name calling "you have exceeded the mass stupidity..etc." is a poor excuse for any meaningful debate on the subjects at hand. I am fully aware that the right-wing doctrine is that a free market is the solution for every problem, and that unlimited growth will solve the afore mentioned limits to growth. I am also aware of the scoffing about environmental degredation and global warming, and this argument supports the right wing agenda to supress birth control.

Those on the other side of the room feel that the Earth cannot support the population we have now without severe environmental degredation and a drastic reduction of the quality of life.

It is also obvious that the religious right delivers the vote to the Republican party, and at the top of their agenda is "Right-to-Life", supression of not only abortion, but birth control and any education regarding birth control, in other words: liberty for all except no reproductive rights for all you un-Christian sluts!!

But if we are going to reduce this arguement to slogan shouting and insults then SIT ON A BLOODY COAT HANGER, LIFER!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Like I said, Thank you for posting. Right wingers do not love liberty any more than left wingers do. Right wingers want to control, just like the left. Genuine freedom produces abundance and security, controls produce only scarcity and tyranny.

The entire population of Earth could fit in the State of Texas, with each individual having 1000 square feet to call his/her own. The problem is not with production. It is with brutal command regimes who steal from the people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A couple of facts; the Soviet Union starved to death over 10 million people in the Ukraine from 1932-33. The communist Chinese starved to death 15 to 45 million people in the western part of China in 1958 to 1962.

These famines were not environmental but political. These people were killed on the orders of Mao and Stalin. As for this earth, (like there is another one) we all died of starvation in the 1970s and the 1990s. Actor Ted Danson warned us that we would all be dead in 2000. We have been hearing about famine for a century but almost all famines had a political component.

As for Planned Parenthood...yes, Sanger is dead and her organization has changed. Like was pointed out, they are the biggest abortion providers in the US and make billions of dollars doing it. Still you have to wonder why most clinics are in the sections of town were the "undesirables of 1920" live? Why are the black clergy ready to get up in arms if abortion is threatened (just like in the Pivot of Civilization). Things may have changed but it also seems that much of what was wanted has been accomplished according to the will of Margaret Sanger.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I don't think her vision has been fulfilled, I think Planned Parenthood has tried to distance themselves away from her ideology (wiping out blacks). I've only ever used PP for BC. From what I what looked up about the percentage of procedures at PP- they claim that only 3 percent of services given in 2008 were abortions.

^Link. It's a PDF File.

I believe if a woman wants to have an abortion she should pay for it out of pocket like most elective procedures, especially since there are many alternatives. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

I just fell in love with you.