Verizon iPhone....

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Brooke, just saw a technical review of Iphone4, they called it junk and a dinosaur.
My GF has the iPhone 3GS and her friend has the iPhone 4. My GFs 3GS never has problems, always gets good reception never drops calls, the perfect phone. However, her friends iPhone 4 constantly drops calls, in fact, the only time my GF looses a call is when she is talking to her friend with the iPhone 4. We have AT&T and IMO it is a great company with very good customer service. Verizon is another story, my mother had verizon for years and constantly had problems, more with their customer service than anything else. There were constant billing errors and to trying and get them resolved was like pulling teeth. Some friends of mine who have the Droid are very happy with it too though... So IMO, if you want an iPhone, get the 3GS and stick with AT&T over Verizon. Just my 2 cents.
Get the 4g EVo from Sprint. Best phone on the market right now.
  • m2244
  • 01-19-2011, 10:39 AM
Brooke!......I would wait a while on the iphone w verizon......they are going to need a lot of time to get everything working properly and all the tech stuff sorted out the end its going to be great though
Hey - New to posting here - a kind of shy lurker as it may be but I just wanted to say that I have the first generation Motorola Driod and I love it. Plenty of apps, no problems what so ever with the phone or coverage. I looked at the I-Phone (AT&T) before I decided on the Droid but I have had such great coverage with Verizon that I stayed with them. That being said I have not had to deal with cust. service so I cannot vouch for that.