Please STFU with this ignorant AF energy independence bullshit

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 09:26 AM
... Hee Hee! ... Reckon it's surely entertaining
to see some of the liberal lads contort themselves this way
and that as they flail-about in a sad attempt to justify
Biden's idiotic idea of NOT WANTING TO DRILL.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Who gives a fuck what Biden WANTS?

It is what is actually happening. And the fact of the matter is that there were more permits to drill than under Trump. That is a fact. I invest on facts, not emotions. So you and Jackie and lustylad keep betting against big oil and see how that turns out fir ya.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
No, he wasn't talking about me junior. Originally Posted by WTF
He knows I wasn't talking about you. Like I've said before, I have many frequent posters in this forum on ignore for a reason. They post their usual dumb juvenile shit and I'd rather just skip over it to read what the adults have to say. They want attention. I'm not going to waste my time giving them that.

I have empathy for special ed kids who ride the short bus. That is not their fault. But when you are an adult, you should be able to get off that short bus and drive yourself. As soon as I realize you can't drive yourself, I'll just put you back on your short bus and put you on ignore because I don't want to read your drivel that only makes sense to you and the other passengers on your bus. And yeah, I'll not be able to read many of the responses below this post because they are on the short bus.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, he wasn't talking about me junior. Originally Posted by WTF

if you say so

Triggered? I'm trying to make some of you Chicken Littles some money....turn off Hannity and Maddow and get a clue how the real world works. Everything revolves around energy, everything.

You poor bastards being led around by your emotions are missing out.

Jackie....we stopped exporting more than we were importing under TRUMP. Jesus, he shutdown the economy in March of 2020. Originally Posted by WTF

you are completely full of it by claiming Trump shutdown anything. once again sparky ... it was China's bioweapon that was the reason and it was the state Governors who panicked over nothing and ordered widespread closures of businesses.

your amusing lack of knowledge about how a Federal Republic actually works shows you don't know shit.

and as we all know now, the lockdowns were actually against the science for the last 100 years. but suddenly idiots like Fauci and his ilk were claiming it was necessary.

your claim Trump "wrecked" the economy is stupid and false.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
And it even has a snappy 10-point plan on how you should suppress and/or sacrifice your selfish desires of comfort and happiness. Go figure.

Turn Down Thermostats to Fight the Ruskies, Europeans Told

Europeans should make their houses colder to help break the EU’s dependence on Russian gas, an OECD group has said.

The International Energy Agency — an intergovernmental organisation under the avowedly globalist Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) — has recommended that Europeans turn down their thermostats to help reduce reliance on Russian energy.

While the price of natural gas had been rising steeply since last year, in a totally foreseeable development it has soared since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, partly due to Europe’s over-reliance on Russian imports.

However, although European governments have had years to prepare and diversify their energy sources, one way ordinary citizens could help reduce this reliance is by turning down their thermostats, with the organisation releasing a ten-point plan on Thursday to wean the EU off of Russian gas...

Don't worry. Be cold and be happy.
This message brought to you by: The Socialist Council of the EU, creators of the: "You will own nothing and be happy New World Order" and has been paid for by the Green New Deal.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 11:45 AM
Yeh, it’s all about The Dollar,. The Franc, The Ruble, The Pound….etc.

What the OP misses is Energy independence means you can stop a megalomaniac from invading countries. You shut his money off.

We all know that the bottom line rules in the corporate world. But people like WTF, who seems to be “rootin’ for Putin”, can tell the price of everything but knows the value of nothing.

. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I know the value of ignorance and revisionist history to Trump lovers!

Turns out John McCain was right. Right about Putin. Right about Trump appeasing Putin. Right about Putin's ambitions.

McCain was the one who gave the FBI the Trump piss file. Good for him.

Trump gave Syria to Russia. He negotiated to to give Afganistan back to the Taliban. Which are the linchpins for Putin invading Ukraine. Give Biden part of the blame if you must but do not forget Trump.

Please tell me how investing in our oil companies is rooting for Putin?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Does not have a clue that oil companies are plowing more back into stock buyback and dividends instead of ... Originally Posted by WTF
Is this the part in the movie where you explain how the oil companies are different from, hmmm, I dunno, let's say - any other frick'n company, in any industry, that trades on the stock market in a Capitalistic society?
lustylad's Avatar
The Posts in this thread by WTF indicates that he might be going off in the deep end again.

I guess it is inevitable since he realizes that the asinine policies of the politicians he supports are driving this Country right off the cliff.

I would feel the same way if one day I realized that the man I supported for the highest office on the Planet is an old, stupid, inept, senile corrupt piece of shit.

Through all of his visceral rhetoric concerning world energy needs, he can’t discount the fact that under Trump’s policies, we were energy independent. It only took Biden about 2 minutes to destroy that with his fountain pen.

It’s a shame. Much of the time WTF seems like a rather normal poster, even using common sense and logic to further his ideas. But when he gets triggered, he catches himself trying to defend the indefensible and he snaps. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You're right, Jackie, we're probably witnessing another of WTF's episodic meltdowns.

As far as WTF ever behaving like a "normal poster" possessing a modicum of "common sense and logic" I will try to be charitable. Not too long ago he did show a brief flash of clarity:

I think Biden is horrible... Originally Posted by WTF
Alas, the clarity quickly evaporated and he went right back to posting his usual ignorant, incoherent dreck.
lustylad's Avatar

I have empathy for special ed kids who ride the short bus. That is not their fault. But when you are an adult, you should be able to get off that short bus and drive yourself. As soon as I realize you can't drive yourself, I'll just put you back on your short bus and put you on ignore because I don't want to read your drivel that only makes sense to you and the other passengers on your bus. And yeah, I'll not be able to read many of the responses below this post because they are on the short bus. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Thanks, Luke. Just so you know - I have zero empathy for pathological liars who brag about imaginary Ivy League degrees and whose claims of intellectual heft are belied by their lame posting skills and glaring inability to engage on any topic at more than the most superficial level, even when the topic is one (i.e., finance & accounting) that the pathological liar purports to have expertise in.

But I do find such people to be sources of wry amusement, so I am willing to let them sit in the back of the short bus as long as it is being driven by an adult like myself.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 12:59 PM
Is this the part in the movie where you explain how the oil companies are different from, hmmm, I dunno, let's say - any other frick'n company, in any industry, that trades on the stock market in a Capitalistic society? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
That is probably where you gleaned your knowledge of oil....from some God damn movie.

Context matters...

Oil companies were plowing back revenue into more opposed to dividend and share buy backs.

At what point are you going to say UNCLE and stfu by continually demonstrating how little you know about this industry?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 01:01 PM
You're right, Jackie, we're probably witnessing another of WTF's episodic meltdowns.

As far as WTF ever behaving like a "normal poster" possessing a modicum of "common sense and logic" I will try to be charitable. Not too long ago he did show a brief flash of clarity:

Alas, the clarity quickly evaporated and he went right back to posting his usual ignorant, incoherent dreck. Originally Posted by lustylad
When the fuck are you going to demonstrate your expertise on oil?

I mean ... so far nothing but swing and misses. And I'm pitching you lob balls!

McCain was the one who gave the FBI the Trump piss file. Good for him.

? Originally Posted by WTF
McCain was the one who gave the FBI the PHONY Trump piss file.

He played the part of the useful idiot perfectly.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-04-2022, 01:35 PM
McCain was the one who gave the FBI the PHONY Trump piss file.

He played the part of the useful idiot perfectly. Originally Posted by Jackie S
At least...
McCain wasn't fooled by Putin like Donnie!

I'd say Trump was Putin's useful idiot.

He he gave Putin Syria and Afghanistan which has led to them overrunning Ukraine.

Hell Trump wanted out of NATO!
Interesting article here:

Probably won't have much effect on my generation, but likely to impact generations to follow...of course there are those that don't think further than their pricks can reach.

Think about took Mother Earth EONS to create what oil there is, yet home sapiens who have only been around for a second or two relatively, and at that, only really using oil in quantity for a couple hundred years has "wisely" managed to consume such quantities that with known reserves and known economical extraction techniques only another 50 yr or so supply is predicted. Sure, new or alternate reserves MAY be found, new and more expensive extraction techniques MAY be developed, etc., but that largely depends on science which currently is regarded as the evil eye (pardon my bias there as a scientist please.)

Strategically, I think the last country with remaining oil resources as we currently know them is the ultimate winner. So use alternate energy (solar, wind, nuclear) and deplete THEIR oil for what if need to make up the shortfall and conserve ours. Of course we will pay more in the short run (prick's lenght), but the youngsters now and their offspring will be in a better position in years to come.

Buggy makers evolved into making bodies for automobiles and big oil companies can likewise evolve into Energy Companies (hint, Texas has a lot of sun and land and judging by this board a lot of "wind", so they seem well positioned.

Of course, it requires thinking beyond the length of one's prick.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...At what point are you going to say UNCLE and stfu... Originally Posted by WTF
When the credits are rolling at the end of the show - after you explain how the oil companies are different from, hmmm, I dunno, let's say - any other frick'n company, in any industry, that trades on the stock market in a Capitalistic society? Hope this large pop corn doesn't run out before then.
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