Can a man get HIV through BBBJ?

Purple, you are very obviously more than a little "silly" to pose a question containing the statement " is it possible". Its possible to win the lottery or get struck by lightening, however, its highly unlikely.
Purpleheartrecepient's Avatar
Jackhammer, seriosuly? Please refrain from this thread. That analogy was something a third grader would say. Lighting--- come one have you ever met anyone that has been struck by lightning? NO ... Have I met someone with the HIV virus that didnt think they were capable of getting it? Yes!!!

I bet youre the same guy that stands in line infront of me at the local shell buy hundreds of dollars for the lotto .. LOL

How i wish i could tell you--- SIR, dont you know youre more than likely to to get hit by a falling airplane than hitting the lotto... Hahaaha
Purpleheartrecepient's Avatar
Jackhammer, i ought to give it to you though, for trying. Sorry thats the best you can come up with.
Jackhammer, i ought to give it to you though, for trying. Sorry thats the best you can come up with. Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient
I have known three people who have been struck by lightning. Two died and one survived with limited injuries.

That's exactly three more than the number of people I know who claim to have contracted HIV via oral contact of any sort.

Of course it's possible but statistically, more people contract HIV from unsterilized medical implements, accidental needle sticks, infected tattoo needles, etc.
Precious_b's Avatar
I just want to know, did Whispers send this guy?
Lol, fake veteran, you are silly.
Stitch's Avatar
This guy is a fake and a his original avatar he had a PH medal with Marine Corps Sgt chevrons next to it. In his original post he was called a soldier. Any Marine that is called a soldier would have spoken up immediately. So what are you PH other than a fraud that is fictitiously taking credit for an award for wounds received in battle. Shame on you such a disgrace.
Thank you Stitch!!! This guy is a fraud loser fake who only wants to fabricate drama on this board. I bet he drives a Ferrari and is the C.E.O. of Stark Industries too! Lil!
Purpleheartrecepient's Avatar
Typical use of words, Jack hammer. Have a nice night.

Precious B, werent you friends with a member that was jacking people left and right? But becaue of your reputable reccomendation, your so call eccie memebers trusted that. Again, another prime example of not knowing what these woman truly do. Theyre using you for money.... Snap out of it..
Precious b... Does CAPRI SOLARO RING A BELL? i guess she was always a great provider... Just as no providers have hiv or stds... Gotcha
Purpleheartrecepient's Avatar
Stitch-- youre a drunk fraud. Why dont you stay on topic. Before you get an eccie worldwide message --- soldier? I actually did say somthing, not that it matters. Maybe you should lay off the beer for the night. Simmer down
Yall know this is crazy marine from the alerts right?
Purpleheartrecepient's Avatar
Crazy Marine from the alerts? No you have the wrong guy--- ik sorry "whatever".. Thats a pretty harsh assumption.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... can a man that received a BBBJ from a prostitute possibly risk his chances to be exposed with the HIV VIRUS? Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient
The answer to your question is unequivocally NO. Unless she bites it off while, or after, administering the BBBJ. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Johnny, wow--- you really need to do some college level research. Please dont ask your fellow eccie members. Ask an MD Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient
Perhaps you might reread the question you wrote and the answer I gave before making such pronouncements. Did you not do reading and writing at ECU? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Typical use of words ... Originally Posted by Purpleheartrecepient

Use of words does seem to confuse you.

You never responded to my query - is that because you've been too busy or have you finally discovered the actual meaning of that abomination of a sentence?

Oh, by the way, when you get the new handle you may want to spell your name correctly. This one should be spelled "recipient," but I guess your choice suits you better.
Purpleheartrecepient's Avatar
Aww, thanks Johnny, i appreciate you correcting me on my misspelled word ... But i wouldve spelleed it correctly hadnt there been another purpleheartrecipient on file for site. Trust me i tried ... Kinda like people use diffenrnt numbers and symbols for lettering... Kinda like $H3LBY...
Precious_b's Avatar
Hey! What a hypocrite.

Otherwise, a matter of public record for me. Just read my post about her.