
My favorites are Sushi,Chinese, Italian, and Mexican food. I'm not too much of a picky eater, I love food and not to mention sweets (:
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-03-2014, 05:29 PM
I am not sure how I over looked this thread before, since food is one of my favorite topics. Unfortunately there are far to many great eating options to do much more than say, "Here is what I am craving today--and tomorrow I may want something completely different!"

With that caveat, right now my favorite meal would be a cup of pork and green chili stew, salmon with a smoked black mole, and fresh nan in place of the sopapillas.
fragtasticator's Avatar
I am a major foodie. I get a lot of my pleasure from eating things that I find tasty (no sexual references intended here).

Of course, there are a lot of different *types* of food as well as different circumstances, like how you are feeling at any given time. My true love, sadly, is reserved for sweet things.

Home made/Feeling low:
Pan-fried grilled cheese and heinz tomato soup. I know it's not high end, but when I'm feeling low or under the weather this is my go to meal, just like mom used to make.

Tried and trusted/Starving for fuel:
Chicken Alfredo with chicken (and mushrooms or broccoli). Hey, thick, rich and creamy, Biraporettis, Carabbas, Johnny Carinos, Cheesecake Factory - you can't go wrong. Lots of carbs to fill you up, lots of protein for the long burn. I love the bow tie pasta bowl at Cheesecake Factory.

On the town/feeling tops:
Vic an Anthony's across from the ballpark, Downtown Houston. Every time I've gone there I've had upscale food and service (warning; they price to match). Best thing there, in my opinion, is one of their big, melt in your mouth steaks with the au gratin potatoes and the asparagus. Large wine selection, but I'm usually driving, so I stick to one glass, personal tastes run to sweet and white, usually a riesling or a moscato (oh, the heresy of white wine with beef! Quelle horreur!).

Sweet tooth strikes/Feeling fine:
If I get a craving for something sweet, I'll usually reach for a white chocolate kit kat. Something about it just satisfies, It's cheap, and can be found anywhere.

Can also be satisfied with Butterscotch pudding. Downside is, you basically have to make it home yourself and set a stock aside (but it doesn't keep). Still, it's sinfully delicious and relatively low calorie.

Not feeling a break, but don't want to make anything? Lemon meringue pie. Some places do this much better than others. House of pie's used to be fantastic, but has fallen off, IMHO, over the years.

Of course, the mother of all desserts is, was and always shall be, cheesecake. Saltgrass steak house used to own my soul with the two fork cheesecake with white chocolate sauce, but Cheesecake Factory's White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake has held the crown for 5 years now.

Moral of the story: Cheesecake Factory has some delicious food. Go. Now. Stuff yourself, tip generously.

No, I don't work there and am not affiliated with them in any way.
Steak, shrimp, or both

Sushi, of course

Oysters on the half-shell Originally Posted by Solitaire
Me too - with a good champagne, Chablis or Sancerre with the oysters, leagues of options for the steak and sushi. Not too keen on sake though - too sweet.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Linguine alla frutti de mare from the Conchiglia d'Oro (otherwise known as The Golden Clam in English. Very apropos for this site don't you think?) in Vicenza, Italy. They had a reserved table for myself and my few friends every Thursday night at 8 pm. They made their own limoncello as well and were very generous pouring it for us. Then we would often take the train to Venice afterward and spend all of the evening and early hours of the morning drinking wine and generally being poorly behaved. I cry just thinking about it, how I miss those days.
xxxalyssaxxx's Avatar
I love food in general but sushi is a definite favorite. I also love Chinese, Thai, Italian, and Mexican. It really just depends on my mood.
awl4knot's Avatar
I am a major foodie....

Home made/Feeling low:
Pan-fried grilled cheese and heinz tomato soup. I know it's not high end, but when I'm feeling low or under the weather this is my go to meal, just like mom used to make.
. Originally Posted by fragtasticator
I don't share your passion for the Cheesecake Factory but if you are a foodie you might like this upgrade on tomato soup:

Here are the ingredients

1 can condensed tomato soup
8 oz. milk
1/8 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Dash of hot sauce
1/8 tsp. of dried basil or tarragon
Salt and white pepper
¼ tsp. dried chives
1 heaping tbs. of sour cream

1. Prepare soup in normal way but add dashes of Worcestershire and hot sauce, herbs (basil or tarragon), salt and pepper.

2. When soup is piping hot, place in serving bowl and add dollop of sour cream and chives.

Now you have a real comfort food that reminds you of your youth but appeals to your

mature adult palate. And it is so easy.

Hey everyone, been a while since I posted.

My top three

1. Authentic Caribbean
2. Indian (especially butter chicken and bazmati rice)
3. Anything seafood and Italian

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-06-2014, 04:12 PM
Caribbean as a whole is a wonderful universe of tastes, depending upon how inclusive you define "Caribbean". I love Cuban and Jamaican but both can be hard to find. I can cook a number of good Cuban meals, but my Jamaican definitely needs work. I grew up in a family that ate "well" but few spices, etc. Not a broad flavor pallet. Now I'm at the opposite end, loving bold flavors of many types.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Though a lot of the individual cultures has it's staples so much in Caribbean cuisine crosses over.

What pleases my palate ... Puerto Rican and Haitian food of course especially since it's what I grew up on (and love), enjoy Cuban food also (regular part of my diet esp after having a Cuban bf for almost 10 yrs lol), African especially Nigerian and Ethiopian (thanks youtube and college roomie of 2 yrs lol) and Chinese.
CatherineJ's Avatar
When I'm not practicing the erotic arts, I'm a private chef - so I eat all the time and have lots of opinions about it. ;-}

My favorite dinner that I make for myself is spaghetti carbonara: spaghetti noodles, bacon, eggs, a little cream and lots of black pepper. I've made it for friends when they've been feeling low and it seems to be a universal pick-me-up.
Solitaire's Avatar
I am absolutely loving this thread!

Now my favorite foods aside, if we are talking about comfort foods, my favorite would be homemade Split Pea Soup. I have recently learned to make a rockin Loaded Potato Soup that I also really enjoy.
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  • Old-T
  • 08-08-2014, 09:25 AM
Never had it (or even heard of it) growing up in NYC, but the best comfort food for me now if a good green chilli stew with fresh tortillas. I got hooked years ago in New Mexico when the local client there took me to some real hole-in-the-wall places I never would have walked into on my own. It's addictive, and I go through some serious withdrawal back east of the Mississippi. There is one place to get good G.C. in DC, but that's about it.

A few of us here in the hinterlands chip in and pay for someone to make a green chilli run to New Mexico come harvest time and bring back a few hundred pounds. It's just about time....and I can almost smell the roasting now!
Never had it (or even heard of it) growing up in NYC, but the best comfort food for me now if a good green chilli stew with fresh tortillas. I got hooked years ago in New Mexico when the local client there took me to some real hole-in-the-wall places I never would have walked into on my own. It's addictive, and I go through some serious withdrawal back east of the Mississippi. There is one place to get good G.C. in DC, but that's about it.

A few of us here in the hinterlands chip in and pay for someone to make a green chilli run to New Mexico come harvest time and bring back a few hundred pounds. It's just about time....and I can almost smell the roasting now! Originally Posted by Old-T
I'm pretty sure Whole Foods sells anaheim and hatch chiles in season. I know Fresh Market roasts hatch chiles on-site. Whole Foods is in every urban area. Fresh Market is in small to mid-level cities. The trip to New Mexico might not be necessary.
Oh lord this thread is making me hungry. I am in desperate need of oysters!