Surprise, Surprise, Surprise, Obama Lied and Veterans DIED

Has anyone other than me noticed that the usual suspects circle their wagons and fire blanks into the air, each and every time their sub-culture Hero, Shrubya (The Most Unpopular (and Incompetent) President in Modern US History) is cast in a negative light!

What a bunch of Idiots! Originally Posted by bigtex

Most of the good people have you on ignore...

OH SHIT!... looking for the IGNORE button!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And the FACT that vets are dying waiting for appointments in OBAMA'S VA CLINICS must make Obama a Republican, since Obama isn't supporting the troops at home, hmm Doove?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
Actually, he didn't make this mess. And shitheads like you and your ilk won't let him clean it up.

So quit your crybaby shit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WOW. How glib!

Thought you were one of a kind, Whiny. Turns out you (and your services) were won in a raffle!

BTW -- the VA issue isn't Obama's. It's Bush's. Even an idiot like you, Whiny, can find the stories of how the returning servicemen were abandoned by Bushy and his flock of dipshits. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Odd. You had nothing to say to BigAssTex when he repeated that phrase over and over. We know why.

BigAssTex >>> <<< AssupRidee

And yes, Bush was a disgrace, in many respects, including this one. But Obama has been President for 5 years, and for him to claim he just learned of this is another one of his many lies, which you continue to excuse, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014.

It is a fucking disgrace to fuck over our wounded Vet's or any Vet. Should be hung by their balls and loose their retirement if indited.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Odd. You had nothing to say to BigAssTex when he repeated that phrase over and over. We know why.

BigAssTex >>> <<< AssupRidee

And yes, Bush was a disgrace, in many respects, including this one. But Obama has been President for 5 years, and for him to claim he just learned of this is another one of his many lies, which you continue to excuse, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So you agree with me, Whiny, But you can't do so without an insult.

Not surprising.

You are ECCIE's main lie detector, as long as they're not yours.

No wonder you were elected as Right Wing Dipshit of the Year in a poll you started!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I wasn't agreeing with you, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014, because I disbelieve Obama. The reason I disbelieve Obama is because he consistently lies. The reason Obama consistently lies is because people like you and others here REFUSE to call him on it.

I apologize if my insult hurt your feelings. I try to be more tolerant of fucking hypocrites like you. Have a nice day!

flghtr65's Avatar
Obama wonders why the Vets are using the VA.instead of Obamacare. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Really? The VA is free for vets. If you are a family of 4 and make > $24,000 you have to contribute toward your Obamacare premium. If you are a family of 4 and make < $24,000 you would qualify for the expanded Medicaid, if your state accepted the expanded Medicaid. Half the states did not except the expanded Medicaid, so in that case the Vet would be uninsured( unless, for example, he lived in Alabama and made < $11,000 he would get the regular state Medicaid).
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama learned about this just yesterday???? This story appeared three weeks ago. The movie Article 99 was in 1992 and Obama was on the Senate committee overseeing the VA. How the hell does anyone not know what was going on? This guy in the Oval Office is a worthless, lying prick.

And worse....he wants a panel to investigate to see if this is really true and they will get back to him in 30 days. How many more will die needlessly waiting on medical care or overseas in Afghanistan now that Obama has already thrown in the towel? It was you own esteemed Secretary of State John Kerry who asked the question, "who wants to be the last man to die in a lost war?"
flghtr65's Avatar
Obama learned about this just yesterday???? This story appeared three weeks ago. The movie Article 99 was in 1992 and Obama was on the Senate committee overseeing the VA. How the hell does anyone not know what was going on? This guy in the Oval Office is a worthless, lying prick.

And worse....he wants a panel to investigate to see if this is really true and they will get back to him in 30 days. How many more will die needlessly waiting on medical care or overseas in Afghanistan now that Obama has already thrown in the towel? It was you own esteemed Secretary of State John Kerry who asked the question, "who wants to be the last man to die in a lost war?" Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, where is your outrage for the 4 star general who was in charge? It's not like he had some invasion to plan as part of his job description.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I find it amusing how libtards can justify the lying of their President because a different President may have lied.
Bugtux fails to understand that Bush was gong off of the intelligence, or lack there of, of the previous administration which has been documented over and over again.
I find it amusing how libtards can justify the lying of their President because a different President may have lied.
Bugtux fails to understand that Bush was gong off of the intelligence, or lack there of, of the previous administration which has been documented over and over again. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
LMAO again and again...
cowboy8055's Avatar
I wasn't agreeing with you, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014, because I disbelieve Obama. The reason I disbelieve Obama is because he consistently lies. The reason Obama consistently lies is because people like you and others here REFUSE to call him on it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If all these scandals were happening under a republican administration the left would be screaming mad. When Bush was president the left was screaming about everything and rightfully so much of the time. And the reps were playing the spin game. Under Obama the reps are screaming and rightfully so. Now the dems are spinning away. By any objective measure the Obama adm has been a disaster. These loons we elect all use the same playbook. The only thing that changes is the roles they play depending on who's in the White House.
One of Obie's campaign promises was to clean up the VA. However the same ones on the other side claiming they knew about this and did nothing are not guilt free.
Yesterday's Obama News Conference was his "heck of a job" Shinseki moment !

President Barack Obama says Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has put his "heart and soul" into caring for America's veterans. Obama says of Shinseki "nobody cares more" about Veterans !

Two utterly false statements....laughable that Obama would even make these 2 claims.

Back to the Original Topic of this thread:

Obama lied..............for the lie, let's go back to Obama's 2008 campaign of lies:
"It's time to build a truly 21st century VA," Obama said. "It's also time to build more Vet Centers, VA facilities and outpatient clinics. If you live down in south Texas, you shouldn't have to drive for hours to the VA hospital in San Antonio. When I am Commander-in-Chief, I will ask myself every single day whether I am serving you as well as you have served America. I will have no greater calling than standing by those who have answered our country's call."