This just in...
Turns out the briefcase was found by none other than Mokoa which explains his absence from the SA board. Now JJ is starting up. Geee I wonder if Mokoa told him about the briefcase. If it wasn't him, it had to be that creepy SKF. You know he'll stop at nothing to cause problems for us. At first I thought it might be flinde but turns out that a band of BBW'S came into town and he is harvesting Manteca. Not my thing so you'll have to esplain that when we meet for dinner when I get back from vacation. So this story comes to an end about the missing briefcase. That was just a payment for 2014..... yes?
Originally Posted by Still Looking
It was meant to be a "down payment" to get us through the 2nd quarter....
You realize that we would a owned the place by now with the MODs doing our bidding.... most of the uppity hos and their sheep would have pointed out a time or two earning a couple of 90 days bans....
You would not REMOTELY be writing enough threads offline to take over the front two pages of the forum like before.....
Now they've added another MOD to the mix and JJ even moved one of my threads to the sandbox last week....
Forget fishing..... I'll buy you some Long John Silvers and we can take laptops to Red Lobster and post from there.....