Hey Tyra,
In response to the pm, I saw you on May 11.
I believe the pics that started this thread are pretty old, I still believe that you are a very nice lady but its just that your pics are deceptive.
If you would like to stick with the lie that they are current and I am a lier, I challenge you to post pics with a magazine or something that would prove the date.
Originally Posted by SamDunk
Lmao. I'm not going to explain myself again. Read the rest of this thread. Someone even posted on the review that you wrote that my pics are current and accurate.
I did send you a pm. Since you don't seem to understand what pm means I guess I have to explain it to you. .. that means PRIVATE MESSAGE. I simply asked who are you. The fact that you say you saw me on may 11 tells me nothing... like what do you look like. Maybe you should post your pic on here then. And if you didn't like the way I looked why didn't you just turn around and walk out the door then?
My pics are current. I don't have to use fake pics and I definitely don't have to explain myself to you. The fact that you "challenge me to be in a magazine" is completely obscured. I challenge you to get your eyes checked.
I am on tour now and I don't have time to entertain your sucker shit. When I get back I am taking pics again with bcd.
Is this considered harassment? Even after the review he wrote me he gets back on there 2 weeks later saying my current pics are old. Even after someone in this thread said my pics are current and someone else posted in his review that my pics are current he still has the nerve to get on my pic thread talking crazy.