New pics... what do you think?

Great. Truth in advertising prevails. I did a review on Tyra and my observation was similar to Samdunk, that reality differed enough from the old pictures to create disappointment. But Tyra is beautiful and very nice. These pictures are accurate and I can tell they are recent, so now you know what you're getting. If you compare these recent ones to say the first three on her showcase, I'm sure all would agree there is a big difference in weight. Again some people would like her as she looks now, others would prefer the old look, but the important part is to know what you're getting.

You are right. It is a good looking ass, I hadn't even noticed the ass. What impressed me was the face looked much younger in the new pictures. But then, maybe she had face surgery also.

But then again, it seems to be very common for some ladies to use old pictures while claiming they are new. We don't know until we meet them.

Sometimes, we just don't know what to believe. The recent review may tell us more, which doesn't seem to be a putdown at all. I seem to prefer the mature ladies, most of them seem to have learned how to make a guy seem special.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Lol... no I didn't have face surgery... I don't know why I appear younger in the pic... but how much do you expect me to age between photo shoots? I don't do drugs or anything like that although I was a little tired on the photoshoot before so maybe that's why you think I look younger now. I understand that you only have other people's word to go off of but you should meet me in person some time to see for yourself. :-)
bluegrana's Avatar
Again some people would like her as she looks now, others would prefer the old look, but the important part is to know what you're getting. Originally Posted by golard
True, from comparing the old pics with the new ones I find her to be even sexier now.

I like curves too much lol
Great. Truth in advertising prevails. I did a review on Tyra and my observation was similar to Samdunk, that reality differed enough from the old pictures to create disappointment. But Tyra is beautiful and very nice. These pictures are accurate and I can tell they are recent, so now you know what you're getting. If you compare these recent ones to say the first three on her showcase, I'm sure all would agree there is a big difference in weight. Again some people would like her as she looks now, others would prefer the old look, but the important part is to know what you're getting. Originally Posted by golard
Thanks hun... I actually became a vegetarian again since I saw you last so I keep getting skinnier. I need to go shopping for new clothes though cuz they are all too big lol. When I get back in town in a couple of weeks you should see me again and you will definitely notice a difference :-)
True, from comparing the old pics with the new ones I find her to be even sexier now.

I like curves too much lol Originally Posted by bluegrana
Aw thank you sweetie!
Starry69's Avatar
Very sexy. I want some!
HOT pics Tyra! Your ass is incredible!
HOT pics Tyra! Your ass is incredible! Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
Thank you! So is yours!
Do the injections perk up the bum as well? I wouldn't mind seeing my bottom a little higher than it currently is.
Do the injections perk up the bum as well? I wouldn't mind seeing my bottom a little higher than it currently is. Originally Posted by JayceeRivers
Yes it does... they also massage it to shape. They can also target certian areas. If you want more definition in the top part of your booty they will put it up there or if you want it wider they can do that. Just tell them the look you want to acheive and they will do it.

It will be really swollen for a week too but it will go down. You can get a full or a half and after a week you can go back for more if you want... it depends on the look you are trying to get. They can also do your hips and boobs with it but you don't need all that lol. Its still good to do booty exercises to keep your booty up high though because after you completely heal it is just like a normal booty. But if your bum is already in pretty good shape it definitely add some perk.

STAY AWAY FROM HYDROGEL INJECTIONS AND ONLY DO SALINE INJECTIONS. I have done a lot of research and hydrigel is not safe!! The people who did mine have been doing it for over 20 years. They are very nice and professional. I was afraid to do it at first but I started meeting a lot of people who had it done for years and never had a single problem with these people.

YOU CAN NOT GO TO JUST ANYONE FOR THIS! There are people out there just trying to make a quick buck putting effed up stuff in ladies out there causing health problems. I have had no problems with mine and all of the ladies I know who got it done have had no problems. My booty is soft and you can't even tell I had it done unless I tell you :-)
JRLawrence's Avatar
Some of these ladies have posted pictures at least 30 years old.
JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Public Apology:

I did not mean to hurt anyone's feelings when I made the above comment about old pictures. I was out of line with that comment. Many of the ladies are not even 30 years old.

Hey Tyra,
In response to the pm, I saw you on May 11.
I believe the pics that started this thread are pretty old, I still believe that you are a very nice lady but its just that your pics are deceptive.
If you would like to stick with the lie that they are current and I am a lier, I challenge you to post pics with a magazine or something that would prove the date.
Hey Tyra,
In response to the pm, I saw you on May 11.
I believe the pics that started this thread are pretty old, I still believe that you are a very nice lady but its just that your pics are deceptive.
If you would like to stick with the lie that they are current and I am a lier, I challenge you to post pics with a magazine or something that would prove the date. Originally Posted by SamDunk
Lmao. I'm not going to explain myself again. Read the rest of this thread. Someone even posted on the review that you wrote that my pics are current and accurate.

I did send you a pm. Since you don't seem to understand what pm means I guess I have to explain it to you. .. that means PRIVATE MESSAGE. I simply asked who are you. The fact that you say you saw me on may 11 tells me nothing... like what do you look like. Maybe you should post your pic on here then. And if you didn't like the way I looked why didn't you just turn around and walk out the door then?

My pics are current. I don't have to use fake pics and I definitely don't have to explain myself to you. The fact that you "challenge me to be in a magazine" is completely obscured. I challenge you to get your eyes checked.

I am on tour now and I don't have time to entertain your sucker shit. When I get back I am taking pics again with bcd.

Is this considered harassment? Even after the review he wrote me he gets back on there 2 weeks later saying my current pics are old. Even after someone in this thread said my pics are current and someone else posted in his review that my pics are current he still has the nerve to get on my pic thread talking crazy.