Matt Mahon Explores the Sex Industry in Photography Series Under at The Public Trust

bojulay's Avatar
I'd imagine it's all quite real. You don't need to add anything for "effect" if you're looking for it in this business. Plus, that would raise the possibility of this being disingenuous. Thus having a detrimental and opposite effect hindering what artist was going for. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Maybe so. The girls just seem a little too free with their secrets though
FunInDFW's Avatar
From whom are they keeping these secrets as they've reached this juncture in their lives...

Post #13 is interesting.

"This thing of ours" has some funny contradictions, and as you see in the photos there is a mix of incredible beauty and some real sadness. The documentary "Whore's Glory" on Netflix shows the seedier side of this underworld we play in.

I suppose we should raise a glass to providers and hobbyists who can do this thing in a human way without taking the dignity of others along with the companionship we crave.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Thanks for the link! Especially since it says all of these women are Eccie providers.
TinMan's Avatar
Thanks for the link to the National thread on this topic. Post #13 is interesting, and help explains why the artist chose to focus on that aspect of the hobby.

I just would have liked to have seen a bit of the other side of the provider experience, to the extent it exists. The lady who is working out of a nice apartment incall, an educated woman who doesn't sit around in lingerie all day abusing her body.

Maybe that didn't interest the artist, or maybe there are so few of those that he just didn't run into any, but since he met these ladies through Eccie I would think he might have met a few.
Thanks for the link to the National thread on this topic. Post #13 is interesting, and help explains why the artist chose to focus on that aspect of the hobby.

I just would have liked to have seen a bit of the other side of the provider experience, to the extent it exists. The lady who is working out of a nice apartment incall, an educated woman who doesn't sit around in lingerie all day abusing her body.

Maybe that didn't interest the artist, or maybe there are so few of those that he just didn't run into any, but since he met these ladies through Eccie I would think he might have met a few. Originally Posted by TinMan
I was hoping for that too, Tin. Not just stereotypical "hooker shit".
Oh well.
I sort of wished it was more balanced. The hobby in imho is gray. Nothing is black and white.
I was disappointed that he is only interested in showing the seedy side of things. There are a lot of smart, educated women who actually have our acts together and are productive in both RW and the hobby. To me, it's rather insulting.
OldGrump's Avatar
wow, there are some really pretty women in there. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
My thoughts exactly.

I am torn wondering if the drug culture is as prevalent as depicted. At least, I don't like to think so.