Lick my ass nicely,Although absolutely NOTHING goes near my ass, I am YMMV with TUMA. I take direction well and am still learning. However, seeing is believing so, I will always need to see you shower right before
lick me nice and clean,
Nice and clean, lick my ass,
Thats a greasy desire,
nicely buttered,
like the licking of roast meat, my daily activity.
Three will lick more than two,
come on, just try it, and lick,lick, lick
Written by Mozart
Think im kidding, google that shit.
So who loves this? I admit im a hypocrite. Love getting not a big fan of giving. Unless we both just soaked in the tub together. Originally Posted by Sonya
Although absolutely NOTHING goes near my ass, I am YMMV with TUMA. I take direction well and am still learning. However, seeing is believing so, I will always need to see you shower right beforeHolly firetruck Alyssa!!!.....thank you Lord! doesn't get much better than that!And I LOVE Mozart!!! Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
As I mentioned earlier, I am a huge fan of providing TUHA. That being said, and I don't often talk about risks we face in this industry, as we all should know them by now. But, I honestly never gave much thought to this until one of my friends had this problem. He said he was with a provider that gave him a good rim job. He ended up with anal herpes. Fortunately, with medication he has only had two outbreaks. During both outbreaks, he said the best way to describe it would be to imagine shitting a pine cone.Originally Posted by GymRat