Hottest chick in music EVER!

I see no mention of Stevie Nicks, or Carly Simon in their hey day! They could always raise wood. Agree with Linda Ronstadt, and Nancy Wilson though.

Just a couple from back when! Originally Posted by Maxx
Stevie Nicks, now there's a wank from the past. Originally Posted by oldtiger
MMMMMMM Stevie...yes she goes without saying!!!
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 06-09-2014, 11:04 PM
I'm gonna vote for.....Mariah Carey

I know she ended up going crazy and got married to some dicktard when she should have married me stead.

But I still like her. I grew up during the 90's when she was on the rise and I loved seeing those curves in her music videos.
bigjimt52's Avatar
now for those of us whose dicks are older than T Rex let us not forget this little jewel of one hit wonders
Doglegg's Avatar
Mmmmm Nancy.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
now for those of us whose dicks are older than T Rex let us not forget this little jewel of one hit wonders Originally Posted by bigjimt52
One thing is sure she doesn't look like that today,on a positive note nice bush..............
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-11-2014, 10:44 PM
May just be my naughty side speaking out but gotta truly enjoy a woman who can scream it out.

Oh the things I want to do to her...
thrakattack82's Avatar
Besides Shakira, my other musical crush for the past few years has been Tal Wilkenfeld. Watching her play bass drives me nuts! Of course, watching Vinnie Colaiuta play drums in her videos drives me nuts too but in a different sorta way :P
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
May just be my naughty side speaking out but gotta truly enjoy a woman who can scream it out.

Oh the things I want to do to her... Originally Posted by ChiTowninSATX
bigjimt52's Avatar
best we not forget Mama Cass......I know only someone with my sick sense of humor will appreciate this.
Doglegg's Avatar
She is hott, that is for certain..I don't care much for metal, but I found this acoustic video

May just be my naughty side speaking out but gotta truly enjoy a woman who can scream it out.

Oh the things I want to do to her... Originally Posted by ChiTowninSATX
Chuck10's Avatar
I especially like the Sheryl Crow song "Easy" since it really reminds me of spending time with my ATF Bailey ...;-)...Enjoy, I know I did...
Along that same time period, Ann and Nacy Wilson...

Originally Posted by Mokoa
They were the first sisters I ever had a fantasy about !!!!!
I'd take Susanna Hoffs any day.