Using the furniture

boardman's Avatar
I just ordered this off of Amazon

Any of you bitches want to come help me break it in? There's room for 12!
tbone77494's Avatar
SO just went sofa shopping, thinking of sending her Dorian's pic.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
The other side of the couch is useful too

(Bonus if KaitlynDior is included.)
  • anita
  • 06-17-2014, 09:09 PM
It depends on the moment and the person. But if you like being discreet but taking risk we could play with our hands under the table at a restaurant. Then be bothered enough to rip clothes off as soon as we get home.
It depends on the moment and the person. But if you like being discreet but taking risk we could play with our hands under the table at a restaurant. Then be bothered enough to rip clothes off as soon as we get home. Originally Posted by anita
Ok. What's your phone number?
Public is a very huge fantasy of mine.