I guess it didn't work

Typical post by typical mouth-breather....all this is the Obama's fault. More insane ODS...... Fuckin' idiot.

By the way admiral.....fuck you.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Evidenced by the outrageous allegation that anyone expected Michelle Obama's hashtag campaign was the solution to the problem in Nigeria. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
So.. why did she post it if not to provide help or assistance toward the problem?
RedLeg505's Avatar
If Obama had freed the Marine in Mexico it would have been fucked up according to you.
--But he didn't

If Obama had freed the slaves in Egypt it would have been fucked up according to you.
-- Not only didn't he free the slaves, he didn't support the elected President of Egypt

If Obama could free us from you, then MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, according to US!

-- Obama can't even have his own administration find emails that are REQUIRED BY LAW to be retained. How in the world can he then free us from anyone or accomplish any mission?

How fucked up was it that he didn't score the winning goal against Portugal? It didn't even come up in the conversation, JD, but I know you're trying to find a way to lay that on him too.

Wanna hashtag?

--Since her previous hashtag didn't work, when can we expect her next picture of her holding a #BRINGBACKMOREOFOURGIRLS sign?

How about #FUCKYOUJDIDIOT Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How about you stop sucking down the Obama Koolaid?
So.. why did she post it if not to provide help or assistance toward the problem? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
So what if she did? Does that mean she has committed the United States to drop in some combat troops and start ginning up the airstrikes? Since you're shooting your mouth off....give us your rendition of exactly what the United States should do in this situation? Be specific.

Christ, the level of stupidity around here grows exponentially every day. The FLOTUS tries to communicate a positive and encouraging note in a tragedy occurring 10,000 miles from our border and suddenly she is responsible for the tragedy? Your reasoning escapes me.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have no idea what you are trying to say. I merely pointed out that the hashtag campaign did absolutely nothing to help the kidnapped kids. It made all the participants feel good about doing something when in reality they did nothing.

Maybe we could trade the Obama's for the kids. Originally Posted by Budman

That's all it did. Made them feel good without doing anything. SOP for liberals.
Budman's Avatar
So what if she did? ...suddenly she is responsible for the tragedy? Your reasoning escapes me. Originally Posted by timpage

I am not aware of anyone that says she is responsible for the kidnappings. What is being said is that the silly little sign she held up made her look foolish and did absolutely nothing to help the situation. Campaigns like this are for the people to get the attention of the people at the controls who can actually do something to fix the problem. Not for the people at the top to show how much they care and then do nothing.

This is like Obama telling us how mad he is about the IRS and Veteran's scandal and how he is going to get to the bottom of it. Then nothing. It is purely symbolic. Show everyone that he cares and then ignore the problem until it goes away.

The FLOTUS tries to communicate a positive and encouraging note in a tragedy occurring 10,000 miles from our border and suddenly she is responsible for the tragedy? Your reasoning escapes me. Originally Posted by timpage
But what she ended up doing was portraying a total naïveté towards the World, thinking for one second that these Thugs would care in the least what she, or for that matter, her husband thinks.

She accomplished her goal, she got her picture splattered all over the Planet, showing she "cares". But in the end, she is still the same self centered, angry, spiteful woman that she has always been.
Social media for Obama....bad
Social media for Bundy....good
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But what she ended up doing was portraying a total naïveté towards the World, thinking for one second that these Thugs would care in the least what she, or for that matter, her husband thinks.

She accomplished her goal, she got her picture splattered all over the Planet, showing she "cares". But in the end, she is still the same self centered, angry, spiteful woman that she has always been. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Again, what the fuck was wrong about trying to raise awareness of the situation on social media?

Why the outrage?

Budman's post is stupid, as are your increasingly vitriolic amens.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How about you stop sucking down the Obama Koolaid? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I am sorry, I knew people who drank "the" Kool-aid, some of whom were women and children in Jonestown against their will, and I find the continued use of that figure of speech to be offensive and insensitive.


FYI -- "the" Kool Aid was used to kill people. if you're going to be Insensitive, ignorant bastards, at least get your shit straight.
Budman's Avatar
I am sorry, I knew people who drank "the" Kool-aid, some of whom were women and children in Jonestown against their will, and I find the continued use of that figure of speech to be offensive and insensitive.


FYI -- "the" Kool Aid was used to kill people. if you're going to be Insensitive, ignorant bastards, at least get your shit straight. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are now offended by the term "drinking the kool aid". That is fucking ridiculous. Maybe you can file a law suit and get it added to the list of hate speech. You know like the town that banned the term Asian Carp because it might offend someone in the Asian community. Another thing you can do is start a #hashtag campaign. If you're lucky the fat ass fisrt lady will join you. Keep drinking the "kool aid" Sup and be sure to pass it around to your family. I have no doubt you already do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are now offended by the term "drinking the kool aid". That is fucking ridiculous. Maybe you can file a law suit and get it added to the list of hate speech. You know like the town that banned the term Asian Carp because it might offend someone in the Asian community. Another thing you can do is start a #hashtag campaign. If you're lucky the fat ass fisrt lady will join you. Keep drinking the "kool aid" Sup and be sure to pass it around to your family. I have no doubt you already do. Originally Posted by Budman
Remember, Budman, the lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM is a liar.

I think you're drinking a lot of Kool aid! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Budman's Avatar
That's not fair. I'm sure he posted that before the Jonestown massacre. He would never utter that phrase after Jonestown because he was so overwhelmed with grief about the misuse of kool aid. I'm surprised he doesn't want us to show ID and go thru a background check to purchase kool aid.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Assup is offended because he has long suffered from acute Obama Kool Aid poisoning. It's a chronic condition, and he refuses treatment. However, it did help him win Dipshit of the Year for two years running, and the distinct honor of the title Dipshit Emeritus, for lifetime achievement in Dipshittery.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are now offended by the term "drinking the kool aid". That is fucking ridiculous. Maybe you can file a law suit and get it added to the list of hate speech. You know like the town that banned the term Asian Carp because it might offend someone in the Asian community. Another thing you can do is start a #hashtag campaign. If you're lucky the fat ass fisrt lady will join you. Keep drinking the "kool aid" Sup and be sure to pass it around to your family. I have no doubt you already do. Originally Posted by Budman

My point was that everybody was butt hurt when In posted in the Washington Redskins thread, especially CplJohnstone, who claimed to know people who died during the white RWW bombing of the Murrah building.

You have proved my point to a T, Budman.

It's not the content but the poster.

You're an asshole.