Impact of Immigration on American Born Employment

LexusLover's Avatar
... I did go to 9:30 Mass. Originally Posted by bigtex
As for our religious right-wing fanatic .... how do you reconcile your views?

Or do they not know your "real" views?

Or are you a "left-wing religious fanatic"?
I don't get the reference, please elaborate, mountain man. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Is that your mountain range in your land of milk and honey?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Is that your mountain range in your land of milk and honey? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Har Meron....among many others..unlike flat Kansas and its buried POS mountains.

Beat that Kansas piker!

Here is Yssup Rider on a pilgrimage:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Damn, JLHomo! Does your old lady know you're posting pix of her on ECCIE? Nice tits...btw. I figure you could have cut down your Asian whorehouse trips by one or two a month and bout the poor lady some new ones!

shame on you...
Har Meron....among many others..unlike flat Kansas and its buried POS mountain

Beat that Kansas piker! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Look kinda like our flint hills. Those are mountains?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
what the fuck does mountains in Israel vs Kansas have to do with this topic? It doesn't have anything to do with the stupid meta discussions that have merged. It's dumber than an IBIdiot and Slobbrin circle jerk. JLHomo has hijacked the same topic twice now. What a douche! IJS.
what the fuck does mountains in Israel vs Kansas have to do with this topic? It doesn't have anything to do with the stupid meta discussions that have merged. It's dumber than an IBIdiot and Slobbrin circle jerk. JLHomo has hijacked the same topic twice now. What a douche! IJS. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hey, shit eating "Dick Turd" you are really going to like this video... I promise!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Not that it is any of your business, but I did go to 9:30 Mass. Originally Posted by bigtex
I'm sure God is proud of you.
cowboy8055's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Your link was an excellent example of how liberals are just killing America:

The following are 19 very disturbing facts about illegal immigration that every American should know…
#1 57 percent of all households that are led by an immigrant (legal or illegal) are enrolled in at least one welfare program.
#2 According to one study, the cost to U.S. taxpayers of legalizing current illegal immigrants would be approximately 6.3 trillion dollars over the next 50 years.
#3 The Obama administration has distributed flyers that tell illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps.
#4 The Department of Homeland Security says that it has lost track of a million people that have entered this country but that appear never to have left.
#5 One out of every five children living in Los Angeles County has a parent that is in the country illegally.
#6 In one recent year, taxpayers in Los Angeles County spent 600 million dollars on welfare for children of illegal immigrants.
#7 Thanks to illegal immigration, California’s overstretched health care system is on the verge of collapse. Dozens of California hospitals and emergency rooms have shut down over the past decade because they could not afford to stay open after being endlessly swamped by illegal immigrants who were simply not able to pay for the services that they were receiving. As a result, the remainder of the health care system in the state of California is now beyond overloaded. This had led to brutally long waits, diverted ambulances and even unnecessary patient deaths. At this point, the state of California now ranks dead last out of all 50 states in the number of emergency rooms per million people.
#8 It has been estimated that U.S. taxpayers spend $12,000,000,000 a year on primary and secondary school education for the children of illegal immigrants.
#9 It is estimated that illegal aliens make up approximately 30 percent of the population in federal, state and local prisons and that the total cost of incarcerating them is more than $1.6 billion annually.
#10 The federal government actually has a website that teaches immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States.
#11 The Obama administration recently introduced the very first “unmanned” border station along the Texas-Mexico border.
#12 The Obama administration has sued individual states such as Arizona that have tried to crack down on illegal immigration.
#13 According to the FBI, there are approximately 1.4 million gang members living in our cities. Illegal immigration has been one of the primary factors that has fueled the growth of these gangs.
#14 As I have written about previously, there are only about 200 police officers assigned to Chicago’s Gang Enforcement Unit to handle the estimated 100,000 gang members living in the city.
#15 Mexican drug cartels make approximately 6.6 billion dollars a year “exporting” illegal drugs to the United States.
#16 It is an open secret that Mexican drug cartels are openly conducting military operations inside the United States. The handful of border patrol agents that we have guarding the border are massively outgunned and outmanned.
#17 According to the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center, Mexican drug cartels were actively operating in 50 different U.S. cities in 2006. By 2010, that number had skyrocketed to 1,286.
#18 Overall, more than 55,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2006. That same level of violence will eventually show up in major U.S. cities unless something dramatic is done about illegal immigration.
#19 It is being projected that the Senate immigration bill will bring 33 million more people to the United States over the next decade.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank you, Chicken Soup Little!
How many of you own or manage a Company?

I do. We are now up to 16 employees, we are a industrial repair facility.

I have one "Caucasian" working for me. He has been with us since 1978.

The rest of our men are all Hispanic, whom we have taught a skilled trade.

Three of the younger men, still in their 20's, were taken right out of high school vocational programs. The rest have been hired through yhe years either by word of mouth, relative, or what ever.

Why no young "white guys"? It is quite simple. They don't want to do this type of work, where you have to learn a highly skilled, and well paid trade, and also get dirty.

The trade we are in, a young man who can think on his feet and be willing to work can be making $80,000+ a year after about 3 to 4 years of training, with a nice benefit package.

We treat our men right because we invest a lot of time and effort into their education, so to speak.

You would think that would attract any young man. But the big catch is at the end of the day, you will be tired, and dirty.

A good nights sleep and a bath cures both.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
How many of you own or manage a Company?

I do. We are now up to 16 employees, we are a industrial repair facility.

I have one "Caucasian" working for me. He has been with us since 1978.

The rest of our men are all Hispanic, whom we have taught a skilled trade.

Three of the younger men, still in their 20's, were taken right out of high school vocational programs. The rest have been hired through yhe years either by word of mouth, relative, or what ever.

Why no young "white guys"? It is quite simple. They don't want to do this type of work, where you have to learn a highly skilled, and well paid trade, and also get dirty.

The trade we are in, a young man who can think on his feet and be willing to work can be making $80,000+ a year after about 3 to 4 years of training, with a nice benefit package.

We treat our men right because we invest a lot of time and effort into their education, so to speak.

You would think that would attract any young man. But the big catch is at the end of the day, you will be tired, and dirty.

A good nights sleep and a bath cures both. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Personally, I like the Mexican people, especially hard working, self sufficient types. Unfortunately, your small sample isn't the whole story. Look at the statistics I posted to get the overall impact.
Show me a bunch of white men dying to harvest cabbages, and maybe you have a point.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Show me a bunch of white men dying to harvest cabbages, and maybe you have a point. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
They would do it if the wages weren't artificially depressed by excess Mexican workers.