Hygeine how do you handle one thats bad

pjpenner's Avatar
I hate to keep sounding tough on this one. If she has bad hygeine I will ask for my money back. I had to do this once and she gave me half back. I tried to be as nice as possible but its hard to be totally nice while you saying you have bad odor. She reacted with anger as if how could I say that but I knew I was right and had said it without any malice. Originally Posted by burkalini
Your experience is the reason I won't directly address the issue with the offending provider. Instead, my practice is simply to get up, get dressed and politely excuse myself from the session.

I will not request any return of her fee. Nor will I provide her with an explanation of why I terminated and left the session. I do not owe her an explanation. The only thing I owe her is the donation we agreed upon and already set aside for her before our session began.

Nor will I post a bad review as that only leads to a pissing contest that neither party will win. In fact, both parties lose. I have found it much better to contact a few reputable, trusted and key hobby members (providers and hobbyists) that I know very well and trust in my area and relate my experience with the offending provider.

Under federal and state laws I am held accountable and responsible for my business transactions with customers. I expect those I do business with to be accountable and responsible, as well. Providers are no exception.
I never go to an appointment before cutting and stacking at least 3 rick of wood.
burkalini's Avatar
PJ I used to be that way when I first started hobbying. Now that I have done it for awhile I think I owe it to the provider to tell her right when it happens. I think it will have a better effect that way. I won't put that in her review. I will tell her personally. If it has no effect then she shouldn't be in this game anyway.
When you wash your car, please be sure you wash: the motor, the under carriage, the drive shaft, and the tailpipe. And always make sure you cover it when you put it in the garage.
macksback's Avatar
Do a double back flip and kick them out.
Do a double back flip and kick them out. Originally Posted by macksback
pyramider's Avatar
To paraphrase Big Jake, "If I need to take a shower, she is probably high maintenance."
When you wash your car, please be sure you wash: the motor, the under carriage, the drive shaft, and the tailpipe. And always make sure you cover it when you put it in the garage. Originally Posted by anova444

...and I expect to have the interior thoroughly vacuumed...

...and I expect to have the interior thoroughly vacuumed...

Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
You got it baby, lol.
DallasRain's Avatar
a clean penis is a sign of a successful man...lol..I know thats corny{I made it up}
I just don't understand how a lady doesn't notice when things are "off" with her lady business. Maybe I just check myself out more than some and have a very sensitive sense of smell. For example...antibiotics will kill the good bacteria down there so I ALWAYS take the appropriate measures to prevent any negative side effects of the medication.
a clean penis is a sign of a successful man... Originally Posted by DallasRain
You should patent that phrase!


ledge12's Avatar
Damn i always hit an industrial shower and shove a bar of soap up my ass to prevent swamp ass, and hose my mouth out with a bottle of scope before i partake.

if no time for that its the AMP with table shower
burkalini's Avatar
If you don't know if you stink or not you probably do. Friggin soap and water is cheap. Deodorant and a mild cologne is inexpensive. You are either investing in the session or your about to reap the rewards. FRIGGIN CLEAN EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!
If it is body odor I suggest a shower to get us both relaxed and more comfortable. Havent ran into any other hygenie problems such as breath.