To Hose or Not to Hose...

Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Sorry john if that wasn't you but it sounded like you (thanks dd)
I have a second home out in the county on 40 acres south of KC and joined our local volunteer fire dept. The annual fee was a bit less but felt I was being a responsible owner by joining. It was explained to me that protection was offered to all, but if you weren't a member you were billed an hourly fee for their services. I believe $250 an hour. The 5th year I didn't get a bill and forgot to pay. Months letter I received a somewhat rude letter stating that I would have no protection from here on out for nonpayment. I happened to be driving down for a weekend and would pass the fire station on the way fully intending to drop of a check. As I arrived, there right next door to the fire station was a home, burned to the ground, proudly displaying their fire protection member sign in their front yard. The sign was all that survived. I didn't leave that check!!
dirty dog's Avatar
[quote=kcmark;654377]Tell me Mr.1272 post...what fact is admit they were that fact isnt wrong. I live in the country...i serve at least 5 volunteer fire fighters a day at work....they all have said it was wrong...yet you support the law oh excuse me service fee...and you seem to avoid answering most questions put forth to you directly...which btw I didnt directly ask your opinion of anything...but I will now...if it was your family or family member as wd ask would you still say the same thing? Lets try another one for you if you were in an accident in the county and didnt live there and your car was on fire should they put it out....or provide EMERGENCY services since you didnt pay the sevice fee? quote]

Well Mr. Obviously cant read, I told you what I would have done in the first post. Learn to read.

"If you have noticed i havent said whether its a conservative, liberal, republican, democrat, or independent thing...its called being a decent human being..."

Wrong person I am not the one making it a political issue, direct that venom at the appropriate person.

Because some of you may not be able to read or refuse to read here again is a quote from my original post.

"The being said, I would have handled the situation different, I would have put out the fire and then charged him the fee, a penalty and the cost in man hours. Why this has become a political issue is stupid to me"

But that still does not make what the fire department did illegal, it may have been unethical, mean, etc. but not illegal. And to answer the question about whether I would feel differently if it had been me, of course I would be upset about it, but that would not mean it was not ultimately my responsibility if I did not pay the required fee. I take responsibility for my decisions and my actions, this is something more people in this country need to do, if you do something or neglect to do something and it blows up in your face its your responsibility, own it.
dirty dog's Avatar
I have a second home out in the county on 40 acres south of KC and joined our local volunteer fire dept. The annual fee was a bit less but felt I was being a responsible owner by joining. It was explained to me that protection was offered to all, but if you weren't a member you were billed an hourly fee for their services. I believe $250 an hour. The 5th year I didn't get a bill and forgot to pay. Months letter I received a somewhat rude letter stating that I would have no protection from here on out for nonpayment. I happened to be driving down for a weekend and would pass the fire station on the way fully intending to drop of a check. As I arrived, there right next door to the fire station was a home, burned to the ground, proudly displaying their fire protection member sign in their front yard. The sign was all that survived. I didn't leave that check!! Originally Posted by kc-max
Nothing like good advertising to promote a cause LOL.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
this thread has gone to long its dumb & fuck the firemen for not doing the right thing & fuck their chief they should have put it out & discussed that sorry ass bill later
wellendowed1911's Avatar
DD do you have a heart???? DD you keep living by "If" so and so did this then this what happened- that defense will not work buddy- heck if God made us all immortal we wouldn't have so many problems in this world. If people didn't buy cars we wouldn't have automobile accidents. If everyone ate fruits/vegetables we wouldn't have have obese people or many morbid conditions- i can go on and on DD, but the bottom line is we are humans and before you look at any political affiliation respect and have compassion for a person just as a decent human being. The man's house burned down and he lost everything- he was man who worked for a living- I don't know if he was republican/Democrat/Tea Party supporter/Liberterian but I do know he was a human being who had feelings and could have saved a good portion of his home over a freaking 75 dollar. And Yes there are a lot of right wing nuts who thinks he got what he deserved and that type of behavior is very sad. DD if republicans or right wing conservatives can go on their syndicated shows and openly state that the system worked- come mid year elections do you really think the Republican/Tea party cares about the average man?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I've already said they should have put out the fire, but consider this. If everyone knew they could have the service without paying the fee, no one would pay the fee. If no one pays the fee, no one would get the service. The same result would happen if everyone waited until their house was on fire to pay the fee.

Anyway, the ideal result would have been for them to put out the fire, and then send him a bill for the entire cost of fighting the fire. That would have saved the house, and been fair to those who paid the fee up front. This would be the same if you wrecked your car without car insurance. You could still get it fixed, but you would have to pay the bill.
dirty dog's Avatar
DD do you have a heart???? DD you keep living by "If" so and so did this then this what happened- that defense will not work buddy- heck if God made us all immortal we wouldn't have so many problems in this world. If people didn't buy cars we wouldn't have automobile accidents. If everyone ate fruits/vegetables we wouldn't have have obese people or many morbid conditions- i can go on and on DD, but the bottom line is we are humans and before you look at any political affiliation respect and have compassion for a person just as a decent human being. The man's house burned down and he lost everything- he was man who worked for a living- I don't know if he was republican/Democrat/Tea Party supporter/Liberterian but I do know he was a human being who had feelings and could have saved a good portion of his home over a freaking 75 dollar. And Yes there are a lot of right wing nuts who thinks he got what he deserved and that type of behavior is very sad. DD if republicans or right wing conservatives can go on their syndicated shows and openly state that the system worked- come mid year elections do you really think the Republican/Tea party cares about the average man? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The question is does anyone care what you think, I dont. Keep turning it into a political debate if you want, but in the real world people of boths side of the fence believe in the same thing as I, many people have not responded to this post because they feel the same way and dont want to be attacked for their beliefs. As COG just said, and as I have said before and if you could read you would know what I said but for the last time, I stated in the beginning that they should have put the fire out, but that still does not make his responsibility any less. COG coveyed my message completely and if you dont like it then we can agree to disagree, because I am not going to get into a political bullshit debate with you or any other desperate liberal.

The real sickness in this whole thing is your constant struggle to make this a political issue. Do you have a heart or are you just rying to make political points. Maybe you should examine your heart and motives before you question mine. You started this post off with a political attack and you have not stopped.