Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 - Do you beleive the "official cover story"?

LexusLover's Avatar
If you kept up with the news you would have known that a pro-Russian rebel boasted about shooting down the plane. Originally Posted by BigLouie
It was also reported that some phone calls were intercepted between Ukrainian and Russian with lots of profanity in the conversation and the bragging was removed from the site shortly afterwards.

As mentioned it was also reported early on that U.S. intelligence has identified the launch location with gps and the type of missile launched, which was not in the "rebel" inventory. U.S. intelligence was only verifying the information.

It would be in the "best interests" of the current administration (with its attitude) to blame it on the rebels, instead of the Russians, so the final U.S. intelligence report may not be consistent with early reporting in which it was stated that the launch was not on Ukrainian soil.
Putin can expect a harshly worded letter from our President and the International Community!
Sometime between golf rounds and fundraising events.
Your statements are logical but until something is found, one must keep an open mind to other possibilities, no matter how far fetched. Really, not one part from Flight 370 has ever been found, has it? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
How do you know? Somebody might have found a piece of insulation washed up on shore and tossed it in the garbage, not knowing what it was.

And if it crashed in the middle of the ocean, but remained relatively intact, why would you expect ANY of it to be found.

Think of the plane that crashed in the Hudson River in NY. It floated briefly before sinking next to the shore line. But if was intact except of an engine that got ripped off.

If it had sank more quicly, nothing would have been left behind.
How little you know. Remember that plane that went down in the center Atlantic about seven years ago? Completely disappeared, black box and all. They found the debris field months later floating in the Atlantic. Of course they knew pretty much where the plane went down so they could follow ocean currents but with flight 137 no one has a clue. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How little YOU know.

Read my comment above about the plane that crashed in the Hudson. It remained mostly intact and would have sank without a trace if there hadn't been 10,000 eyewitnesses.

It all depends on the angle and speed the plane hits the water at.

So, what angle and speed was the Malaysian flight moving at when it hit the waters of the Indian Ocean?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-18-2014, 07:47 AM
Putin can expect a harshly worded letter from our President and the International Community!
Sometime between golf rounds and fundraising events. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Wtf do you suggest peter breath?
boardman's Avatar
If you kept up with the news you would have known that a pro-Russian rebel boasted about shooting down the plane. Said that he had told everyone not to fly over their space. He posted it on his Facebook page. He was pretty boastful about it. That is until he found out it was a commercial jet. He is the guy who says he is the defense minister of some area of Ukraine that the pro-Russians hold.

Of source you are not going to believe a word because their is no link hand delivered to you. Here it is sense it seems you are totally incapable of looking up anything on your own. Originally Posted by BigLouie
So they mistook this

for this?

boardman's Avatar
Wtf do you suggest peter breath? Originally Posted by WTF
Not speaking for peter breath but I think we need to stay the fuck out of it and take whatever FAA, FBI and CIA agents we are certainly going to send and re-route them to protect our Southern Border.
I think we need to stay the fuck out of it Originally Posted by boardman
I agree that we should stay out of it at this point in time time and allow the investigative authorities to determine WTF happened.

Over reacting at this point in time is not in anyone's best interest!

Once an informed decision is made we can then determine the path going forward.
LexusLover's Avatar
Over reacting at this point in time is not in anyone's best interests! Originally Posted by bigtex
Neither is under reacting.

We can see daily the consequences of that in the middle east and at our borders.
LexusLover's Avatar
Wtf do you suggest peter breath? Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not sure how you know what his breath may smell like (and I doubt it does), and I really don't want to know, but ...

one suggestion I heard last night was to sign an executive order that no Russian planes (civilian or otherwise) enter the U.S. airspace until the it is determined TRUTHFULLY what happened and some live bodies be produced to stand trial for what ever offense or crime may have occurred.... plus additional monetary sanctions to dry up money sources to Russia. That could have happened yesterday.
LexusLover's Avatar
..and take whatever FAA, FBI and CIA agents we are certainly going to send ..... Originally Posted by boardman
... where would they (FAA and FBI) be sent, and when? (CIA already knows what happened.)
boardman's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah Putin would dearly love to have a third party there sorting out the details ...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
This is another serious misfortune for Malaysian Airlines and my heart goes out to them, but things just do not add up.

After enduring the first misfortune which is still a mystery to the world, you would think that management would instruct their entire fleet to be extra cautious.

. . . Flying over a war zone would be one of the first things I would caution the pilots against. Nevertheless, the plane was flying at 32,000 feet and it takes a very sophisticated missile system to hit such a remote target which I doubt the rebels have, but how does this assault benefit Russia? My money is on Russia pulling the trigger, but how could they be so stupid to invite world condemnation?

One really has to ponder the mentality of the Malaysian Airline executives ...

... that's two!

Best case scenarios .... nicad batteries and a war zone fly over.

Putin is already making is obligatory, denying phone calls.

How does one say in Russian: "The guilty dog barks first"?

"Виновных их работа." Originally Posted by LexusLover
My money is on Russia pulling the trigger, but how could they be so stupid to invite world condemnation? Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
My sentiments exactly.

On both counts!