For just plain getting down mainly in the P4P world
NIN-Closer -
Lords of Acid-I sit on Acid -
plus, for that one wench who knows this song is hers - yeah, you are a crazy bitch.
BuckCherry -
Now, if you are really wanting to have a love fest, then here are a few - for RW. They are slow, sensuous, and intense:
"Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's Symphony No. 9
"Carmina Burana" - Carl Orff
"Requiem in D Minor" - Mozart
"Serenade for Strings, Elegia, Larghetto Elegaico" - Tchaikovsky
"Nocturne No. 2 in E flat" - Chopin
"String quartet Number 8 in c minor" -Dmitri Shostkovich.
and one of my favorites
Ravel's Bolero -
A little more current ones when you feel like getting that funk soul brother going:
Marvin Gaye's Best -
Ole Barry White -
And for you Old Farts like me, who if you can still get it up while keeping it up the whole song, this beats Flight of the Bumblebee, trust me.
In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida -