Regulars - Why is it that some ladies can turn hundreds of tricks and still need to look for more?

That explains so much..... Originally Posted by Whispers
So do you actually want to explain what that means or are you just bumping threads to bump them so that way you can feel relevant today?
Bob McV's Avatar
So do you actually want to explain what that means or are you just bumping threads to bump them so that way you can feel relevant today? Originally Posted by a10bomb

My guess is this is a way to bump the thread with out having to put time and effort into continuing the discussion he started.

Based on his reply to my queries (For those that don't want to look back I'll repeat his deep and thoughtful response here: )
OK! Originally Posted by Whispers
I'ts rather genius. In an attempt to sway public opinion, by bumping the thread most new people will only read the first post, and move on. This way he doesn't have to waste any time that is better spent exploding the co-ed board in his drive to put people in their place as the self appointed local place putter.

Even though the burden of rebuttal lies with Whispers at this point. Due to the lack of formal observations, and for fear of a drop; let me restate my previous planks and queries :

1.) You state that these posts are "just questions" but recent statements show that most everything you post has an ulterior motive. So which is correct.

2.) You say you don't want to support "bad habits" You are buying a service, while you can have a moral stance on where you feel your money should go, is it your place to make assumptions based on ad counts and perceived expenditures to encourage others to follow you based on your hunch?

3.) You assert that no woman here can both be successful and social. Please expand on this as I am truly curious how having a job, any job makes you less than a whole person that may choose to seek social interaction with like minded people.

4.) You make sweeping statements like "what is wrong with her?" knowing the implication to that question is that something is wrong, and you are asking specifically what. If you had phrases it: "Is something wrong with her?" Then a case could be made that you and asking if she is following the best corse of action. I am guessing you already know all that and chose your words. This is where I call into question the "open mindedness" and over all sincerity of the post as a whole.

5.) When you topic title was restarted to you, you accused someone of spinning it. Please take a moment and define the boundaries of this topic.

In conclusion, I am still curious as to why you feel you know best how every woman here should run their business, and more curious still as to why you feel the need to point it out and make a public issue of it.
dbeartx's Avatar
who cares how many tricks anyone is pulling...
Whispers's Avatar
My guess is this is a way to bump the thread with out having to put time and effort into continuing the discussion he started.

Based on his reply to my queries (For those that don't want to look back I'll repeat his deep and thoughtful response here: )

I'ts rather genius. In an attempt to sway public opinion, by bumping the thread most new people will only read the first post, and move on. This way he doesn't have to waste any time that is better spent exploding the co-ed board in his drive to put people in their place as the self appointed local place putter.

Even though the burden of rebuttal lies with Whispers at this point. Due to the lack of formal observations, and for fear of a drop; let me restate my previous planks and queries :

1.) You state that these posts are "just questions" but recent statements show that most everything you post has an ulterior motive. So which is correct.

hmmmm..... All questions evolve from someplace right? But to start a thread and directly question why a specific provider might have a hundred plus reviews and always present as "desperate" would be a little too much...... I do know that ANYTHING I post gets read with a certain person in mind and her minions tend to throw her in the negative light... so I do not have to.....

If people learned to address the material and not the person... to set aside emotions there is a lot of discussion in a topic like this....

I just closed out a chat window after a conversation with a young lady where this topic came up an "how many is too many" was discussed.....

IMO a girl with 100+ reviews has established herself as a product with a reputation and anyone looking for an hour of services she is known to provide knows exactly what he can have.... From talking to others it seems to support the opinion that these attract more of the crazies and abusive ones as a result of having "dehumanized" oneself

2.) You say you don't want to support "bad habits" You are buying a service, while you can have a moral stance on where you feel your money should go, is it your place to make assumptions based on ad counts and perceived expenditures to encourage others to follow you based on your hunch?

Yes. I believe it is in everyone's best interests to pause and consider where the money is being spent..... There are no shortages of women that NEED to earn.... Why not be supportive of the single mom or girl in college vs the addict feeding a habit?

3.) You assert that no woman here can both be successful and social. Please expand on this as I am truly curious how having a job, any job makes you less than a whole person that may choose to seek social interaction with like minded people.

This is not about ANY women in ANY jobs... we are talking about hookers, prostitutes, whores and their interactions with Johns..... Look at some of the drones some of the ladies have as supporters and read what they say and look at what they know and it becomes pretty apparent that some of these guys are in daily contact with the women they have to pay to get laid by.... There are 1000s of hookers everyday running ads and being successful and never interacting on ECCIE with anyone.... The handful of those that do tend to bring drama along and the needy guys that cling to them perpetuate it.

4.) You make sweeping statements like "what is wrong with her?" knowing the implication to that question is that something is wrong, and you are asking specifically what.

I am not looking for the answer. I usually already KNOW the answer..... I want others to stop and think about it and open their eyes and see for themselves.

If you had phrases it: "Is something wrong with her?" Then a case could be made that you and asking if she is following the best course of action. I am guessing you already know all that and chose your words.

Yes. I do. I write most threads and first responses to the topics I start before I post them.... I think through how others will respond and script my responses ahead of time...

This is where I call into question the "open mindedness" and over all sincerity of the post as a whole.

5.) When you topic title was restarted to you, you accused someone of spinning it. Please take a moment and define the boundaries of this topic.

You could probably reword it as...

Take a moment to think about what you know.
"This is a lady that sees dozens of guys every month.... hundreds over the course of a year and makes a hell of a lot more money than I do. Yet she always seems desperate. She is always advertising and running threADs looking for more.... What is driving that need? What else do I know about her? Is she the subject of other controversies or issues? Is there a Pimp taking her money? Is there some addiction (could be shopping, shoes, something else?) fueling her burning through case faster than I make it? Do I really want to spend money and time with this person?"

But that would not fit.

In conclusion, I am still curious as to why you feel you know best how every woman here should run their business, and more curious still as to why you feel the need to point it out and make a public issue of it. Originally Posted by Bob McV

Where have I suggested in any of these threads how any woman should run their business?
much less how EVERY one should?

I am and have been a member of these communities for a lot of years and I feel a responsibility to point out things that I believe people should think about...
dbeartx's Avatar
"... I feel a responsibility to point out things that I believe people should think about..."
[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Whispers
I stay out of these, because I'm just here to get it on, but I think that pretty much sums it all up...

And though I think you've posted some things that are definitely worth thinking about, I also feel that the way it's been gone about caused more trouble, stirred up more incidents and should have been handled in a different way.

In you're attempt to "point out the things that I [you] believe people should think about" you've caused just as much damage to this community as the people that you are pointing fingers at.

You've made your case, you've stated your points, you're right on most everything, so move on, otherwise you're no better.
Whispers's Avatar
I stay out of these, because I'm just here to get it on, but I think that pretty much sums it all up...

And though I think you've posted some things that are definitely worth thinking about, I also feel that the way it's been gone about caused more trouble, stirred up more incidents and should have been handled in a different way.

In you're attempt to "point out the things that I [you] believe people should think about" you've caused just as much damage to this community as the people that you are pointing fingers at.

You've made your case, you've stated your points, you're right on most everything, so move on, otherwise you're no better. Originally Posted by dbeartx
. I have not made all the point's yet......

I have more.... SO MUCH MORE!
Bob McV's Avatar
Let me open with the way you respond embedded in my quote makes it more difficult to respond on a technical level. because the quote button will only quote what you say after my close quote tag. So I apologize for the delay as I make my response readable.

hmmmm..... All questions evolve from someplace right? But to start a thread and directly question why a specific provider might have a hundred plus reviews and always present as "desperate" would be a little too much...... I do know that ANYTHING I post gets read with a certain person in mind and her minions tend to throw her in the negative light... so I do not have to..... Originally Posted by Whispers
These are queries and comments from me, no one else and I assure you I am nobody minion. so we can now drop the pretense. You didn't list a specific woman, and am not responding as if you are.
I will comment that;
But to start a thread and directly question why a specific provider might have a hundred plus reviews and always present as "desperate" would be a little too much... Originally Posted by Whispers
Too close to infracting rule #1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others.
or rule #3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance
or rule #4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member
You have to ride the razors edge so that inferences are easily made and still claim a lack of specifics. Well done if I were in a position to do so I would give you a gaming the system badge!

If people learned to address the material and not the person... to set aside emotions there is a lot of discussion in a topic like this.... Originally Posted by Whispers
I feel I am doing just that. I look forward to continuing an enlightening discussion.

I just closed out a chat window after a conversation with a young lady where this topic came up an "how many is too many" was discussed.....

IMO a girl with 100+ reviews has established herself as a product with a reputation and anyone looking for an hour of services she is known to provide knows exactly what he can have....
Originally Posted by Whispers
So in a system where a woman can at best suggest, but not control a review count, you select 100 as the break point where she is a know quantity. Personally I think that can be established in far fewer reviews, so by default I'll agree 100 reviews should set the expectation. However that doesn't address ad count / ad frequency which is the point you started this thread with.

From talking to others it seems to support the opinion that these attract more of the crazies and abusive ones as a result of having "dehumanized" oneself Originally Posted by Whispers
Please elaborate I do not understand. Are you saying the higher the review count the more dehumanized a woman becomes? Does that not go against the very reason for a review site?

Yes. I believe it is in everyone's best interests to pause and consider where the money is being spent..... There are no shortages of women that NEED to earn.... Why not be supportive of the single mom or girl in college vs the addict feeding a habit? Originally Posted by Whispers
Fair enough, and if someone including myself seeks advice from you on a specific woman privately; I would take your thoughts on where the money is being spent into consideration. However, do you feel it is appropriately to proactively and without the ability to prove anything due to site rules, to speculate in general (this thread is speaking of women in general and not any one specially remember) that addiction feeding is happening based solely on the number of ads posted (and/or review count) ?

This is not about ANY women in ANY jobs... we are talking about hookers, prostitutes, whores and their interactions with Johns..... Originally Posted by Whispers
But hookers and Johns are people first. I hold there is nothing that sets this job apart from any other that would change the base human need for social interactions

Look at some of the drones some of the ladies have as supporters and read what they say and look at what they know and it becomes pretty apparent that some of these guys are in daily contact with the women they have to pay to get laid by.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Sir, by your own admission on this site here you are someone that you are in contact with women you have to pay to get laid. We are all in the same boat as far as that is concerned. However, I hold that the input and replies of Johns are outside the control of the women, and has little bearing on the question of how being a successful hooker preempts a desire to be socially active.

There are 1000s of hookers everyday running ads and being successful and never interacting on ECCIE with anyone.... The handful of those that do tend to bring drama along and the needy guys that cling to them perpetuate it. Originally Posted by Whispers
I would venture to guess that most of those 1000's of hookers find a social outlet elsewhere, that doesn't make the social aspects of this site less valid.

I'll admit that there are a few women here that are more prone to drama than others. I'll also point out at the time of this writing 12 of the 20 threads on the first page of San Antonio Co-ed are started by the same person; who oddly isn't a hooker but I would say the threads fall into the dramatic category.

I am not looking for the answer. I usually already KNOW the answer..... I want others to stop and think about it and open their eyes and see for themselves. Originally Posted by Whispers
So in a thread about all hooker that run too many ads and / or have too many reviews you know what is wrong with all of them? Is it the same answer or to you have a running tally sheet?

Yes. I do. I write most threads and first responses to the topics I start before I post them.... I think through how others will respond and script my responses ahead of time... Originally Posted by Whispers
That doesn't speak to premeditated motive or anything? But you assert earlier Sometimes a question just pops in my head that I want to ask..... Sure... It occurs while I think about something more specific....But in many cases it is just a question..... I hope you can see how this can be confusing for someone trying to follow along.

Take a moment to think about what you know.
"This is a lady that sees dozens of guys every month.... hundreds over the course of a year and makes a hell of a lot more money than I do. Yet she always seems desperate. She is always advertising and running threADs looking for more.... What is driving that need? What else do I know about her? Is she the subject of other controversies or issues? Is there a Pimp taking her money? Is there some addiction (could be shopping, shoes, something else?) fueling her burning through case faster than I make it? Do I really want to spend money and time with this person?"

But that would not fit.
Originally Posted by Whispers
Wait? now I am really confused is this thread about a specific woman? Or are you saying that all women that post "too many adds and/or have too many reviews are suspect. The wording This is a lady is what has me confused.

Where have I suggested in any of these threads how any woman should run their business? much less how EVERY one should? Originally Posted by Whispers
First, I am limiting any discussion on this topic to this thread alone, I will not and would request that neither you pull quotes from elsewhere in hopes that a warp of context can be used to polish a point.

In your opening post you state:
Then we have ladies that are turning HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS or tricks..... advertising constantly.... constantly looking for new ways to garner interest.....

What's wrong with her?

You are implying that she isn't running her business correctly because there is something wrong with her. if a woman kept her ad count and/or review total below your threshold whatever issues she has would be masked by the fact she is running her business acceptably by your standards.

I am and have been a member of these communities for a lot of years and I feel a responsibility to point out things that I believe people should think about... Originally Posted by Whispers
You are well within the guidelines of the site to do so. As I feel my queries and comments are as well. You have been more less granted free reign on this forum, and that is none of my concern, but in this thread something that I feel your assertions and assumptions are at best not well defined and at worst simply wrong. I will engage in a dialogue so that maybe we can come to an agreeable resolution, or if nothing else admit that we are at a stand off and that we can't agree that there isn't a direct link to ad count, review count, addiction, social interaction, and the perception of drama.
DirkDigglerSanAntonio's Avatar
. I have not made all the point's yet......

I have more.... SO MUCH MORE! Originally Posted by Whispers
So do I... But then again I am just an idiot "making" things up.

I will STOP my crusade against Slave (as the stooges put it) WHEN she either publicly apologizes to those she has hurt, scared, and bullied, and addresses all the things she hides from and tries to deflect. She will also need to apologize to EVERYONE here (including those poor fools still defending her) for me to be done.

I agree with the rumblings, this shit needs to stop, and it most definitely will stop with me when she stands up and owns the things she has done, or leaves this community.

But I hate to say it... but here goes "TOLD YOU SO". (directed to all the numbskulls who wanted to fight with my information just for the sake of fighting) Nobody wanted to listen when I made my points starting months ago. Everyone was too busy with conspiracy theories about who I am, to see the truth. There are several providers here who know exactly who I am, and they know I am a teddy bear BCD, and always tip WELL. Hang in there ladies and gents we are almost there, almost to a point where we can have our board back to what we are all REALLY here for. Much respect to the ladies who are starting to grow a spine and bring the truth to the table.
Whispers's Avatar

So in a system where a woman can at best suggest, but not control a review count, you select 100 as the break point where she is a know quantity.

No. You are trying to pin me to some absolutes and that is not the point..... 50, 100 250.... The number is only relevant to the person that has paused to think about it.

Personally I think that can be established in far fewer reviews, so by default I'll agree 100 reviews should set the expectation. However that doesn't address ad count / ad frequency which is the point you started this thread with.

Please elaborate I do not understand. Are you saying the higher the review count the more dehumanized a woman becomes? Does that not go against the very reason for a review site?

The review site has no stated purpose to make this a "feeling" type process..... It exists to exchange information... to review performances.... everything that has evolved along the way doesn't change that basic concept..

I believe and others have shared similar opinions with me that there comes a point in a ladies "career" where she becomes less attractive to a type of client that is trying to keep the illusion alive that this interaction he has can in some way be real..... that it is more difficult to be looked at as a an attractive and interested partner and the fact that the guy is #7 for the day or Number 50 for the month reduces her to 140lbs and 3 available holes....

The simple fact of the large number (relevant only to the person considering) reduces her to a willing hole and not a desirable and attractive lady that he can wrap his thoughts around the "What if" that invades the thoughts of too many,.

Fair enough, and if someone including myself seeks advice from you on a specific woman privately; I would take your thoughts on where the money is being spent into consideration. However, do you feel it is appropriately to proactively and without the ability to prove anything due to site rules, to speculate in general (this thread is speaking of women in general and not any one specially remember) that addiction feeding is happening based solely on the number of ads posted (and/or review count) ?

NO.... Not SOLELY on the number of ads being run...... A Large number of reviews, a high volume of activity, conversations with others about back to back sessions, ads, threADs and the desperation for some to cry out for attention.....

is a reason to consider it...... Then when you start to consider what you can see.. the type of vehicle she might drive... the quality of the incall... the way she presents herself..... if she is turning tricks in her home what she has to SHOW for the money she makes......

well it adds more reason to consider it all.... Addiction drives MANY ladies into this line of work and traps them here.....

I know most really could care less and do not want to know...... Which surprises me as outwardly there is so much effort by some to want to treat a lady here with utmost respect and always err on her side but really do not WANT to know if tehre is something really wrong that has her here....

But hookers and Johns are people first. I hold there is nothing that sets this job apart from any other that would change the base human need for social interactions

You are very wrong in that assumptionbut very few women will openly tell you that as it might mean they no longer have a chance to earn your money. Or someone else like you....

Sir, by your own admission on this site here you are someone that you are in contact with women you have to pay to get laid.

LOL! I am in contact with a number of ladies in Austin and San Antonio and many of them share the same thing in common. I've never seen them and have no desire to do so. My money is not in play and our interacions are not financially based.... I do not seek out their attention or interaction. Most of my days with providers over the last 4 years has been limited to traveling girls....

We are all in the same boat as far as that is concerned. However, I hold that the input and replies of Johns are outside the control of the women, and has little bearing on the question of how being a successful hooker preempts a desire to be socially active.

The difference here in our belief's is that YOU believe they WANT social interaction with the men here..... My position is that they interact here with men seeking money.... nothing more..If they truly wanted something more it would occur off the boards....

I would venture to guess that most of those 1000's of hookers find a social outlet elsewhere, that doesn't make the social aspects of this site less valid.

I'll admit that there are a few women here that are more prone to drama than others. I'll also point out at the time of this writing 12 of the 20 threads on the first page of San Antonio Co-ed are started by the same person; who oddly isn't a hooker but I would say the threads fall into the dramatic category.

Drama draws people in more so than jokes and for whatever strange reason more so than pictures....... When I write something I want it to be read... I take advantage of the medium and provide what people WANT to read in order to be read.....

So in a thread about all hooker that run too many ads and / or have too many reviews you know what is wrong with all of them? Is it the same answer or to you have a running tally sheet?

No... I believe it to be the same answer.

That doesn't speak to premeditated motive or anything? But you assert earlier Sometimes a question just pops in my head that I want to ask..... Sure... It occurs while I think about something more specific....But in many cases it is just a question..... I hope you can see how this can be confusing for someone trying to follow along.

Wait? now I am really confused is this thread about a specific woman? Or are you saying that all women that post "too many adds and/or have too many reviews are suspect. The wording This is a lady is what has me confused.

you are trying to apply the wording to be about a specific lady in my thoughts..... Apply it to any lady anyone might be considering and make those that person's thoughts.....

First, I am limiting any discussion on this topic to this thread alone, I will not and would request that neither you pull quotes from elsewhere in hopes that a warp of context can be used to polish a point.

In your opening post you state:
Then we have ladies that are turning HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS or tricks..... advertising constantly.... constantly looking for new ways to garner interest.....

What's wrong with her?

You are implying that she isn't running her business correctly because there is something wrong with her.

No... I am implying that may truly BE something wrong with HER.... Something that is fueling the need for the cash....

if a woman kept her ad count and/or review total below your threshold whatever issues she has would be masked by the fact she is running her business acceptably by your standards.

LOL... It's not about her business....

You are well within the guidelines of the site to do so. As I feel my queries and comments are as well. You have been more less granted free reign on this forum,

I have no more or less "reign" on this forum than any other member.......

and that is none of my concern, but in this thread something that I feel your assertions and assumptions are at best not well defined and at worst simply wrong. I will engage in a dialogue so that maybe we can come to an agreeable resolution, or if nothing else admit that we are at a stand off and that we can't agree that there isn't a direct link to ad count, review count, addiction, social interaction, and the perception of drama. Originally Posted by Bob McV
there is no "perception of drama"..... It does not matter what I post here..... someone will come along and personalize it and add the drama....
there is no "perception of drama"..... It does not matter what I post here..... someone will come along and personalize it and add the drama.... Originally Posted by Whispers
NO!... No one would Ever do that here...
Chincho's Avatar
I've watched the turnover on these boards for 14 years now.

People come.

People Go.....

or so it seems......

A lot of guys find one or two and settle in with them and simply see them over and over... I have a buddy with a lady he refers to as his "hobby wife" that he sees the same night every week for years now....

I've seen a lot of ladies get here..... make a splash... find her regulars and disappear to seldom be seen again except when she pops back up to run an ad and see a few more because one of her regulars moved away.

Then we have ladies that are turning HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS or tricks..... advertising constantly.... constantly looking for new ways to garner interest.....

On the surface you think WOW! All these people adore her.....

But then you have to wonder.....

What's wrong with her?

Why is it that SallySue popped up 3 months ago and is never around anymore but you still hear about her from time to time and know she is active but BettyBoop has an ad or post in your face every day?

Sure.... There is a handful of guys that see her a lot and rave....... But there are hundreds that saw her once and never repeated? That tells me far more than the ones that rave about her.

What is it about that kind of woman that there is never a shortage of desperation in her presence? What drives the need for all that money that she cannot escape into a peaceful quiet existence where all her needs are met by regulars? Originally Posted by Whispers
With the this whole snatch thread thing that's just blown up it does make you wonder. Why are some desperate enough to continue to break the rules is the service or product so bad it's hard to keep enough repeat clients or what?
Some guys are not one woman guys. Is nit always our fault. I had same client for 5 years. But others come and go. Just the way it is I guess
I've watched the turnover on these boards for 14 years now.

People come.

People Go.....

or so it seems......

A lot of guys find one or two and settle in with them and simply see them over and over... I have a buddy with a lady he refers to as his "hobby wife" that he sees the same night every week for years now....

I've seen a lot of ladies get here..... make a splash... find her regulars and disappear to seldom be seen again except when she pops back up to run an ad and see a few more because one of her regulars moved away.

Then we have ladies that are turning HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS or tricks..... advertising constantly.... constantly looking for new ways to garner interest.....

On the surface you think WOW! All these people adore her.....

But then you have to wonder.....

What's wrong with her?

Why is it that SallySue popped up 3 months ago and is never around anymore but you still hear about her from time to time and know she is active but BettyBoop has an ad or post in your face every day?

Sure.... There is a handful of guys that see her a lot and rave....... But there are hundreds that saw her once and never repeated? That tells me far more than the ones that rave about her.

What is it about that kind of woman that there is never a shortage of desperation in her presence? What drives the need for all that money that she cannot escape into a peaceful quiet existence where all her needs are met by regulars? Originally Posted by Whispers
If you really need to ask the personally need help and should seek another hobby. Try fishing...oh have!
Very well put CamilleFox69, that's MBA business for y'all!

and the most important P of all. Originally Posted by Daktari
MBA - like people that go to school and take 8 years of their life to complete an actual education.. MBA for sure. Why spend that money when you can get that education by sleeping with 100s of men. Specialy with life changing p$%^y ..well said!!