She comes back when she comes back.... Smh
FYI - I love when ppl talk about me because obviously I'm doing something right. I think it was National Car Rental??? They got free advertisement from Kevin Hart when they put a bus driver on leave for going take a picture with him. Well it worked because that woman got her job back. And National Car rental got free advertisement.
I'm sure Alyssa is enjoying the free advertisement y'all giving her. Keeping her purse stacked. I'm sure a lot other providers want this type of free advertising so they don't have to start their on threAD....
Originally Posted by Hotboyz
Keeping her pursed stacked so she can hand it over to her pimp..yeah you gents keep on spreading the wealth. lmfao
You give Alyssa plenty free advertisement yourself.
FYI people can be talking about you and it doesn't always mean your doing something right.
When people are talking about you for outing others, compiling personal information and using that information to hurt peoples real lives well you might be doing something wrong.