Ozombie almost got away with it...

We don't have a "melting pot" you shithead, thanks to left wing progressives like yourself (and the 9th Circuit assholes).

You show your ignorance more and more every day.

Ninth Circuit Affirms That It’s Illegal To Wear American Flag Shirts On Cinco De Mayo

America is now a salad bowl (cultural pluralism you uneducated retard), not the melting pot we use to be.

You are living in the past you tired out left wing idiot...,,,get the fuck out of Texas, go live in the land of Berkeley with your fellow anti-Americans.

No shithead. A melting pot like the USA.

If you don't know the difference, then you deserve all the shit they put in your porridge. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Are you fucking serious, whir-LIE-turd? What the fuck does that post have to do with anything? Cinco de Mayo?

You are wrong in so many levels regarding your "salad bowl" claim. You apparently can't see past a single generation. Short sighted. Narrow minded. And yes, ignorant.

I'll betcha I've been in Texas longer than you, Whir-LIE-turd. So if a you don't like it, you can fucking go back to Mississippi.
..I'll betcha I've been in Texas longer than you, Whir-LIE-turd. So if a you don't like it, you can fucking go back to Mississippi. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'll betcha you've used Texas' Mental Health Care System longer than Whirly also...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'll betcha you've used Texas' Mental Health Care System longer than Whirly also... Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't think Assup has used it near enough!