Congressional Republicans Urging Military Officers to Rebel Against Obama

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-26-2014, 09:52 PM
Deflecting doesn't alter the fact that you are the most depraved hypocrite in this forum, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. Every fuckin' thing you accuse someone else of doing, you are guilty of doing multiple times, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM!!! Exhibit A of your hypocrisy, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM:

BTW, you won the original and SUBSEQUENT title, and you continue to distinguish yourself as being the genuine and most correct recipient, you Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Melt, IB, melt! Melt, IB, melt! Lots of great, classy comments you pathetic sick man. No one on here comes close to you as a liar.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Melt, IB, melt! Melt, IB, melt! Lots of great, classy comments you pathetic sick man. No one on here comes close to you as a liar. Originally Posted by Old-T
Zany threw some smelly chum in the water and guess what shows up? Old-THUMPER quoting his favorite reach around buddy: the Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM!!!!
Melt, IB, melt! Melt, IB, melt! Lots of great, classy comments you pathetic sick man. No one on here comes close to you as a liar. Originally Posted by Old-T

Yep. It's clear IB is a Toy Soldier because real soldiers while some may disagree with the POTUS they don't lose control of their emotions like IB clearly has. He's gone off the farm and is a Benedict Arnold. He's lying about service to the country in a shameless attempt to make himself look half-way decent. He wants me to respect his service but he doesn't respect the service of the POTUS who likely faces more death threats as the "BLACK" commander in chief of the free world. Obama serving his country is a sacrifice as he realizes the large amount of people that want to see him dead but he still serves as a real American patriot unlike all of his part time fake american republican detractors and many of their rabid GOP supporters.
rioseco's Avatar
Jew lawyer?

lovely. I take back all the nice things I said about your magnificent tits! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Timpage do bes havin some nice titts,
I mean for a liberal commie-tranny that is ! Shame he donts bes a natural ho tho cuz us far rights dont sats well with dat homo stuffs.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Yep. It's clear IB is a Toy Soldier because real soldiers while some may disagree with the POTUS they don't lose control of their emotions like IB clearly has. He's gone off the farm and is a Benedict Arnold. He's lying about service to the country in a shameless attempt to make himself look half-way decent. He wants me to respect his service but he doesn't respect the service of the POTUS who likely faces more death threats as the "BLACK" commander in chief of the free world. Obama serving his country is a sacrifice as he realizes the large amount of people that want to see him dead but he still serves as a real American patriot unlike all of his part time fake american republican detractors and many of their rabid GOP supporters. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Hey Zitsibar, the very article you referenced conceded President Obama hasn't received more threats than the previous two Presidents before him.
What's with all the fake patriotism?
If you, as a military officer, cannot abide the policies of the Civilian Commander in Chief, then the only options are to serve the best you can, or resign.

Any other course of action would be out of the bounds of honorable service.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If you, as a military officer, cannot abide the policies of the Civilian Commander in Chief, then the only options are to serve the best you can, or resign.

Any other course of action would be out of the bounds of honorable service. Originally Posted by Jackie S

We've got a few dishonorable dipshits around here... No chit!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yep. It's clear IB is a Toy Soldier because real soldiers while some may disagree with the POTUS they don't lose control of their emotions like IB clearly has. He's gone off the farm and is a Benedict Arnold. He's lying about service to the country in a shameless attempt to make himself look half-way decent. He wants me to respect his service but he doesn't respect the service of the POTUS who likely faces more death threats as the "BLACK" commander in chief of the free world. Obama serving his country is a sacrifice as he realizes the large amount of people that want to see him dead but he still serves as a real American patriot unlike all of his part time fake american republican detractors and many of their rabid GOP supporters. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Actually, zany, either you're a confused dumb-ass, lib-retarded fuck or you're a bald face liar (and the odds on it being the latter are overwhelming). I told you to put your Kool Aid sotted ass on the line in some foreign war for your "Hope and CHANGE" Odumbo the way I did for W. Now enjoy all of that "CHANGE" you voted for by putting your dim-retarded ass on the line, or STFU, you hypocritical jackass!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-29-2014, 02:05 PM
If you, as a military officer, cannot abide the policies of the Civilian Commander in Chief, then the only options are to serve the best you can, or resign.

Any other course of action would be out of the bounds of honorable service. Originally Posted by Jackie S
+1. It really is not that hard to understand.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-29-2014, 02:12 PM
Zany threw some smelly chum in the water and guess what shows up? Old-THUMPER quoting his favorite reach around buddy: the Hitler-worshiping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM!!!! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Actually, zany, either you're a confused dumb-ass, lib-retarded fuck or you're a bald face liar (and the odds on it being the latter are overwhelming). I told you to put your Kool Aid sotted ass on the line in some foreign war for your "Hope and CHANGE" Odumbo the way I did for W. Now enjoy all of that "CHANGE" you voted for by putting your dim-retarded ass on the line, or STFU, you hypocritical jackass!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
oh look! Even more typical IB vomit. No wonder you never leave the basement. With a mouth like that in public you could expect to have your jaw broken in 30 min or less. You really can not help yourself, can you? If I post, you must react. If you can't intelligently argue, you turn on the sewer spigot. If that does not work you lie and rant and ignore the question and change the topic.

The second quote down in the link. It's Colonel Jigs Martin's answer to General Scott when the General ask him if he knew who Judas was.
If you, as a military officer, cannot abide the policies of the Civilian Commander in Chief, then the only options are to serve the best you can, or resign.

Any other course of action would be out of the bounds of honorable service. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They can hope he is a one term president.
I B Hankering's Avatar
oh look! Even more typical IB vomit. No wonder you never leave the basement. With a mouth like that in public you could expect to have your jaw broken in 30 min or less. You really can not help yourself, can you? If I post, you must react. If you can't intelligently argue, you turn on the sewer spigot. If that does not work you lie and rant and ignore the question and change the topic. Originally Posted by Old-T
You're a delusional moron for believing you post anything that requires "intelligent rebuttal", Old-THIMPER. There's nothing but unintelligent drivel in your posts, Old-THUMPER. Hence, it remains only to highlight and ridicule the nonsense you DO post, Old-THUMPER.
He is urging them to resign in protest if they disagree with the President. It is an honorable thing to do. How is that urging rebellion? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You stupid motherfucker. It is the furthest thing from an honorable thing to do and your inability to understand that pretty much tells me everything I need to know about you.

When you sign, you swear an oath and, it ain't to Obama or whoever the current resident of the White House is...... You are truly a clueless piece of shit.