Family Dynasty Controlling The Economy?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Misquote me all you want, CaptainAntiBright. Your sounding more stupid than ever. Which is quite an accomplishment for you. I can't wait to see what you make up for me next, and then rip it apart in your own, special confused way.
Misquote me all you want, CaptainAntiBright. Your [sic -- LMAO!! Just a suggestion: If you're going to constantly hurl gratuitous insults of other people's intelligence, it's smart to make it look like you have at least mastered basic elementary school rules of stuff like usage, grammar, and spelling.] sounding more stupid than ever. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
All of this is just too fucking funny!

However, it's certainly understandable that someone with limited levels of education, intelligence, and skills might yearn for a money-free "utopian" society that's as non-meritocratic as possible, isn't it?

Professor, you'd better take another look. I didn't "misquote" you in any way, shape, or form. I simply quoted and addressed your exact words.

You're the one who introduced John Lennon's Imagine to the discussion, apparently holding its message up as an ideal to which humanity should strive. Have you ever actually listened to the song? Even Lennon was reported many years ago to have said that its lyrics are essentially straight up Communist Manifesto-style stuff. You do realize that, do you not? (OK, probably not.) The world envisioned by Lennon is one devoid of class divisions and concerns over material possessions -- that is, communism, although presumably without the ruthless dictatorship and all the killing. Yeah, just the sort of vision offered by Ron Paul and Gary Johnson!

Professor, I didn't realize that you're such a principled anti-capitalist. Although I admittedly haven't paid much attention to this forum in recent months, I always thought you were an uber-libertarian, perhaps in the vein of Murray Rothbard or Ludwig von Mises. Little did I know that you're simpatico with 1960s-era Berkeley counterculture types. A free-spirited hippie from back in the day might have greeted your utterances with the simple, "Far out, man!"

I must admit that it's hilarious to see a fatuous, conspiracy-mongering loon attack someone who served up a summary demolition job on some of his most harebrained declarations by suggesting that anyone who debunks his silly B.S. must be writing in a "confused" way.

Perhaps it's funnier still to see a self-proclaimed "libertarian" espouse the principle tenets of communism!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you are going to continue to misquote and distort my posts, go ahead. It simply displays your own ignorance and arrogance. You may now play with yourself, CaptainMoonBat.
If you are going to continue to misquote and distort my posts, go ahead. It simply displays your own ignorance and arrogance. You may now play with yourself, CaptainMoonBat. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're the one whose ignorance is on stark display here, ex-professor, and that's nothing new.

You rarely even make the slightest effort to understand the fatuousness that you post. Remember the first of those marathon FairTax threads, wherein you made nary an effort to understand much of anything about the subject under discussion? All you were able to do was lash out and hurl insults. Were it not for that practice, you wouldn't have had much to say. Insecure much?

I don't think anyone will be waiting with bated breath for you to post anything cogent or intelligent, that's for sure!

And I sure got a few good laughs when you falsely claimed to have taught university-level economics, despite complete unfamiliarity with concepts that have been taught to undergrad students for several generations.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Post the FairTax thread, Captain MoonBat. Let everyone see for themselves who the ignorant one is. But keep trying. It's fun to watch.
OK, professor. You asked for it -- you got it!

It's a very long thread, so I'm not sure how many people are likely to read the whole thing. But it's easy enough to scroll through and see which posts actually contain substance, and I think there's enough information to give anyone curious about the FairTax a fairly decent overview.

It's also easy enough to figure out who understands economic and taxation issues, and who does not.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks, PrivateMoonBat. I hope everyone reads it. You're kind of a WPF on RedBull.
Thanks, PrivateMoonBat. You're welcome, ConfusedOldGoofball! I hope everyone reads it. You're kind of a WPF on RedBull. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What the fuck is a "WPF?" Although I make an effort to stay reasonably well-informed, that's an abbreviation I don't recall ever having seen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Read the FairTax thread, folks. Captain MoonBat thinks it shows how smart he is. And WPF, tell the not-so-bright Cap'n who you are.
Read the FairTax thread, folks. Captain MoonBat thinks it shows how smart he is. And WPF, tell the not-so-bright Cap'n who you are. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's not a matter of how smart I (or anyone else) is, ex-professor.

It's simply a matter of what's a reasonably thought out viewpoint, and what's disingenuous nonsense. Over the last few years, many people have been curious about the FairTax, and wondered whether it might be a viable alternative. So it's definitely worth discussing -- but, of course, it helps to actually make an effort to understand the issues. Some people seem to forget that last point.

By the way, ex-professor, which one of us was it that first began accusing the other of posting something stupid in the FairTax thread? Who started all the gratuitous name-calling?

Please refresh my memory.