Who does the wrong back? The ones who praise him?FIFY
I don't think
. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Reagan was charismatic to a bunch of Monkeys. If you followed his rhetoric you'd have seen he was an empty suit. Originally Posted by WDF
Former Carter has always followed presidential protocol with all presidents that came after him: Offer advice in private, remain an ambassador for our country assisting the sitting president with visits abroad for dignitary /non-political events, provide connections to the former leader's network BUT never saying anything negative in public. All that is done to help the country remain in solidarity behind our national leaders.It is quite telling, indeed. President Obama (some refer to him as Odumbo, though I do not) must have really let President Carter down. I blame Obama!
That is until this president and only during this second term. He has tried to continue to stay low-key even for President Obama but now former president Carter feels the magnitude of the mess that this administration has created has risen above remaining quiet. Very telling indeed given that former president Carter is a democratic party member like President Obama.
Former presidents GHWBush and GWBush have remained quiet too but it is easier to understand as they are from the opposing party and will continue to let the incumbent bury himself. But former president Carter is a democrat and it is killing him to see what is going on. Originally Posted by CS25
Yeah, I appreciate the effort but I'm not sure what his agenda is.He is still struggling to be relevant.
Probably better if he just kept his whore mouth shut like the rest of them. Originally Posted by boardman