No, why would I tell them who I am. (because you were the one who threatened to drive over here and kick my ass, how were you going to accomplish that if you didn't find out if I was there) I didn't know if the black Lincoln truck in front of the store was yours or the little convertible was yours so I thought maybe one of them were so I will stop in. (stopping in and walking around in undercover mode will not get in a position to kick my ass) It is good enough me knowing who you are (really why you going to stalk me like you do escorts who come by your house.). It would be foolish of me to reveal myself to you. As if I would just come out everyday and pronounce "hey here I am come look at me." (well if you really wanted to accomplish your goal of kicking my ass you would kind of had to do that, you didn't tell me you just wanted to stalk my employee and think yourself tough because you came to the store incognito, LOL you need help) No, not at all. It was more important for me to know who you are rather than you know who I am. (really, I don't care if you know who I am, do you want my dirty underwear to wear on your head why you watch the store from the parking lot.
I was born but it wasn't yesterday.
Originally Posted by Jayhawker
LOL you crack me up, you think by driving by the store you know WHO I am, LOL, you know what my employee looks like and you have done nothing to change my opinion of you, your still a chump, Like I said bitch boy, if you want to put me to the test then please stop in and do so, by lurking in the store and watching me and my employees from afar isn't really going to paint the picture that your anything but a pussy, if fact it really screams pussy.