Scott Walker - off my list as potential GOP Presidential candidate

LexusLover's Avatar
OK, two things! Originally Posted by WTF
LexusLover's Avatar
Political parties pay people lots of money to figure out a way to spin something like that into an advantage. Originally Posted by boardman
And I wasn't suggesting you were "stupid" for suggesting it.

It is simply one of those "issues" that can, and will, backfire, and the effect will be more than noise. A lot of people enjoy going to church to worship. Not many people like to sit there and be called "bad" people and "sinners."

Just like earlier this week. The race card has been overplayed. It backfired!
Re-read what I wrote illiterate; I NEVER said you said anything about Walker being a good or bad president.

But you did say something more elitist and stupid = "in this day and age, you have to have the (college degree) credentials"

You got a link to a study, report, or legitimate political analysis that supports this idiocy.

Ok. again, so who is your current best/top contender? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Responding to me by telling me that "governors make good presidents" clearly indicates you thought I was attacking Walker's ability to be president. How else are we supposed to take that statement?

And there is nothing "elitist" about saying someone has to have credentials for a job. That happens in every walk of life, not just politics.

A link to a study? Seriously? Do you really think that dropping out of the last semester of college won't give a college graduate opponent an edge over Walker in at least some voters minds? You need a study to prove that, mope?

The only idiocy is that you actually asked for a link to demonstrate the obvious.

And I do not have a current best/top contender for 2016.

And if I did, I wouldn't state it because that will sidetrack this thread into a debate about the other candidate's merits.

This thread is about a perceived weakness that Scott Walker has.
I happen to think you make a lot of good points in this and other threads and we think quite a bit alike.

It's tough not to be an asshole in this environment but you come across as petulant much of the time. I'd like to see you rise above the dipshittery as much as possible. I think you'd be more persuasive in the long run. Originally Posted by boardman
I understand what you are saying. And early on, I tried. Really, I tried.

But, like Michael Corleone said, "Every time I tried to get out, they pulled me BACK IN."

"They" being JDBarleycorn, Whirligay, Zanzibar, and a few others.

They eventually drag you down to their level.
LexusLover's Avatar
...there is nothing "elitist" about saying someone has to have credentials for a job. #1

This thread is about a perceived weakness that Scott Walker has.#2 Originally Posted by ExNYer
#1: The "credentials" are in the Constitution and amendments.
#2: Who has "perceived" his lack of a four-year degree as a "weakness"?

After the goof-ball we have been experiencing the last six years, who is setting any "standards" for "credentials" .... a law degree (with no transcript to show) and a bad golf swing .... with "community organizer" on his resume. Good Job of "vetting"!
#1: The "credentials" are in the Constitution and amendments. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Those are minimum requirements, not credentials.

My bartender meets the minimum requirements. I'm not going to vote for him either.

#2: Who has "perceived" his lack of a four-year degree as a "weakness"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Really? Are you actually going to play that game? Another guy who needs proof of the obvious?

In this land of 320 million, you don't think a whole bunch of people will think that is a weakness? Do you want a list of their names or something? Addresses, too?

BTW, "keep" "up" "the" "good" "work" "with" "all" "the" "meaningless" "quotation" "marks".
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-07-2014, 10:25 AM
I understand what you are saying. And early on, I tried. Really, I tried.

But, like Michael Corleone said, "Every time I tried to get out, they pulled me BACK IN."

"They" being JDBarleycorn, Whirligay, Zanzibar, and a few others.

They eventually drag you down to their level. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Kinda hard to come to a shit throwing contest and not get your hands dirty!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Absent any other substantive factor, the only difference between the education level of someone who has dropped out of college in their final semester and someone who has graduated from college is a few extra days of classes and a piece of paper. Truman wasn't a bad president.

Edit to say I just saw this:

Looks like Carson is in. Let the scrutiny begin. Originally Posted by boardman

Come on Boardman, you gotta be kidding.

What are the skills and being able to work under the pressure that is required of a top Brain Surgeon compared to those of being able to read a TelePrompter and lie at the same time, or being married to Bill Clinton.
boardman's Avatar
I understand what you are saying. And early on, I tried. Really, I tried.

But, like Michael Corleone said, "Every time I tried to get out, they pulled me BACK IN."

"They" being JDBarleycorn, Whirligay, Zanzibar, and a few others.

They eventually drag you down to their level. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I get it.

Keep your head up...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-07-2014, 10:49 AM
I get it.

Keep your head up... Originally Posted by boardman
You two don't sell yourself can sling shit with the best of"em!

This is just a dumb thread; the OP falsely claims not having a college degree won't fly with the electorate.

He ignores the 3 elections that Walker won in a very liberal state; against a well funded nationally organized opposition. Walker won all 3 elections by margins that exceed the OP's mythical 1%.

This thread is based on a dumb premise, with no substantiation other than his claim that "credentials" count when seeking employment. No shit sherlock, can you get anymore sophomoric. Walker has credentials. But for some dumb/elitist reason the OP thinks the bachelor's degree is the holy grail of electability.
boardman's Avatar
Seems the thread got diverted from "electability" to "qualified".

While they obviously aren't necessarily mutually exclusive I agree that electability seems to be of more and more concern to voters so it's played up or down as needed by the respective parties. That's what you get with a largely uninformed voter base.

Scott Walker is qualified no doubt. Does his record allow him to overcome the shit storm coming his way because he dropped out of college is the question.

It's infinitely more difficult for a Republican candidate to overcome that than it is for a Democrat. Democrats and Republicans alike have come to expect deception, misleading and outright lying from Democrats. Republicans always want to point out that they take the high road and are honest so when one gets caught in a lie or it can be spun that they may be less than honest they are excoriated. Not that Walker has lied about his record but the coming implications about why he dropped out will give the Democrats ammunition to show him in an unfavorable light.
boardman's Avatar
You two don't sell yourself can sling shit with the best of"em!

. Originally Posted by WTF
It's well-known among Wisconsinites that their embattled, union-busting governor, Republican Scott Walker, never graduated from college.
MotherJones - Feb-2011

Seems the thread got diverted from "electability" to "qualified".

Scott Walker is qualified no doubt. Does his record allow him to overcome the shit storm coming his way because he dropped out of college is the question.

.... Originally Posted by boardman
Are you even aware of the "shit storms" Walker faced in Wisconsin and prevailed....3 times in 4 years?

The "no college degree" has been thrown at Walker in everyone of those prior elections. It never stuck.

It is laughable that the OP says he won't support Walker because he can't win. But not as laughable as the OP voting for Obama as a protest vote against the GOP - in 2012 !!!