
offshoredrilling's Avatar
That would be awesome

Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
time will tell

trisha does bring up a good point from a gals point of view
O ik... if so all the girls should be able to comment on are reveiws if we have new availability or expanded menu options.. seems messed up that a handler has pa and can advertise in the men's room or on reveiws.... just sayen!! Originally Posted by trisha.xxx .countrygirl
And if so any one who wants to post an add in the men's lounge for me contact me through pm and I will give u my schedule and any updated info to post lol. ; ) Originally Posted by trisha.xxx .countrygirl
how much does it pay girl? just askin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Lol.. all depends on how much promoting u do.. I would expect my men's room thread to stay active and updated on a regular basis!! Plus u would need to keep me posted on the men's room responses in order for me to plan accordingly plus I expect reviews to b written promoting me and also coments on my reviews with updated info Lol Originally Posted by trisha.xxx .countrygirl
2nd thought one time free
PM me the ad and I will post it
ahem taint pic/s would be nice in a ML AD just sayin

mmmmm maybe I can kick start OSD's Odd Jobs for Hooks. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Yes any further info will have to be though pm.. but once I decide I will make mention In my add who to contact and that their is a thread in men's lounge with further info ; ) Originally Posted by trisha.xxx .countrygirl
dam it, she going ta make compete for the job Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
shhhhh Paulie,
that's the White Knight Job

wounder if today's NO review gets WK'ed so we can have another ROC coed thread Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
lol.. my life be so much easier if I did!!! See above post, I am in search of a promotional partner to increase advertising.. a thread in the men's lounge with my availability and menu would def increase my over all exposure to the gentleman with pa.. marketing is key!!!! ; ) Originally Posted by trisha.xxx .countrygirl
In reading all of these posts, I would say that OSD is a good choice. Nobody will even know it isn't Trish posting as the spelling , grammar, and diction is equally abominable.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

strippers are smarter by FM
or is that "and"
KaylaRyder's Avatar
In reading all of these posts, I would say that OSD is a good choice. Nobody will even know it isn't Trish posting as the spelling , grammar, and diction is equally abominable. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
Hey that wasnt very nice!! My spelling, grammer and diction isn't perfect but I wouldn't say its abominable lol
KaylaRyder's Avatar
And I still want to post as me.... I just want someone to advertise for me where I'm not aloud lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
maybe I can talk someone into another round of "who wrote that ad".
all I need is a gal that will post ads I wrote.
MajorHands's Avatar
Just now read this thread...then went back and reviewed the Forum and Advertising Guideline thread...again. As far as I can tell, I'm in compliance, and I've conducted myself in a manner consistent with the purpose and direction of the Forum.

There is no agency....no quid pro quo...no profiting...

I am confused about those who seem to have their backs up about this...the motivation really escapes me.

As for the "gateway client" conceit...not sure how you would construe that to indicate any kind of agency status. I really thought I'd explained fairly clearly. A few providers (and Tony from EENY back in the day) would recommend me as one of, if not the first clients to see on an appt. With me, they know the appt will be pretty easy and generally pleasant. They know that I will respect the provider as a person...be courteous and easy going...they know that most of the appt will be me giving her a full body massage, and that during play, I am a pleaser with most of my focus on the enjoyment of the provider. It makes for a rather soft landing for any woman who elects to jump off the fence and enter this world.....the big takeaway here is that I am the gateway client.

OSD...there is the "methinks though doth protest too much!" school of thought that might suggest your strong aversion to dick pics masks a deeper fear...or maybe a deeper yearning...not that there's anything wrong with that.

While I will cop to being a source of advice on the hobby and best practices from time to time, and there are some girls I've encouraged to seek VP status who just won't take the leap (or those that tried it and got burned who won't come back), I am nowhere close to being anyone's "handler".

Trisha...as for promoters...it looks like you have had over 40 of them so far...kudos! As you probably know...there is a section of every review where your promoters (clients) can provide a longer narrative on the appt and cans say (or show) things that are not allowed in the public sections of the Forum. The ROS and MR have the same access, so you have plenty of access through your reviews to the MR audience.

In this case...there seemed to be relevant info about an event a provider was holding that didn't seem suitable for a public ad, and could only be disclosed in the MR. It's a pretty clear parallel to the ROS paradigm and fair game under the guidelines.

For instance...if you shared some explicit pics with a client and he had your permission, there's nothing wrong with the client posting them in your reviews ROS...or in the MR.

There is probably more to rebut, but I'm bushed....hope this helps put folks' minds at ease.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Just now read this thread...then went back and reviewed the Forum and Advertising Guideline thread...again. As far as I can tell, I'm in compliance, and I've conducted myself in a manner consistent with the purpose and direction of the Forum.

There is no agency....no quid pro quo...no profiting...

I am confused about those who seem to have their backs up about this...the motivation really escapes me.

As for the "gateway client" conceit...not sure how you would construe that to indicate any kind of agency status. I really thought I'd explained fairly clearly. A few providers (and Tony from EENY back in the day) would recommend me as one of, if not the first clients to see on an appt. With me, they know the appt will be pretty easy and generally pleasant. They know that I will respect the provider as a person...be courteous and easy going...they know that most of the appt will be me giving her a full body massage, and that during play, I am a pleaser with most of my focus on the enjoyment of the provider. It makes for a rather soft landing for any woman who elects to jump off the fence and enter this world.....the big takeaway here is that I am the gateway client.

OSD...there is the "methinks though doth protest too much!" school of thought that might suggest your strong aversion to dick pics masks a deeper fear...or maybe a deeper yearning...not that there's anything wrong with that.

While I will cop to being a source of advice on the hobby and best practices from time to time, and there are some girls I've encouraged to seek VP status who just won't take the leap (or those that tried it and got burned who won't come back), I am nowhere close to being anyone's "handler".

Trisha...as for promoters...it looks like you have had over 40 of them so far...kudos! As you probably know...there is a section of every review where your promoters (clients) can provide a longer narrative on the appt and cans say (or show) things that are not allowed in the public sections of the Forum. The ROS and MR have the same access, so you have plenty of access through your reviews to the MR audience.

In this case...there seemed to be relevant info about an event a provider was holding that didn't seem suitable for a public ad, and could only be disclosed in the MR. It's a pretty clear parallel to the ROS paradigm and fair game under the guidelines.

For instance...if you shared some explicit pics with a client and he had your permission, there's nothing wrong with the client posting them in your reviews ROS...or in the MR.

There is probably more to rebut, but I'm bushed....hope this helps put folks' minds at ease. Originally Posted by MajorHands
thank you hun for your explanation, I commend you for not profiting or expecting favors, that shows a lot about your character that you are willing to help out of the goodness of your heart.. So I guess Im searching for a client just like you.. I am flattered that u noticed my reviews, I try lol.. ; )
KaylaRyder's Avatar
OSD...I recall seeing another comment u made in this thread? where did it go? am I mistaken lol
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Then why do I keep hearing rumors of prophet, or trying to do so at one time in the not long ago past?

To tell the truth I have no prof. As no one male or female seems to wants to stand up. Nothing being said on board some seem to talk. Comes up on the board, puff they gone LOL. So I back off in a bit of time the the runors start yet again.

So I'm stuck with are some trying to fuck with both of us, or are they afraid of you. Or maybe just do not want to fall list of getting new to them gals, gals wanting the work.

I deleted a post after post #18, I thought it cheap shot with above statement as of no prof.
Hi Trish- You're far too modest with your stellar reviews, to quote Bogie from Casablanca in speaking to Victor Lazlo: "we all try, you succeed". And if there was only one person to take any hobby related advise from, to learn from and extrapolate the true meaning of the unique dynamic existing between the girls and the boys in this hobby in this area, that person is Major Hands. By the way, aloud is correctly spelled: allowed. And in a friendly way, yes, your english, grammar, syntax and overall writing skills are abominable, nee, non-existent. So please get the add writing help that you seek, and kudos to you in realizing it. But more importantly, please keep on keeping on, with the great job that you're doing in your obvious area of expertise..aloha.
MajorHands's Avatar
Then why do I keep hearing rumors of prophet, or trying to do so at one time in the not long ago past?

To tell the truth I have no prof. As no one male or female seems to wants to stand up. Nothing being said on board some seem to talk. Comes up on the board, puff they gone LOL. So I back off in a bit of time the the runors start yet again.

So I'm stuck with are some trying to fuck with both of us, or are they afraid of you. Or maybe just do not want to fall list of getting new to them gals, gals wanting the work. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You alluded to this stuff recently in the Elsa review and I was going to reply there, but between not wanting to use my phone for what was likely to be a lengthy reply and not wanting to take that review into unrelated waters, I held off, but this thread certainly suits, and I have a moment to use my computer).

My first instinct then was to just throw the "bullshit" flag on the field (we will use a couple football metaphors here, so bear with me.) as just one more example of your penchant for taking a rumor/accusation and presenting it as a fact. (For both our sakes, we'll just step around that particular rabbit hole, if you don't mind)

I really try to be fair about the various stuff that gets said on here, and you seemed to be referencing things said to you, so I had to stop and think what might have been said and how you would construe that to suggest I had ever been functioning as an agency or had profited from my adventures.

So, after careful reflection, I can recognize that at times I have been like a ball carrier heading for the end zone along the sidelines...I'm absolutely certain that however close I got to the line, Instant Replay would always show some green turf between my feet and the out of bounds (agency) line.

With that said, I had to consider if anything you heard that was actually true (vs lies for which any rebuttal is essentially useless) might have lead to your beliefs in this matter.

So, let's get our terms straight: To me, an agency (or someone acting as one) profits from the hobby without being the provider of those services. Basically, the agency earns a cut of the profits the provider(s) garner. Bottom line, they make money off the business.

Hobbying and stripping, while both falling under the heading of sex work are not the same thing, I hope you will agree, despite some minor overlap (this will make sense in a second).

There is only one scenario where I did make money that involved providers, but was not within the Hobby, which is helping out with bachelor/stag parties. A few times over the years I have acted as the "bouncer/security" for the occasional bachelor/stag party. Basically, the security works for the dancers to make sure everybody behaves and to scoop up and divide tips between the dancers (and in a few fortunate instances, providing a demo on making a girl squirt - does that make me a provider too?).

It's typical that the dancers will tip out the security guy something like 10% of their earnings. I think I've done 7 of these in the last 4 years and at least one if not all of the dancers were also (or became) providers. Also, as much I like the tipping convention, it's voluntary and some have exceeded the 10% and some have opted not to tip at all...it's a courtesy that is much appreciated, but not demanded.

Gas: like you, I have been the transportation for a provider or two and been reimbursed for gas (some of these rides were two round trips out of the county, and as far as Buffalo or Syracuse).

Loans: I have loaned providers the funds to get their in calls from time to time and for the most part have been paid back (although in one instance, a provider still owes me about 1K and remains a work in progress, lol). Getting reimbursed is not making a profit.

So there have been scenarios where funds have been in the mix, but aside from the stripping stuff, no profit - no agency.

Speaking of agencies...remember the ACES Agency....? Neither does anyone else. A couple years ago, Chloe had the idea to start an agency and she talked to me about helping her start it up. We even came up with a name: ACES, but I never really saw myself being able to actually function in any kind of way that justify crossing that line, and I never did.

Also, remember that pseudo bordello where all the dancers hung out for private dances with options for extras? Oh yeah, that never happened either. A fellow hobbyist who is also close the the stripping world pitched an idea for a place like that, which could have been pretty cool. I gave some suggestions and would have helped find dancers who would be interested, but despite discussing a cut for me, I just couldn't go there. I did suggest that it would be reasonable for me to only be required to provide the dancer's donation to play (nothing to the house), which seemed a reasonable compromise and not rising to the agency level. Of course this is all hypothetical because it never happened.

So, I'll grant that there might have been some smoke, but never a fire. I'm not opposed to agencies per se, and others have talked about them from time to time. For me, the only reason to ever enter that realm would be to provide more ability to hobby, lol! Still, it's just not something I could see myself doing.

As for people being afraid of me...come on, you've met me. Do you really think that's likely? I'm just not that guy. It's not that I'm harmless, but rather that I'm too much of a nice guy.

One consistent fact is that I care about all the various providers and dancer/providers I've helped over the years (or in some cases have no hard feelings). I'd help any of them again if they asked. I don't hold grudges.

Some of these women have become dear friends away from all this. So, the notion that I would ever interfere with the business of any of these women is ludicrous. There are only a couple hobbyists I would ever actively steer these ladies away from and that is because I believe they are potentially dangerous, and would not want them stalked out of the hobby, or otherwise hurt...and that's no Joke....just sayin'
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I have a couple observations:

This thread is a question to the Mods, who have ignored it. Now I'm not surprised DD can't produce anything of value, but still disappointed in the other three.

Anyone doing a demo of golden showers and calling it squirting is suspicious to me. That's usually urine and I'd be cautious about somebody selling it as ejaculate.

What happened on the third day of AA orgies? Sounds like the experience went downhill.

Without saying it is sinister, I've heard MH post about not having hobby funds. So it would seem strange that someone even occasionally short on funds would so often loan to providers and be ok with being stiffed for a grand. So maybe there is something to all this, maybe not, but it is unreasonable to recruit, befriend, and promote strippers and hookers and not expect some suspicion of being part of the business.
MajorHands's Avatar
I have a couple observations:

This thread is a question to the Mods, who have ignored it. Now I'm not surprised DD can't produce anything of value, but still disappointed in the other three.

Anyone doing a demo of golden showers and calling it squirting is suspicious to me. That's usually urine and I'd be cautious about somebody selling it as ejaculate.

I hear you...I've seen women who were clearly (pardon the pun) peeing and I've seen women genuinely squirt/gush (including one who had done the latter and then tried the former, lol!). The demo thing was just an attempt to keep things lively and there are no guarantees that it will even work.

What happened on the third day of AA orgies? Sounds like the experience went downhill.

It does...I'm really glad I went the first night. There's a whole backstory behind this whole episode that is kind of sweet, but would probably be dismissed so will spare you. It would explain a lot, but doesn't really change the experiences for the participants...just glad I got the right night.

Without saying it is sinister, I've heard MH post about not having hobby funds. So it would seem strange that someone even occasionally short on funds would so often loan to providers and be ok with being stiffed for a grand. So maybe there is something to all this, maybe not, but it is unreasonable to recruit, befriend, and promote strippers and hookers and not expect some suspicion of being part of the business.

Well, nothing exists in absolute terms or in a fixed point of time...I have had a fairly constant and modest influx of hobby budget over the years and the occasional windfall (see my review of 8 appts in one week two summers ago). The 1 K accumulated over a few years and has had some ebb and flow
to include a big chunk when I was helping to keep her housed in a hotel when she was displaced from her home. She tried to keep me caught up, but it slipped away from her. I've known her for several years and I care about her...she's whittled it down a bit and may or may not get caught up. I remain hopeful, but loans are not currently on the table for her.

I have clearly loaned to others (as evidenced by yesterday/today with Renee), sometimes creating a real crunch for me personally, but have been repaid. If someone doesn't follow through, then that aspect of the friendship similarly goes away.

It's fair to say that I have taken on some stuff for these women that most hobbyists wouldn't consider in a million years.

For instance: I got asked by Ms. 1K to give her a ride to an appt. I'd had plans to grab dinner with the Mrs and couldn't, but that fell through, so I said ok. While en route to said appt, I got word that dinner was back on, and had no excuse not to show up...so guess who brought his provider friend to the same restaurant where he had dinner with his wife, then finally took to her appt? Seriously, that was almost NB level of crazy.

As for the efforts to develop connections with these dancer/providers, there's a certain amount of self interest certainly. If they didn't provide, I wouldn't get to enjoy that aspect of their company, and I generally like that part!

I can't blame people for having suspicions, but I can expect them to inquire directly and aside from taking the responses at face value, to consider what would seem to be a fair amount of independent verification from other hobbyists who have come to know me personally...as well as what I'd like to think has been a pretty good track record of posting thoughtful and respectful replies. There are those who have some agenda or another (carrying the water of a provider with a feud...maybe some resentment for the friendship with a particular provider...and Lord knows what else...there's not much use reasoning with them). For others, I remain hopeful.

Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Comments in red.
By the way, aloud is correctly spelled: allowed. And in a friendly way, yes, your english, grammar, syntax and overall writing skills are abominable, nee, non-existent. So please get the add writing help that you seek, and kudos to you in realizing it. Originally Posted by whatitiz13
In a friendly way of course :
If you are going to be the spelling police, you should learn the difference between ad and add. ADD is short for ADDition. AD is short for ADvertisement.